The Earth Chronicles Handbook: A Comprehensive Guide to the Seven Books of The Earth Chronicles
I found this, it’s kindle edition on amazon. I don’t know where to find a free digital version though, sorry.
Cool. I am looking for some ideas to incorporate into my second book of a trilogy that I am writing. Might have to try to work this in somehow. Here is a link to my book on amazon. If anyone is looking for a sci-fi novel connected to ancient aliens, you might want to check it out.
SS: The boys sit down to listen to Bob Lazar tell his tale of top secret Q clearance, element 115, and nine ancient alien aircraft being studied by the US government. We got intrigue, we have government cover-ups. we got Uzis, we got Bob Lazar being caught in a prostitution sting. So grab your nearest tin foil hat because this file is going to be a wild ride into the deep underground military bunker that is Area 51.
Weekly Reading Series:
Bob Lazar Documentary:
why hear it from me, when you can get some insights by watching this TV series - Ghost Inside My Child
My opinion, because he landed a sweet TV deal and is clearly successful evidenced by the 13 seasons and counting. I am pretty open minded and I currently don't believe a good deal of what is presented, the ancient alien theory is much more plausible to me than ghosts, or whatever term is used, 25 years ago I was more in the ghost camp, until I heard Bob Lazar on Art Bell, and even thought I question his version of events I suspect there is something to the story and others like his. Remember Podcasts are tribes and attract like minded folks, I would take those guys with a grain of salt.
That seems to have posted properly. Let me (by your leave) post a link to my ebook, and see if that works:
So far so good... If you want the full context of how I came up with this, read Book 1 now, and Book 2 when it comes out in October. Book 3 will cap things off not long thereafter, as I'm doing 2 and 3 together really. I'm also planning nonfictional tomes on this stuff, but let's see where we get with our field research, which in turn depends on the fate of the film project. Please forgive the self-plug, and then stay tuned! For this stuff, with further luck, could get pretty cool. Cheers.
Ivar Zapp and George Erikson write about the Costa Rican spheres in <em>Atlantis in America.</em> They thought they were navigational tools that were somehow used in conjunction with the stars or were star maps themselves. Of course by now they've all been moved or looted by museums so it would be impossible to prove or disprove
(BTW, Atlantis in America is the most thorough book I've ever found on ancient America. So, if you're interested, pick it up for pennies while you can.)
That movie was fake found footage but it definitely freaked me out when I saw it. Owls and ET contact go hand in hand. Mike Clelland wrote a book on it I need to read.
Anyone interest in this should read Sitchin's The Anunnaki Chronicles first. It takes on a lecture feel of Sitchin's findings which can be a bit slow at times, but some of his other books (such as those in the Earth Chronicles and The Lost book of Enki) used a scaffolding technique based off of speculation.