This app was mentioned in 6 comments, with an average of 1.00 upvote
If you're on Android, grab this app from MX Rob:
Its got torque spec tables in the app. Not sure if there's a iOS option, tho.
Have you seen the DR App?
Check out My DR650 on Google Play!
Will answer alot of questions for you. It's a great resource from MXROB
Hey buddy! Right on and congrats!
I'm picking up my first DR in a week. If you haven't looked into it yet- NSU screw tightening as well as the upper chain roller removal are first must do preventative tasks to avoid some pretty cataclysmic damage! First thing I'll be doing.
Also have an app
Check out My DR650 on Google Play!
If you're on android, there's even an app for that! All credit goes to MXRob.
Any time. Driving in SF sucks and it's just getting worse. Filtering makes it easier. If you want to learn to do your own maintenance and need professional sets of tools you can go to motoguild on treasure island. I don't know what their prices are nowadays but if you are quick to do maintenance you can get most things done in the span of an hour. This is where most of your money would disappear to. helpful site There is an app for your phone with the service manual too
It's a great bike. Honestly all of them are. Look up insurance on progressive's site and you'll see what bikes are affordable insurance wise.
I think I was getting quoted something outrageous like 3k a year for a new cbr600rr.