I haven't read it yet, but Pat Buchanan has a book "Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War". If you want an ur shitlord's take :)
Historical cycles do happen, but you can't model them as simply as an oscillating sine wave. And I wouldn't label the peaks and troughs as Marxist vs. Capitalist extremes; an axis of expansion vs. preservation would be more suitable. And in any case, this sine wave model seems to posit a supreme and transcendent universal Capitalism whereby all possible resources are extracted and exploited in a way that maximizes both utility and desire-production.
Well you're speaking about stereotypes and other nebulous crap. How about showing some data? There is lots of literature surrounding the correlation of IQ and socioeconomic status/income/etc. I suggest you look into it.
And by the way, regarding the stereotype in China that "people don't stay rich for more than 3 generations:" well, I think you're wrong. Again, there's been a lot of research into historical levels of social mobility and generally what we find is that these levels tend to stay very low, both throughout history and between cultures. Here's some relevant reading
Yea, a bunch studying different things. This conclusion was teased out of a number of different areas of research.
Maybe start here: