This app was mentioned in 24 comments, with an average of 2.54 upvotes
Being honest I think I'd rather play the official Elder Sign app instead. Even if it's not breaking any laws, playing a ripoff would make me feel bit uncomfortable. Plus, I hate being spammed with ads.
The app is not a game, it's a digital companion. Playing without physical components is pretty much impossible since the app does not track figurine placement. I guess you could literally draw in a notebook but I'm not sure about that. Plus, I'm quite confident you don't remember all the cards. Especially all the backs of spells, conditions or health and sanity damage cards.
I'd suggest playing a different Arkham Files games instead. There is a pretty nice app for Elder Sign. Or maybe get Arkham Horror LCG?
Elder Sign has a mobile game! It's pretty damn close to tabletop game play, too. I have Betrayal at House on the Hill, it's one of my all time faves.
No shit I think the closest thing I've come to a good HPL game is Elder Sign: Omens. While it is based on the board game I think it has a couple of differences. The game is ridiculously hard and you rarely ever get the upper hand. You'll lose the game way more than you'll win.
I agree that a good HPL game will have to come close to Amnesia. The stories always describe the monsters as too terrible to comprehend. I hope it's not too cheesy though. Like some sort of crazy end of the game boss fight where the player shoots Cthulu for 30 minutes (without losing sanity)
Elder Sign might hit the spot. It can be played solo by controlling a few characters but when other people play there's not really any quarter backing since its kinda low on strategy.
There is an excellent android and ios version called Elder Sign: Omens that can give you a bit of a feel before going physical.
There is also Flash Point: Fire Rescue which is sort of described in the same breath as Pandemic but not as quarterbacking as its more reactionary to dice rolls rather than planning out pre-emptive strategy.
~~No love for android sadly :(~~
Spoke too soon.. now on sale too:
You can buy a digital version of Elder Sign for a few dollars and give it a try and see if it's something for you: Android:
You can also see how the game plays out in Wil Wheaton's TableTop:
Elder Sign: Omens HD - ~~$6.99~~ $1.99
Elder Sign: Omens - ~~$6.99~~ $0.99 | Android version | Steam version
BattleLore: Command - ~~$9.99~~ $3.99 | Android version | Steam version
Hey, That's My Fish! HD - ~~$2.99~~ $0.99 | Android version
Snap, I often play the first three on this list. Getting prestige right now.
Androminion has sucked away more of my time than any other app. So much deck building. I can't get enough. Even after all these years and all these phones, I keep coming back to this one. Dominion Shuffle pairs perfectly with it, because, let's face it, a deck with the pirate ship in it is too easy of a win, and sometimes I don't want to deal with saboteur
Elder Sign is very good for people who like to take risks and gamble the odds. It has all the flavor of the original board game but I can play it by myself on the bus!
Elder sign: omens -
Sentinels of the multiverse -
Dresden files cooperative card game -
I've also seen Elder Signs on sale for 2.09€.
No idea how good the app is though.
Elder Sign: Omens | 4.3 ⭐️ | $1.99 with IAP | 31MB | 🏠
Star Wars™ Dice | 4.2 ⭐️ | $4.99 | 69MB | 🏠
^(Legend: |🏠: Family Library| ▶️: Play Pass|)
If you like board games, try Elder Sign : Omens
Not sure how you feel about board game apps, but this just went on sale: