Once all Robinhood traders are moved to other platforms we should be on our way 🏒 🏒 🏒
Apparently new news from wsb, robinhood updated again and changed stock buy terms again...
Good news, RH allowed 700 shares of $BB per buy since today! And list of restricted stocks got much shorter.
Also if you want a good book about reading financials: https://www.amazon.ca/Financial-Shenanigans-Fourth-Accounting-Gimmicks/dp/126011726X
is very easy to read and fun for an accounting book.
Lol, I was doing the same thing before I found this, no worries! :)
edit: Also https://github.com/iamadamdev/bypass-paywalls-chrome is useful for bypassing bloomberg and seeking alpha walls
Just today VRPX jumped to $22 from $4 After-hours on news of their 'anti-viral' mask coating being approved by the FDA; ZEN has an anti-viral/bacterial/fungal coating which sounds to be better in every way - they are expecting to do human trials of a drug based on this compound soon. Market cap of VRPX is ~$100 million, market cap of ZEN is ~$260 million, both undiluted. I think this news was part of the small boost to SP today.
It's not too exciting yet with it trading in a 3+-week $2.80-$3 flat 'support' range, though there may be some new investors coming due to the Investor's Summit tomorrow.
Francis Dube expects Health Canada approval soon... Though we've been hearing "shortly" for the past 3 months. From what he described in his last interview, he described the process as if Health Canada and her testing partners didn't know what to do to properly test the graphene-silver mask coatings.
On approval, they could see $24 (up to $48) million/month in margin earnings throughout 2022 from 800 million coatings/month at $0.03 up to $0.06, assuming that they announce more partners than their current relationship with TreborRx.
They expect to fill 800mil production number near November when they receive and install equipment for their manufacturing plant in late September-October; right now the facility is mostly empty but are producing 1 million/day in their primary lab.
They are rolling out rapid aptamer tests for Covid this fall, with current work to develop same tests for cancers; the test provides 100% specificity under 10 minutes through whichever bodily fluid is provided and works with an app
Probably an unpopular opinion in this sub, but with time I’ve grown convinced that the best investment approach is this one: https://www.amazon.ca/Little-Book-Common-Sense-Investing-ebook/dp/B075Z6HSCJ
Just invest + forget.
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ifaplanet.myportfolio1&hl=en_CA&gl=US Are you talking about this one? :)