DLAB is horrendous, this guide is quite helpful but it’s just a beast in and of itself. If you don’t score high enough you can retest in 6 months but it’s up to the recruiter as to if they allow you to wait that long. My DEP had a person waiting to retest so it is possible. When I went through (obviously pre plague) we found out our language week 6. You make a list like week 2 of your “top 5” languages which “they match to needs of the Air Force” but most of us think it just goes into a shred box.
Like the other dude said, you download Myfitnesspal and get yourself a food scale. Getting obese happens because of a choice in lifestyle. Losing weight when you've got a lot to lose happens fast and isn't all that hard. When you get into the lower "normal" BMI and keeping weight off requires a change in lifestyle. You need to weigh out portions. You'll find out really fast that your bowl of cereal isn't the 120 calories it says in the box, because you have 3 servings in there so it's 360 calories, and you don't put one serving of milk in there, you put 3, etc. Shit just adds up.
You're probably fine to target like 1800 calories/day, if you're really short, maybe fewer. If buying food and weighing it is really killing you, go to the frozen food section and get a bunch of lean cuisine boxes, or something similar. They're about 300 calories a piece, so you can eat like 6 a day. That's not really sustainable for price, but it might get you started. The first week or so is the worst. Just get a plan for 10 days and really try to stick with it, if you get that far, you're doing well.
I was at MEPS and these two marine recruits were getting chewed out for not losing weight. Practically everyone during the movement tests was obese and a few guys had to get taped. Show your commitment to this process by getting fit.
Yeah for sure! It’s the Armitron Sport 45/7086 Digital Chronograph Watch for $23.99, the link is Armitron Sport Women's 45/7086BLK... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XNNVLB6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share ! Hopefully that works
Look at watches around $60 or less. One of the top recommendations I keep seeing is the Casio G-Shock line. Here's an example:
Casio Men's 'G-Shock' Quartz Resin Sport Watch https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004IYZ17Q/ref=cm_sw_r_u_apa_i_pclKFb56WCQMY?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Work through the online tests. Work through the paper tests. Work on areas that you find yourself struggling with. Know that the practice tests, both online and in the book, are going to be much harder than the actual ASVAB.
I scored an AFQT of 93. Give yourself a few weeks to study. If you don't work, I'd spend at least 40 hours working through the book.
Heard a lot of good about this study guide - 2021 / 2022 ASVAB For Dummies: Book + 7 Practice Tests Online + Flashcards + Video (For Dummies (Career/Education)) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1119784174/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_R32VYY2CYY34R13HB5DQ - Currently using it right now and have learned a ton.
Buy a watch with a timer setting. Here's the one I have.
You can buy a study guide with practice tests.
Amazon is your friend.
Got one for my son and he pounded it for a couple of days. Needed to brush up on his algebra skills mainly.
Scored 97, 95, 95, 94. Smart kid.
ASVAB Prep Plus 2020-2021: 6 Practice Tests + Proven Strategies + Online + Video (Kaplan Test Prep) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1506250653/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_tki6hlbyKCf1U
People in my flight really seemed to like the Tresemme gel and Eco styler. Both of these are available at the mini mall and shoppette when you're allowed to go there.
Right On, I get that.
But I believe I've read that it takes a week, two, or a few until you get your BMT issued glasses and straps. I just got new glasses (and spent $300) and the last thing I want to do is have them fall off while exercising and either breaking them or getting them scratched.
I ordered these - Amazon Chums Glasses Retainers for when I go off to BMT. Based upon what I read with the various military service regulations, I think I'm safe with these for those first couple of weeks until I get my BMT BC (birth control) glasses. LOL
Here is the Orthotic Inserts that I ordered off of Amazon that I use.
I liked them so much, I bought a 2nd set so I didn't have to switch them as often between shoes, sneakers, and my work boots.
Pacific Shaving Company Natural... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00DKET54U?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It’s affordable and it’s good to go on a plane, it’ll last you until you’re able to buy some at the mini mall
Casio Men's Mud Resistant 10-Year Battery Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Green, 27.6 (Model: TRT-110H-3AVCF) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B087Z666M1/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1H8WNRPM2G67PBPTTY0J
Here is the same one as mine but mine is black, has a few different colors available in it. Also the mud resistant helped, sand didn’t clog up the buttons like a few other peoples did during beast week.
MIRITY Women Racerback Sports Bras - High Impact Workout Gym Activewear Bra https://www.amazon.com/dp/B076J2DKTN/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_H6E70KCDGSXK29S5728G?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got these and I LOVE them. Super supportive when I run and everything stays in place!
Vivobarefoot Primus Lite III, Womens Vegan Light Breathable Shoe with Barefoot Sole https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08Y4T86LD/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_2A6Z5SQVYGHE1FA7Y68W?psc=1
Think these are good enough for “athletics”?
Hopefully u guys can see the picture if not here’s the link Casio Men's Classic Stainless Steel Quartz Watch with Resin Strap, Blue, 21.1 (Model: W-218H-2AVCF) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07G2MS6SG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_HG34XNWW8G7RR93C0DQJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Either you take it with you in a vehicle or let TMO ship it. Something like this would be good to put inside if you let TMO ship the computer. Either way, ideally if you have the original box that the case and monitor came in you can use those to transport them in.
Get some of this. I started using it in February and started at 114 pounds. Now I'm 137. I had half a serving after a workout and half a serving before I went to sleep. Theres also a smaller container somewhere on amazon.
Well there are two types of ASVAB tests at MEPS (where you go for medical evaluation and to test before you choose your AFSC). They are both timed, obviously, but there are a few major differences.
There is the CAT ASVAB, (the one I took) that you take on the computer. You have fewer questions, more time for each question, AND the more questions you get right the questions become more difficult. Then the difficulty is set after you answered a few questions. Answering harder questions correctly increases your score so dont play dumb and get a bunch wrong to have easier questions. Your score will drop. Also you cannot go back to answer unanswered questions you may have skipped.
The paper and pencil ASVAB has more questions with less time to answer each question, and since they are on paper the difficulty dosn't fluctuate. Unlike the CAT, with the paper and pencil ASVAB you can go back to answer questions you skipped or may have gotten wrong.
I hope this helped and please respond if it did.
Here is the book I bought to study for the ASVAB. I wanted a highly coveted job so I made sure my score was good (93). Hope this helps!
I would really appreciate if you could send some study guides my way! Might as well start studying just for fun while I’m getting ready for MEPS! Someone showed me this and I was planning on buying that today to get started. Have you heard of it before?
I leave for basic dec 15, and the general consensus is a duffel bag like this
you don't want to try to wear 2 backpacks on your back, and suitcases aren't as easy to throw around like we'll be doing in BMT.
And yea I'll be COMPSEC apprentice (cyber surety), people recommend just waiting to buy a laptop once you're at tech school.
also people recommend a lint roller, extra compression shorts/underwear (closer to 7 pairs instead of the recommended 3)
Hey I am also small chested and bought these for when I go. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00H9MWZ2S/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabt1_46oVFbMP6E1K6?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I wanted front closure, because my least favorite thing is having to pull my sports bra over my head when my arms/chest muscles are dying. Also wanted something cheap so here we are. Good luck!
This asvab test prep book was very helpful for me! It comes with a crap ton of perforated flash cards to break off and a few comprehensive practice tests. It teaches the material in a very straightforward way. Notably, on the math sections the questions were a bit difficult but being able to look at the explanations in the back for all the ones missed was extremely helpful and made the ones on the actual test seem easy by comparison. It wasn't my only source of studying, but it was for sure my main one and helped me get a great score when I took the asvab this past summer!
Oh nice! In California, 4n0x1 Aerospace medical isn’t on the green side unfortunately :(.
The book I used is by Robert J Cunnings. https://www.amazon.com/Official-DLAB-Training-Manual-Practice-ebook/dp/B00HUC6RT4/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Robert+J.+Cunnings&qid=1603549794&refinements=p_n_condition-type%3A6461716011&sr=8-1 Knowing the rules & memorizing them beforehand definitely helped! Good luck on your test btw
I highly recommend memorizing the rules beforehand as the test is timed. On one portion, the timer ran out before I could answer the last two questions despite me memorizing the rules. >.< Good luck too!!
The Casio DW-5600E is a fantastic watch, retro styling, great Casio durability, and super light weight. Plus the price range is perfect to get beaten around at BMT
I just took it this week and got a 114. Just "studied" for a couple of hours the day before the test. I say "studied" but it's really mostly just getting familiar with the test, since you can't really study for it. I read this manual which was actually really helpful, goes over everything on the test, tips, etc.
I know about the luggage bag: you'll definitely want a gym bag. Something like this, in black.
For everything else I'd pack for the worst, hope for the best. Whatever you pack will eventually get locked away until BMT is over apart from things like money, envelopes, ID and stamps.
The quarters is a good idea because every bill that you have in your locker or on you has to be accounted for with a money list that has each bill's serial number (and you need to handwrite multiple copies of that list). I'd actually suggest half-dollars if you can get them but quarters also circumvents this hassle.
Invest in and use something like this, take some OTC meds like Aleve, Advil, or Tylenol, maybe apply cold pack to back of your neck traveling to MEPS, and wear loose fitting clothes ... do whatever to improvise, adapt, and overcome your natural higher body temperature to cool down just enough get in the door.
I just took it last week, got a 107. This book is basically the test.DLAB book Lmk if you have questions
Use this study guide. I got a 108 the first time and a 118 the second time. That study guide was a lifesaver.
As for the ASVAB there’s numerous guides that are helpful. DLAB this is the only one I’ve found that is really worth anything. Nothing can really prepare you for the test but this will at least help you understand the format and way the “puzzles” work.