This is a really good book! I always recommend it to everyone. Easy to read with some good reflection questions at the end of each chapter.
With my second kiddo, I was sick constantly. Zofran stopped working for me. My neighbor got me these wrist pressure bracelets that actually made a huge difference! I was super skeptical at first.
I second the recommendation for the Bible Project. Also might be good to pick up a copy of The Picture Bible (which is a comic-book style Bible)
The Baltimore Catechism is also a good summary of Catholic beliefs, starting from small building blocks.
I also recommend just reaching out to a local parish and explaining that you are homebound but interested in receiving confession, communion, and confirmation. If they take a while to get back to you, try another parish (many are inept at answering emails/phones).
Listening to Sr. Miriam James has helped me so much. I always end up crying (but in a good way!). She has such a beautiful, gentle, compassionate spirit.
I did her Lent devotional earlier this year and it was wonderful! I can't wait to do her Advent devotional as well!
There are many different Christian traditions that veil in everyday life - I live surrounded by anabaptists who wear different caps and veils. They explain it as a visual testimony to the fact that they are saved and baptised. I've also heard it described as a sign of submission to God's word. I think that if the Lord is calling you to veil, be really prayerful to discern the reason - because people will ask! But then, step out boldly in faith! I love this style:
Good luck sister.
It's probably important to your husband and as long as it's not painful and is more fun than doing the dishes then you should try not to be totally celibate. If it is painful then solve that problem.
If you're feeling a lot of pressure from your husband to enjoy sex, then that will probably make you less likely to enjoy it. There are ways to work on enjoying sex, maybe read Holy Sex for some ideas.
I'm right there with you, sister. I'm still waiting on getting medication because there always seems to be so many obstacles to actually showing up for the appointments! It's a vicious cycle. I heartily, heartily, recommend this book: Catholicism and ADHD: Finding Holiness Despite Distractions
It continues to help me tremendously, and the author is a faithful Catholic.
Very good points - thank you!
I found a long skirt on Amazon which was actually a "costume skirt" but also said it could be used for daily wear. It has a clip on the left hip and the connection was on the inside, so you could flip the skirt up and pin it (there was an attached petticoat). You can see it <strong>here</strong> - probably easier for you to look than try to understand my explanation lol. That seems a good solution for getting a long skirt out of the way for stairs and chores, etc., but I think the petticoat could get dirty. Anyways, just a cool feature that I figured I'd share. I might try to add a clip onto the other skirt that I'm planning on buying.
Also, that website looks very neat! Thank you for sharing!
I recently bought some on Amazon! this one and lots of the more plain dresses on Amazon have tons of colors so you’ll be able to find pastels. Hopefully Amazon is good for you on the tropical island.
Share in those experiences with the people undergoing them and you will not wish them on people.
Go visit a cancer ward and sit with the patients and families undergoing chemo, study the horrors of war, the atrocities committed, they are unspeakable.
I am wondering if this is the result of an interior sense of boredom? That maybe you are not totally satisfied with your own life - (I feel this way too sometimes, Im not trying to be mean) - and so our minds wander to what ifs and wouldnt that be interesting if...
So I think this is where the root lies, in the interior and not “out there” -
I have found this book “Manual for Conquering Deadly Sin” a really helpful reference for when - where its like I know this thought or action is wrong, but Im not sure why and Im not sure what I should be doing instead or how to avoid it in the first place - this book is great for that
This book helped me meditate and appreciate the rosary more: The Complete Rosary: A Guide to Praying the Mysteries It adds some time though. Also praying it more and with others I found helpful.
My favorite dress ever is this one from Amazon. It’s light, flowy, and comfy, it reaches about mid-shin on me (I’m a shorty at 5’2”), it has DEEP pockets that somehow don’t weigh down the skirt when you’re carrying things, and it comes in a good variety of styles and colors. The front has a zipper so you can zip it up for a high neckline to wear to Mass, or you can zip it down for an everyday-wear v-neck.