r/dndmaps usually
Or did you mean physics maps?
I use this sort of thing for physical games at home and just draw on it to represent locations and terrain with notes identifying elevation
Sometimes I use props like little campfires or tents if I have them
Have you looked at Tiled? It's free (as in freedom and as in beer) software that runs on all 3 major OSes. I've never used it for serious map making, but in the handful of times I've played around with it, I've gotten the impression that it's pretty nice. To be fair, I've never really used any other tile map software though.
I got a 4e PHB on amazon.co.uk for £7.50 recently. I see the core rulebook gift set for £48 - https://smile.amazon.co.uk/Core-Rulebook-Dungeons-Dragons-Rulebooks/dp/0786950633/ref=sr\_1\_10?crid=3AHJUM38TGPWO&keywords=dungeons+and+dragons+4th+edition&qid=1636193995&sprefix=dungeons+and+dragons+4th%2Caps%2C180&sr=8-10
I really like using this Android app - DnD Session Assistant, afaik it has everything from all the books. Plus, you can manage your character there.
It has few ads, but nothing intrusive.
I created Android app that has database with everything from 4e along with character manager: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.piotradamczyk.tabletopgmhelper
I know it's self-advertising, but it's not a big app on the store and if it helps anyone then I'm happy.
> I recently found this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.piotradamczyk.tabletopgmhelper and I love using it on sessions. Not only you can pick powers and feats, but you can track hit points and stuff like that. It's in beta and it has frequent updates, I hope it will be even better than now. >
This looks like it's a 5E character tool from the images? Does it do 4E too?
I recently found this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.piotradamczyk.tabletopgmhelper and I love using it on sessions. Not only you can pick powers and feats, but you can track hit points and stuff like that. It's in beta and it has frequent updates, I hope it will be even better than now.
My DM also likes the initiative tracker from the same app.
No idea, if it's also on iphone though.