This app was mentioned in 7 comments, with an average of 1.00 upvote
URL: Pursuitas on Web and Android
Purpose: Pursuitas is a personal goal app that deeply integrates social features to promote the achievement of your long-term goals. It's a goal app, not a todo app. Privacy can be set on a Goal level allowing you to share finance goals with specific friends (like other finance-oriented friends). Social thus lets you leverage knowledge in your social network and be held accountable by tapping into the support network that you've already built. It also fosters deeper connections with your friends because you can speak directly to their goals and passions.
Technologies Used: Angular / Cordova / .Net
Feedback Requested: Input on how to get traction. Would also love product feedback with an emphasis on what does and doesn't appeal to you. (Entrepreneurs are ideal candidates for a goal setting app in my opinion)
Comments: The business model is freemium and we haven't launched the paid version yet but I'll definitely come back to the /startup community with discount codes!
Name / URL: Pursuitas on Web and Android
Location: Cape Town, South Africa
Pitch: Pursuitas is a personal goal app that deeply integrates social features to promote the achievement of your long-term goals. It's a goal app, not a todo app. Privacy can be set on a Goal level allowing you to share finance goals with specific friends (like other finance-oriented friends). Social thus lets you leverage knowledge in your social network and be held accountable by tapping into the support network that you've already built. It also fosters deeper connections with your friends because you can speak directly to their goals and passions.
Details: We are a live but no official launch yet. Minimal traction.
Looking for: Input on how to get traction. Would also love product feedback with an emphasis on what does and doesn't appeal to you. (Entrepreneurs are ideal candidates for a goal setting app in my opinion)
Offer to you: The business model is freemium and we haven't launched the paid version yet but I'll definitely come back to the /startup community with discount codes!
URL: Pursuitas on Web and Android
Purpose: To create a plaftorm that really enables users to pursue and achieve long term goals. Something more intelligent than a simple habit tracker.
Technologies Used: AngularJS / .Net / Cordova
Feedback Requested: We've built the basics for goal and habit tracking as the base. Lots of polish still required there. We've also deeply integrated a social network to it with privacy controls per goal. What I'm looking for though is suggestions on what other features would make achieving personal and business goals easier / less effort / more enjoyable for users. Speak from your own experience as an entrepreneur. Other feedback regarding bugs, UX, etc also welcome!
If your goal is to try new tech then no worries!
If your goal is for the project to go somewhere then yes, you have a problem. It takes a bit of effort to get a project to traction and you always hit a hill before you get there that will make you want to try something sexier.
My advice would be to remember to focus when in doubt. It almost always pays off. Find the project that you both enjoy and you think will have a lot of value to potential users. Finally, accept that you can't do everything. Then just work on it every day.
Get a cofounder, I did this and it made a HUGE difference to the project. The companionship helps you get through the more boring times before you start seeing traction. The stats also say that 2 man teams are more successful.
We've built an app called Pursuitas which is about social goal setting so it might actually help you here.
I was in the same boat as you and tried lifetick but found it outdated and too simple. I'm actually building a new app called Pursuitas with a friend that aims to be a more general goal app that also has a large social motivation element. Essentially, you create a goal and then when you post updates to that goal, those updates are shared with your friends or followers of that goal if you set that goal to public. Is that what you're looking for?
Sounds like you have a lot of toxic people in your life. You should probably start phasing them out and replacing them with positive people who make you feel better and support your goals. A strong support group is vital to any human being and should be your top priority given your context above.
As for dreaming, go for it! But you need to take action. Pick something important to you and work on it EVERY SINGLE DAY. Try to pick a project with someone you like working with.
I've built an app to help with goal setting, especially the social side of it here. It might help but will work best when you've gathered the positive people in your life.