Talk to her. It will help your anxiety to get it off your chest. Have you been officially diagnosed? If so, you need to go to your counselor and ask about a 504. Getting special services in HS will make it easier to get them in college.
Please find someone professional to help you through your anxiety.
I understand that it is Christmas so if neither of you get to it than thats ok and I hope you both have a Happy Holiday. Here is the link to the paper:!4122&authkey=!AK2ntguLAQco2G0&ithint=file%2cdocx It is my Senior Synthesis and it had to have 6 sources and be 6-8 pages. Thank you so much!
> I understand that it is Christmas so if neither of you get to it than thats ok and I hope you both have a Happy Holiday. Here is the link to the paper:!4122&authkey=!AK2ntguLAQco2G0&ithint=file%2cdocx > It is my Senior Synthesis and it had to have 6 sources and be 6-8 pages. Thank you so much!
Python. Started with Python 2, switched to 3 last year (love it), and now I'm using Brython to support the growing legions of chromebook users.
Python is my favorite, though I came to it only in the past ten years, while becoming a teacher. Before that I was an engineer who used C/C++ exclusively. But really, I love them all. Except Java.
I like these things:
Kinda a sticky note, but really visible. I don't like writing in books, because who knows when I'm going to get rid of it or loan it to someone. I don't want to leave a cringy note in a book I'm loaning.
I've found the really helpful app "EasyThesis" in the play store last week. Look here for lot of good tips to write a well-organised and convincing thesis and also how to find reliable sources: