This app was mentioned in 11 comments, with an average of 7.18 upvotes
Just wanted to share an app called Breathe that draws out exactly this to your settings, so you can follow it if you're struggling!
So, I don't actually know if this will help you or not. It doesn't really match what you're asking, but I stumbled across it and remembered this seeing this post. Perhaps it'll actually do you one better than just a counter.
this app is excellent for guided breathing
Hey, fellow PTSD sufferer here. Theres some neurological and cognitive overlapping symptoms between PTSD and TBI. I just want to suggest some things to add to your healing regimen in case you dont know about them yet:
Vitamin and herb therapy. Why is this helpful? PTSD causes EOS, excessive oxidative stress, in the hippocampus (long term memory storage) and prefrontal cortex (ability to be present and integrate new information in a calm neutral way) and nervous systems. Adding certain vitamins, herbs, and foods with tons of antioxidants is very good to heal the brain and nervous systems.
Also, cut out refined sugar and artificial sweeteners as they cause neural inflammation and impair the immune system from healing your nervous systems and brain. Cut out fried foods for the same reason.
Somatic Experiencing therapy. Heres a video by Dr. Peter Levine the founder of Somatic Experiencing therspy helping a soldier recover from PTSD, TBI and "tourette"-like jerking and twitching
TRE, trauma releasing exercises. Heres a video of a Navy SEAL doing the exercises to help heal his body from PTSD:
Another veteran practicing TRE:
An explanation of TRE:
Deminstration of TRE for beginners:
Trauma researcher Besser van der Kolk on how yoga heals trauma in the body: (I highly suggest yin yoga. Its the slowest calmest yoga that gets deep into fascia, which is chronically tense in those with PTSD).
Yoga for PTSD:
And lastly, Tapping is a somatic therapy sort of mixed with CBT techniques that has been proven to reduce cortisol levels in those with PTSD. If you find yourself yawning, sighing, shivering, moaning, crying, getting hot flashes, chills, goosebumps, or even suddenly getting hungry again..thats great news! It means your fight/flight/freeze is shutting off and your parasympathetic nervous system is coming back online (the rest and digest one).
Everything Im sharing I am personally practicing to heal my body and mind from PTSD. The brain is neuroplastic. It can absolutely heal if we stop consuming things that prevent it from healing, and do body based therapies like Somatic Experiencing and TRE, to slowly and safely decompress the overwhelm in the nervous systems.
Also, rest is important for these exercises to integrate and repair your body and brain. Dont be surprised if after you pracrice some TRE for 30mins or an hour, you feel super tired. You might have weird dreams too as your brain processes old memories and emotions. If you like, you can track them by keeping a dream journal and documenting your emotions but its not necessary. Trust your gut if you want to. Eat well, follow a non inflammatory diet if you can, drink tons of water, and practice deep breathing.
If youre having a panic attack try deep relaxing breathing like the 8-7-4 technique:
If youre having a dissociative episode, try Wim Hof breathing:
If you like visuals to help ground, I suggest this simple app called Breathe by Jatra where you set the timing and your breath follows a ball going up and down:
Oh also, AUM chanting stimulates the vagus nerve which helps shut off the fight/flight/freeze nervous system. This chanting is very grounding and relaxing.
Also, theres whistle meditation which if you whitle loud enough you can feel the sound vibrating your skull inside which stimulates the cranial nerves and sinuses. I do this to help migraines and panic attacks.
Think of healing as a pendulum pattern. Feel, release, rest. Repeat. Go into the pain feel it and release a little at a time, like cracking pressure valve, and the spend the next day actively resting so the body has time to integrate the healing and repair what needs to be repaired. Be kind to yourself and go slow but go consistent with your healing. Happy healing 💙🤜
Just found something similar for free called Breathe for Android. You follow a waveform which I find quite nice.
I am a high-strung, anxious, chronic sufferer of depression, self-loathing type. I have found a few things that make a noticeable difference to my feeling of well-being.
Oh my god, so much yoga.
But seriously, I started yoga regularly a few years ago when I was having a particularly difficult year at work. I felt so much less overall stress, it was amazing. But then I stopped going because I tend to self-sabotage.
I just restarted practicing yoga about 1.5 months ago. I bought an unlimited monthly pass from Groupon to my local hot yoga studio and used the shit out of it. I then bought another unlimited pass. I go about 5 times per week. I make sure to throw in a stretching and relaxation class occasionally to really focus on quiet meditation and mindfulness.
If you're interested but not ready to venture out to a studio, a great place to start is Yoga with Adriene on youtube.
Also, I use my employee health benefits to the max every year. My extended health covers professional therapy, naturopathy, and registered massage therapy. My workplace also has an employee assistance program that will connect you with a therapist, dietitian, and other resources. If you have any extended health benefits available to you, use them!!
Other random things that have helped me to feel better in trying times: hot bubble baths, deep breathing (this app is great), going for a walk on my lunch break, and EMDR. don't know if this link will work but it's by Jantra
If you're on Android, the Breathe app is amazing!
I find the Breathe app on Android really useful.