It's a very inexpensive steel device I bought on Amazon, I think I paid about $26 for it? That said, it's far more comfortable for long-term wear than any expensive name brand device I've tried. I'll edit this reply with the link to it in just a bit.
Edit: this one.
I use my lock off my Ternence cage. But this locks looks pretty promising from reading the reviews.
Happygo Lock Cylinder
Here’s the Amazon link of the one I have.
I am looking at the cbx mini me if anyone has any experience with that.
Thank you! Here is the link to the cage Comfortable Chastity Device Men with 4 Rings, Lightweight Premium Chastity Cage Underwear for Penis Exercise
Here is the link, but fair warning, the dress is very cheaply made.
Best one I’ve managed to find.
FYJENNICC New HT-V4 Chastity Device Cage Male Briefs Men's Underwear 5Rings (Pink, Nano)
Most comfortable one I’ve worn. You’ll need to sand it though with some fine sand paper to remove any sharp edges. Also soaking it in boiling/ hot water first to soften it up since sometimes they arrive malformed(careful it will be hot but once it looks correct use cold water to harden it again. It might come with some sandpaper though I don’t remember. Amazon
Well oddly I'm using a spaghetti measurer which does the job perfectly! (it's not used as a spaghetti measurer in my house)
Looks a bit like this!
I'll probably get a proper paddle at some point but that works for now.
My cage is open so I have decent access to clean it.
And the temptation is fairly easy to avoid.
I'll take it off to bathe tonight and size up and see if that solves my issues. Otherwise I'll stick with my current size and just take it off for cleaning.