This app was mentioned in 17 comments, with an average of 4.94 upvotes
I saw your comment that you have a phone. Use the Anchor app. It's all you need. Easy to record, basic editing and sound effects included, and distributes for you. It's what I use.
Well if it's for producing then I guess this app will work:
there are some ads around the internet about this app, Anchor from Spotify, the listed features claim you can also edit the podcats in the app, also it has more tools around creating a podcast
If by your question you're asking for a hobby revolving around all those things, you could definitely start a podcast, a youtube channel or even a blog about the research you do around true crime and psychology.
There are plenty or podcasting apps that could get you started even on your phone, so its a cheap hobby to get into. You could start a twitch as well and live stream your research about a criminal and then post said research on a dedicated day.
But Anchor IS the Spotify branded app. Spotify does not have another podcasting hosting app users can go to. So if that's the strategy it's happening any time soon. And typically a company doesn't acquire another company with 600,000 users, THEN build an internal app that does the same thing, then shut down the highly successful app which has a 42% market share, to try to get users to migrate to their own app.
Have you listened to the last season of Startup? This is where Alex Blumberg of Gimlet talks about being acquired by Spotify. Daniel Ek asks Alex, what would you do if Gimlet had more money? And Alex is like, uh we'd hire more celebs for voice acting, produce more shows. And Daniel's like no no no. Like what if you had $1 billion more?
Ek obviously has a huge desire to be a centerpiece of podcasting. By acquiring the top studios outright, and getting exclusive licenses on some of the biggest podcasts. AND to top it all off, Spotify (through Anchor) hosts 667,000 podcasts which is 42% of all podcasts. I think they will continue to try to buy up the podcast space and not start shutting stuff down to absorb users into some app that doesn't exist yet.
Suggestion - use some sort of podcast app and record it.
If your Chromebook is capable of running Android apps, I'd recommend using Anchor , it's one of the easiest way to make a podcast,
they have a website too, where you can record there, choose your input etc in case your Chromebook doesn't support Android apps. And once you're ready to publish, Anchor publishes your podcast on Apple Podcasts/iTunes, Google Play Music, Pocket Casts, Overcast etc.
My sister and I just started a podcast using Anchor, called Tech-nically Speaking, I used my Mac and a Blue Yeti mic to record, recorded and edited in Audacity, then uploaded it to Anchor.
d'après ces photos il est certain que Google présente le concurrent de Periscope Youtube connect mardi 4 octobre à 18h.
en accusant un journaliste de 01net de revendre des produits high-tech comme le font les blogueurs américains avec les GoPro Korben a confirmé ce qu'il était.
le journaliste de 01net avait tourné ça.
youtube Go pour télécharger offline les vidéos gratuitement contrairement à youtube Red ne sera dispo qu'en Inde (il faut un numéro indien) :-( si un redditeur habite dans la + grande démocratie du monde & pourra uploader l'APK...
Pour les fans de médias audio l'appli Anchor a été présentée à Paris Web hier
Le replay de la conférence sera dispo sur
et peut-être avant sur
Sinon Anchor est enfin dispo sur Android
après avoir été dispo sur iPhone/iPad.
une imprimante 3D à 169€ qui a l'air d'être la copie de la prusa i3 de eMotiontech qui est à 550€.
NowTechTV a testé l'appli HouseParty (conversation entre amis sur smartphone à 8 maximum développée par l'ancien concurrent de Periscope Meerkat)
Voici ce qu'il en dit :
pas assez d’outils de modération (bloquer un utilisateur ne le kick pas de la conversation).
"c’est bien pour faire des conversations avec des potes, mais pas plus".
Et Blab revient sur ce créneau...
J'ajouterai que c'est très dangereux quant à la vie privée car la caméra se déclenche dès qu'on lance l'appli (on a quand même une confirmation) et les notifications n'arrêtent pas de sonner dès qu'un ami se connecte.
A ne pas installer / à désinstaller donc.
un nouveau prisonnier d'une maison d'arret s'est filmé avec Periscope dans sa cellule.
est-ce qu'il y a des redditeurs qui vont à la conférence Blend Web Mix à Lyon les 2 & 3 novembre.
A priori il y a encore des places "early bird" & on peut demander un code promo :
cc /u/kyro38
I haven't done any podcasting myself, but I know that Anchor is meant for this.
Anchor by Anchor FM Inc.
Yo app utilize gara ketaho.
Taylor never bothered to read the contracts she signed, but that has caught up with her. Thanks to signing a contract with a coffee shop, she's been serving as a urinal to cover for the broken one for over a month!
She also finds out that every one of her orifices, crevices, and every inch of her flesh is open for use by the managers, staff, and customers of the coffee shop, as they see fit. She can't even get out of it by quitting, because the contract stipulates that she is still responsible for all "extraneous duties" if she quits, but without pay.
Her boss, Coulter, is ready to finally fuck her ass, but she's never been fucked there before. Will she be able to take it? Her contract says she better.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Also on Soundcloud:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
If you want to leave a voice message for the podcast (either your own reading of a caption/story or something else) you can do that through the app:
To leave voice comments you’ll have to follow these directions:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Other stories by Broken Arrow:
This was advertised on a podcast I listen to.
Try this, is cool ;)