I also have this problem. Haven't gotten around to doing anything about it, but at some point I was going to try to get something like this and see if it would fit: https://www.amazon.com/Windshield-molding-Universal-windscreen-windows/dp/B019KJ7GYE/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&keywords=Windshield+Gasket&qid=1622245702&sr=8-4
I have one for 100 bucks and 300 for install and it’s amazing! Very clean sound not gonna shake the car like crazy but very good sound and hits very tight (I’m a sound nerd) and it’s water resistant! https://www.amazon.com/Rockville-RW8CA-Profile-Under-Seat-Subwoofer/dp/B019Z3RFGY Also I put mine under the front seat so I can feel the music and it’s a little cleaner although if you want more low end boom put it in the trunk! Only very important part is you have to disable the ANC(Active noise canceling) in the car or it will send a horrible boom through the sub with its frequency’s to try and counteract noise. There are good YouTube videos on how to do it. You only have to take out your glove box. Sorry for the long terrible post lol.
Part of it is the cable. I had a real mixed experience with it for a while.
I purchased one of these cables and it seems to behave a lot better. Not 100% works every time, but I was chalking that up to the phone and the cable being very cold and the connector being very cold. But it is not a coin flip now as to will or won't it work or will my phone be suddenly unsync'd from my car. Now it works say 97% of the time, and my phone hasn't unsycn'd. Before I had just a regular charging cable, and that was janky, and then I bought one of the braided ones that was 6 inches long, and that was also janky because of the angle it bent on, but getting something a little longer and isn't so constricted/rigid in it's range of motion has made it better.
Just my 2 cents and 8 months of experience with my 2020 Accord Hybrid.
Are you talking about above the lights? You can buy an all-black chrome delete plastic front piece, paint it, or vinyl which a lot of people do. I have this one from amazon and to me it sticks out more and looks better than vinyl with no work necessary.
Fender badges from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078GH9TQP?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&ref_=cm_sw_r_ud_dp_5RPQCT0H57T6QFW3EY42
H badges from eBay: https://www.ebay.com/itm/294405311977
You could probably find it cheaper on eBay, but I was impatient. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Thank you! Having a lot of fun with it.
I saw online some things call bumper plugs - they can paint them to match your car’s color, but I just needed something glossy and black. They wanted something like 20 bucks for TWO. Anyway, found this set on Amazon. I used one of the glossy ones for this set for $13 and now I have extra retainer clips for backup.
I deal with quite a few bugs down here in Texas. I bought this to help get them all off. Actually removed a bug stain that was on the car since I bought it, that many washes couldn't get off.
You bet.
GOOACC 240PCS Bumper Retainer Clips Car Plastic Rivets Fasteners Push Retainer Kit Most Popular Sizes Auto Push Pin Rivets Set -Door Trim Panel Fender Clips for GM Ford Toyota Honda Chrysler https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07L6FJGR4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_7GSSVWESSD28BFME1RR5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I looked into this a LOT and my conclusion was it’s easier to wire through the trim and tap into a fuse. It took me like 30 minutes to do and the end result is the same with WAY less risk.
This is what I ordered on Amazon:
Radar Detector Hardwire... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08TG82QS8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I had no issues. It doesnt come with any adhesive for it so youre gonna have to get it separately. Syon Auto FITS 18-2021 HONDA ACCORD GLOSS BLACK JDM HIGHKICK STYLE DUCKBILL TRUNK SPOILER, Glossy Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B097XW1SP8/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_NX7P33W0AVGAT3HC1664
Bro, it's a kit!!!
PIT66 Front Grille&Eyelid Cover Compatible with 18-19 Honda Accord 10th Gen https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VKS5R24/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_EF8EPKXP2P2AGN31915X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Ok so after checking I misspoke and it’s not a Thule but a Saris Bones 2 bike rack. Looks like they retail for just under $200 but I’d suggest checking OfferUp or FB marketplace as you’ll save a considerable amount of you find one. I actually just used it coming up yesterday, I definitely would recommend it. I do worry about someone stealing it so when I’m riding I will take the extra time to take it down and throw it in the trunk. Hope this helps!
Saris Bones 805 2 Bike Trunk Mount Rack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BT30RK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_NJRT754FC19XCYT0WHES
AND How about this (no sure how long the disctount will last):
20% off 2.7K Dual Dash Cam Front and Rear with Sony Sensor IMX335 - $79.99
How about this (50% within 6days):
50% off [2021 New Version] Dash Cam 1080P FHD, Mini Dashboard Camera - $19.99
It wasn't too difficult. The part that got me was the strip with the emblem. That took the most time for me.
As far as how long it takes, 2-3 hours, if you want it perfect and you take your time.
Also, you may need something like this to help trim and tuck certain areas.
Get a new cable. I suggest this one...
Every so often I feel like a new cable is needed in those sort of situations.
Do a factory reset of you head unit. This should clear up your issues. It has mine.
I also purchased this USB cable.
I will say when the cable arrived my Accord didn't seem to want to recognize it. The phone oddly enough did. Factory reset later and I've never had an issue with AA since. I'm super greatful about that.
Is this the same one? Cheaper on amazon but want to check before pulling the trigger.
Here ya go it’s gonna up a little in price from 50 but it’s still way cheaper Smart Key Fob fits 2018 2019 2020 Honda Accord Keyless Entry Remote (CWTWB1G0090) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B1X1KY3/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.foCFbPCM2N9W
I'm not familiar with that website, I ordered this film. It was plenty enough for two rounds of tail lights (one for practice/messing up, another to do it right. It can be tricky).
Also, I believe 2020 lights are identical to 18-19. If you have doubts, you can contact the parts department at a dealership and ask.
I didn't want to spend the money for a OEM or Weather Tech one so I got a universal fit one from Amazon. It's good enough. Covers the trunk well. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00E5P180M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_Cye4EbKW6FXDN
>Lol I did the opposite . You did the taillights and cut out the middle. I wanted the taillights to show more than the middle but I really like the smoke tint you put on your lights. It's just enough to make it look different and cool but not enough to ever be pulled over. Awesome job man. You have a Amazon link for the tint you used?
Thanks! Now that you mention it, I can see you did the opposite. Here's the link to the film I got. They have a smoke and dark option (obviously I got the smoke). The 16" x 48" was more than enough to full do both sides and mess up then do it again (it gets a little tricky on some spots). They have helpful YouTube videos that actually walk you through it (different vehicle but still helpful). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01M1KRMQZ/
Just ordered the OEM ones on amazon.
Honda 2018 Accord All Weather... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0763S7W2K?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Cheaper than at the dealership. I am satisfied so far. I wanted to protect the carpet from the slush and slop this winter. Only drawback I’ve read about is the drivers floor at doesn’t go up and cover the dead pedal so sand can get under the mat. I wanted to try keep things oem so I went with them.
I found some weathertech knock offs on Amazon that fit really well. Not cheap, but cheaper than the real things!
SMARTLINER Custom Fit Floor Mats 2 Row Liner Set Black for 2018-2019 Honda Accord - All Models https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07NDG5YWD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_39vHDb4V28VV3
I used this and it turned out awesome!!! Was worried the color wasn’t going to match but it looks perfect! Really easy and looks great.
Here’s the kit I used: Eastup 80005 Alloy Wheel Repair Kit Alloy Rim Scrapes Scratches Remover (Color: Chrome) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H2YRXFT/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ataKDb6Q5QQX7