This app was mentioned in 12 comments, with an average of 4.50 upvotes
I do nfl games every week. I get the vlc links from r/nflstreams and cast them with an app called server cast. It will work with other streaming capable devices also.
What protocols does your NAS support? I have an app called Server Cast which supports local files, ftp, ftps, dropbox, dlna/upnp and this week I will be releasing weddav support. Anyways if your NAS doesn't have dlna/upnp then let me know what it offers and I will see if I can make it work.
ServerCast has a good auto "Attempt to sync" button for the audio on your phone and normally gets it spot on. It has worked pretty well for me and works fine with most TerrariumTV Links.
find an IOS app that can load an m3u/IPTV file and can cast it to the chromecast. Or get an android and use -
up to you to find an m3u link to CNN. there are many online.
Depending on how your NAS is accessible. I have another app that handles more protocols like DLNA servers, FTP, WebDav, etc.
I have an app which works with my samsung tv and supports GrowBox however I don't remember if I've tested the GrowBox and Samsung TV combination. Anyways if you want you can try it
I have an android app that can do it, its called server cast
Let me know if you have questions or issues.
For casting apps, "Server Cast" is also a pretty good generic caster,,,very similar to Web Video Caster.
My Server Cast app can do it. The subtitles would have to come out of your phone or
Have you tried Server Cast? It has decent chromecast and roku support. You can opt-in to the beat here.
Edit: Actually this might be the app I was thinking of.
M3u8 links? you can try Server Cast
Thanks for promoting my app. I have also just released another app which also supports GrowBox and might be simpler to use