This app was mentioned in 4 comments, with an average of 9.00 upvotes
Thanks, that really useful.
Octodad isn't too far off the icon sized used by the dev we are currently all talking about. 1536x1536 and over 10000% larger than it should be, holy crap.
The fact that LG's terrible smart home app is a close second to that surprised me quite a bit less.
I don't know how you are about ratings, as I know some parents strictly buy things for their kids age range...
Octodad (E 10+)
Portal (T) Sort of on the fence on this one, it is puzzle based (which has always been a favorite of mine) but some parts can be frustrating for me even now as an adult lol.
Do you have a PC you can let them stream from? Steam has a really nice selection of games for younger kids. I don't really play games on my phone/tablet so I can't recommend many app store games. :(
Octodad: Dadliest Catch down to $.99 from $4.99
I'm kind of curious to see if I can play this game octodad using only tablet touchscreen controls.