This app was mentioned in 14 comments, with an average of 1.79 upvotes
Tienes Android o iPhone?
Android: Copay
iOS: Bread
Lo importante es que tu manejes tus private keys. No necesariamente lo tienes que dejar en una PC.
Con Copay/Bread se te presenta una frase de 12 o 24 palabras y solo tienes que copiarla y guardarla en un lugar seguro. Esa frase contiene tus bitcoins. Es una de las maneras mas seguras de guardar cryptomonedas. Si se te pierde el teléfono nadie tendrá acceso a tus BTC (con pass en telefono y app) y podrás recuperar tu dinero con la frase de 12/24 palabras en cualquier otra cartera.
Here is how to import watch-only Trezor account into Copay wallet on iOS:
You should update the screenshots of the app on Google Play :)
Thanks for the report. That seems to be an issue related to the Android version, and the app framework failing to initialize. We will try reproduce it on the same device. I have created an issue here: if you want to track the progress, please subscribe to it.
UPDATE: it is already fixed in version v1.6.2 . It was affecting Android versions 4.1/4.2. The apk is submitted to the Play Store and will be there soon. The apk is also available at:
thanks again for your detailed description.
UPDATE2: Version 1.6.2 is already on the play store:
There is no ”enrollment" for Bitcoin. You don't need to sign up on a website. If you did then you must have been using a third party service that requires trust. BTC is not bad, people not researching enough to know what they're doing is what hurts Crypto. There are going to be scams with anything involving money. BTC itself has never been hacked and it's basically impossible. Sights that people sign up for that claim to sell or invest BTC for you are what get hacked. I'd encourage you to do some more research.
Here are some wallets that generate a random private key (basically the key to your BTC vault) that only you know and have access to. These are for storage. Copay: also on IOS Coinomi
Here's a link to Coinbase. This is an exchange where you can purchase BTC and other currencies. DO NOT STORE YOUR CRYPTO HERE. They are a hackable 3rd party and they do not give you access to the private key to the wallet they provide. Purchase here but move to one of the other wallets linked above. I believe they are also on IOS. Other exchanges include Binance and Bitfinex I think.
Listen to Andreas Antanapolus on YouTube. He's a crypto currency genius and he is very respected in the space.
Look further into it and be smart with your money. It's no different than any other money. You wouldn't give it to someone that you're not sure you can trust. Research, read reviews, learn the ins and outs, and find out who's reputable. I think it's worth it because the technology is not going away. It's only going to grow.
please read the FAQ:
> what wallet should I get I just got some BTC from Coinbase don't know what app to deposit to
the easiest way is probably a BTC wallet app for your phone. Assuming you haven't rooted or jailbroken your phone, it should be more secure than a PC and easier to use than a paper wallet.
I'd recommend the Copay wallet:
if you've bought a large amount, you might want to look into buying a hardware wallet or securely creating and using a paper wallet
For wallets, try Electrum for desktop and Copay for Android or for iOS.
Still looking for a good multisig wallet? Perhaps this one is what you will like:
some reviews:
Let me know what you think.
Cabe destacar que la versión beta de la billetera de Bitpay, "Copay", ya permite usar Bitcoin Cash. Para los usuarios que quieran probarla, para sistemas Android basta con descargar el monedero, convertirse en "beta tester" y luego actualizar la app. Los usuarios de iOS tienen que enviarles un correo a ****. Lastimosamente esta versión beta no parece estar disponible esta versión (aún) para Windows, por lo que habrá que esperar que la próxima versión oficial sea lanzada para acceder a esta característica.
Take a look at CoPay and don't use the Nicehash wallet, for smaller amounts the will charge 7% ...
For securing your long-term funds (aka Savings/Bank Account) I would definitively go for the Hardware wallet solution. Ledger Nano or Ledger HW.1 are good cheap choices. (Trezor also very good option). Hardware wallets give you protection from infected machines and still easy access.
For your daily options I would just use your phone and use a wallet like Copay or MyCelium. This offers enough security for any amount you would put in your regular wallet as cash. Your hardware wallets are easy enough to access to transfer money to your phone for spending out, or just use them to make payment online on your pc.
Author: usrn
>Due to the following comments of [/u/giszmo](/u/giszmo) (mycelium) I'm now moving my mobile wallet to Bitpay's Copay wallet:
>Meh. I start considering this DOS attacks against people that actually do something for Bitcoin. I worried for GMaxwell's mental health for the bullshit he's getting thrown at and yesterday I didn't get much done because I was drawn into reddit fights all day. I guess I should stop explaining lengthy stuff to agents provocateurs. Over and out.
>If the majority decides that increasing the 21million coins was a good idea, I would probably stay on the minority chain, with a changed POW algorithm. No, you can't democratically destroy Bitcoin.
>Mycelium does not run any classic/xt/unlimited nodes but would support increasing the blocksize. In reality, if things get really nasty, we would probably have to support both chains, so users can consciously spend their coins on both sides of the fork.
>I'm also disappointed that he showcased a complete lack of understanding of how bitcoin works and what implications a crippled blocksize limit have.
>Link to Copay
>I would welcome suggestions for other good android wallets too