This app was mentioned in 14 comments, with an average of 2.21 upvotes
This is from FIFA Mobile's description in Google Play:
> Add depth to your squad, make line up adjustments on the fly, and quickly tweak tactics before every match to master the art of rotation, invaluable in modern soccer. >
ADD DEPTH TO YOUR SQUAD.... MASTER THE ART OF ROTATION !!! - in a game which has no substitution, a game where you are most likely to stick 1-3 formations and add Game changers in other positions who rarely play.
No. I mean this app:
I have actually installed it a long time ago and it kept making me build a team. I just wanted to start an exhibition match and play for like 10 minutes like it used to be possible in FIFA 12 for Android. Anyways, this app looked like FUT, but I have never played it on consoles, so maybe this one is a separate thing, idk.
If you really want real players from every Euro club, then this is the right thing for you:
You don't have to be afraid of the 500th Tsubasa. There is no Tsubasa at all.
And here is the link to download on the Google Play store.
That’s the closest you’ll get mate.
They need you HERO !! 🥴
(I am sorry I dont know how to format it as nicely as you did, I hope is clear)
"I never claimed what some people here wish will have an actual,tangible outcome."
Well, you didn't specify either way. I took it the magic route.
"When I say we should not wish these things,its because they are in bad taste and reflect poorly on us"
I don't know how someone else's bad taste affects you. You did not wish it on anyone, why does it disappoint you? You are good dude!
The average user will never have the energy or desire to comment on this crap. Only the rabid, motivated, fans do. And these are the people these companies want!! Because those are the ones that pay, the ones that keep the brand alive. If you do right by them they will worship you, if you don't, they will bite.
"I only asked people to do so within reasonable,respectful means and not stoop to the level of wishing for tragedy to befall their families,or for bad things to happen to people who may not have had anything to do with decision."
Fair enough, but it is a hard sell.
"Also,you mean empires have been lost for less than a case of false advertising? If so,I'd be very very eager to know about it,pray tell."
Man, I almost did not want to answer this one, because you are praying, so if I answer, your prayer was answered, so I would be wrong....
But ok!
First, I wrote "empires have been lost for far less than an angry minority mob that feels underappreciated". Nothing about advertisement. But if you equate advertisement with propaganda...
Look, the futmobile app has been downloaded about 1.2 million times (source: and we are about 4.6k users in this subreddit. If we assume that half of the users here are outraged, then that means that 2.3k/1.2m = about 0.2% if the total users in the world are outraged, or a very tiny, very vocal minority.
Now, compared with the Russian Revolution. In 1917 there were less than 10,000 Bolsheviks, and the population of the Russian empire was about 184 million, or 10k/184m = about 0.005% or the total Russians, or an absolutely ridiculous small vocal, minority. They were motivated, took advantage of a bizarre set of circumstances, and destroyed the Russian empire.
Now, is the right set of circumstances available here to hurt EA? I am not sure. BUT a smart lawyer, dedicated, opportunistic, could make a lawsuit, get everyone a 10 cents on the dollar return, and still hurt EA so much that it would hit the stuck.
Or do you think this is an isolated event? You dont think they do this in other games? I hope not. I can see a lawyer getting rich out of this. Just the legal fees....
Games released you can install it now