I had a lot of hand-held foods like sandwiches or soup in a mug. It was far easier for me than using a fork.
Also, protein shakes!! Not only for when you don't feel like eating but because your body needs protein to heal. You should have about 1.5 to 2 grams of protein per 2 lbs of body weight. It's best to start about 4-weeks prior to surgery and continue for about 4-weeks after.
I recommend these Atkins Shakes. They're not too sweet. And have a ton of protein for their size.
I kind of felt the same. I was told people that tend to go flat are older, lower income. Also, at different points (over two appointments) she referred to people who go flat are transitioning (it made me feel like that's what she thinks of me? Nothing wrong with transitioning, but that's not what I'm aiming to do by going flat). This is the same surgeon who told me that the gynecologist would make the call on whether I could get my tubes out (though that's clearly- according to her- not what I should be doing- I should be getting my ovaries out) and she actually likened it to a person coming in and asking a surgeon to cut their head off- just because they ask, doesn't mean the surgeon has to agree to do it.
I recently picked up this book- and recommend it - https://www.amazon.com/Flat-Happy-Mastectomy-Personal-Practical-ebook/dp/B0B1BJG27Z
Mastectomy pillows are absolutely clutch. Beyond just these a wedge pillow and a pregnancy pillow are also great. I'm about 2-weeks post-op but I had a reduction before this and with both surgeries, I could only sleep if I absolutely surrounded myself with pillows. Even when I'm awake I at least have one mastectomy pillow with me.
Ask your surgery center what they'll provide (if anything). Mine didn't give me drain holders and they were an absolute must-have.
If you'll be hospitalized after surgery, an eye mask is super helpful for those round-the-clock checks & blood draws.
Dessert plates and bowls were also an unexpected item I've relied on these past two weeks. All of my normal bowls and plates are far too heavy for me to hold.
These are the ones I ordered: Women's Zip Front Sports Bra Wireless Post-Surgery Bra Active Yoga Sports Bras https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B081YSGKGF/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_Q4WT1XV5TKGPZDZR8E7W
I was not given a compression bra from the hospital because of the vacuum wound closures my surgeon used.
u/alouette93, does that pillow come with a strap? I got mine from a different seller on Etsy and mine had a strap so I could buckle it snug around me.
Also re shower stool, you don't even have to spend a lot of money. Any barless stool or waterproof backless chair could work. I used something like this that I got for cheaper at a local store.
I got this wedge pillow from amazon and it has been good. I didn’t actually use it much after my surgery since I found I preferred being on my back. However, I used it all through my pregnancy and I use it for reading a lot and it is still in great shape and not all squished down!