Nutrafol, and other similar supplements, can help block DHT on the scalp. DHT (an androgen or male sex hormone) shrinks the size of hair follicles, which is one reason hair loss is more commonly seen in males.
I've had a lot of personal success with Nutrafol, but found it to be pricy. I'm currently using the Advanced Trichology DHT Blocker and I have found it to be just as effective but more affordable. Another popular one is Viviscal, which is also a little cheaper than Nutrafol but I have not used it personally.
Regarding drug interactions, Nutrafol does warn to talk to your doctor first if you are using an anticoagulant, blood-thinning, or antiplatelet drug (Warfarin, Plavix, Heparin, etc.) as some of their ingredients are blood thinners that improve circulation.
I have been using L’Oréal root touch up spray and it fully covers everything!
L'Oreal Paris Magic Root Cover Up Gray Concealer Spray Dark Brown 2 Oz
As someone who's dealt with your hair situation 27 years, get this stuff. Covers your scalp and creates illusion of thicker hair. Also, minox. Peace be with you in all you've got going on!
Im using this:
I don’t know if any shampoo actually helps hair loss, but my hair has been a frizzy, dry disaster since my hair loss started and this has actually made my hair shiny and soft. I’ve been trying a LOT of shampoos to try to tame my hair, so I’m pretty happy. It’s been a bit of a confidence boost.
I use dermaplaning razor, like this one:
It's multifunctional (can be used to trim eyebrow and facial hair) so it's like all in one because I can shave the hair while also dermaplane. I don't get any side effects except for a little redness, and I avoid using any products right away
I do not think it actually lasts 4 months, more like 3 probably or maybe I’m just using it heavily
Women's Rogaine 5% Minoxidil Foam...
The one that I got from here amazon said it was silicone however wasn't it was like mold hard rubber tips and they weren't malable Because it was hard I felt like it inflamed my scalp and caused some surface damage.
The one I got at Ulta,The diane scalp massager, which now that see isn't more but actually less, has silicone tips. Super soft and bendable and are actually hollow. This is day two of using it to stimulate and massage oil into my scalp and my scalp feels more massaged than rubbed too hard.
I bought this stuff. You get a free one too. I love it. Basically, eyeshadow but stays on longer.
My holy grail conditioner is the Loreal Serie Expert Glycerol Nutrifier mask. I have very long, thin, curly hair that just loves to tangle and this is the BEST product for detangling in the shower. It's got a lot of slip and moisturizes well. I use about a heaping tablespoon everyday on my hair (it's to my waist). If your hair is shorter, I'm sure you could get away with less. I've never seen it in person where I live but Amazon always has it.
I just got the cheap one, I attach it to my computer’s USB.
I’ve been able to spot some regrowth with it so that has been interesting. I’ve sent the images to Dr. Donovan for him to take a look at and give his expert opinion on.
I also liked that I could compare how my areas with no discernible loss look vs my areas of loss.
Takes some practice to get used to holding it a certain way for good pictures, but not bad at all!
Wiiiiiigggsss I was 17 when mine started thinning and it has absolutely been my life saving confidence booster. There are some really nice cheaper ones out there, like this one There’s hope still. A dermatologist, vitamin D, get thyroid checked, check for pcos. Rogaine might help. I’ve done all of it and it didn’t help so now at 32 I’ve been wearing pieces, extensions, and wigs for a solid 12 years! But also come back to this group any time you need tips or to vent!
I got this from Amazon recently. Its Melatonin with a few other topicals mixed in. Who knows if it will actually help but im determined to try as many natural topicals before resorting to Rogaine
I have had this feeling too. Do you also have dandruff? I’m not sure how related they are, but I’ve been using an over the counter dandruff shampoo and the pain has stopped since using it.
Viviscal thin to thick elixir. They also have gorgeous growth. One bottle lasts me about a month, and gives my hair some body without any sticky residue.
My routine is to shampoo with Tricomax or other DHT blocking shampoo, apply the viviscal serum after I'm rinsed and out of the shower, use the red light hat for 30 minutes.
I'm on maintenance dose for viviscal pills now, but the first 6 months I took 2 a day with food.
Like I said above, I'm still thin in front (the front inch or so), but the hair farther back on top has thickened, as has the area around my temples.
Okay my hair info is a little insane.
I shampoo every day, I use nexxus when I don't use Nizoral. I've been washing my hair every day for most of my life. This is the brush I use:
The spikes are pretty stiff, but I think that's necessary to rub away the dead skin. Weirdly, adding more pressure makes it feel softer, so I use a fair amount of pressure and move it in a circular motion around my scalp.
I haven’t looked into these applicators too much but applying with fingers can be tricky sometimes so I’m just looking at every option to make my life easier 😭
I didn't have any luck blending my natural hair with a synthetic hair topper, but have seen really good ones on other people! The texture was just too different from my bio hair. I found a seller on etsy that does curly human hair toppers and then added some extra hair for more volume. My hair is thin enough that it can really only operate as the thing that blends my hairline and nape. To ease into things, I stayed as close to my natural hair color and texture as possible.
Here's what I bought: Topper:
Additional hair:
I am using this brand from Amazon:
I am also taking 100mg of spironolactone. My hair loss seems to be due to a hormonal imbalance so I think until that gets sorted out my hair would continue to fall out if I stopped.
Thank you 🥰
How come it wouldn't let me add captions ...
Anyway, I got this Haircube unit on Amazon for $25! This is her straight out of the bag. I've got a big, flat head and she still fits perfectly! I don't even need to tuck away my sideburn hair.
I'm in the middle of my oral minox dread shed, but I feel so much better that I have a wig on hand just in case I want to wear it. I know a lot of ladies on this sub are scared of wigs/toppers, but they're great confidence boosters and very fun. Your hair may betray you but your unit never will.
I think this might help - I have used this during and post covid
I’ve been using this one. I also have been using the boldify shampoo and conditioner to make my hair feel thicker. Love this line. You can also find it on Amazon
Do you have redness or dandruff? If so, a lot of people use nizoral shampoo which helps with this. I just use regular shampoo with these silicone exfoliation brushes when I apply it (\_1\_7?crid=3G2J5KBBXAJKU&keywords=silicone+shower+brush+hair&qid=1661740897&sprefix=silicone+shower+brush+ha%2Caps%2C189&sr=8-7). I also did apple cider vinegar rinses once a week until things improved. I had dandruff and scalp discomfort for a decade, but my scalp issues were cured after doing this for a few weeks.
I'm so sorry that this happened to you. I've never put on a hair mask before but you're saying that this mask caused your hair to fall out at the roots (as opposed to breakage)?? and it's still in your hair?? That's absolutely horrid.
While I admit to using Nioxin for my AGA (long story), it does have some harsh ingredients for a cleansing shampoo. I recommend going with a gentler brand like Beauty Without Cruelty. I really like this BWC product. It doesn't lather up as well as other products but it does its job of cleansing your hair and scalp. Many ladies here also love the pura d'or line.
In case you see this recommendation somewhere, stay away from the Mane and Tail brand. I LOVE MnT for my hair and I use it religiously for major volume, but it has high protein and keratin content, and would obviously damage your hair even further.
Does your scalp feel okay? If so, as you said, your head may just need some time before your hair can regrow. If your scalp feels extra itchy, burning, or just extra tender, please go see a derm.
I haven’t done a water test yet! I’ll do one soon and let you know
Someone please help me!!!!! All I can think about lately is the certainty that I'm losing my hair. When I run my hands through my hair, a few to several strands often come out; in the shower, I lose what feels like a lot of hair, and I'm not sure how much of that is my hair texture (I've read curly hair tends to shed more on wash days since the hair gets "caught" by the curls in the days between). I went through an emotional crisis in December—nothing I could pinpoint, but just my mental health struggles (including trichotillomania aka compulsive hair-pulling) all coming to a head, resulting in me seeing a psychiatrist and going on Wellbutrin and then also Adderall. I'm not sure if that would be enough for TE, and of course I'm worried that TE triggered AGA etc. Compounding all this, I have an anxiety disorder that makes me worry about these kinds of things. My boyfriend and my mom don't see any difference in my hair, but it feels so much lighter—I can feel the wind on my scalp in a way I couldn't before. I've linked some pictures here:
It is the Kirkland brand, 5% liquid (not foam). It says for men, but I've been doing an application once per day. As far as I have seen, the dosage for men is twice per day. Looking for a link now, apparently Costco also sells a 5% minoxidil "for women" also, but it is 3x the price for literally half as much.
It is currently out of stock in my area, so I can't get a direct link. I hear sometimes that happens and it comes back within a couple weeks or so. I did find a different link so you can at least see what it looks like, though it's on the gigantic late stage capitalism monstrosity bookstore (don't buy it on amazon)
This is the one and I use the 1.5 mm needles once a week just stamped all over the top of my scalp. I'll make a part, stamp it, make another part, stamp it, etc until I've covered the entire top.
Something like these? Not the alligator style clips that rip your scalp but like, the slidey ones.
You can try ordering from Amazon in the US, many sellers there ship to Canada. Here is 6 months of Kirkland minox:
Hi! Not quite sure as I’m a fan Redditnewbie, but I think you can upload pictures to Imgur and then just post the Imgur link ☺️
hope you find a solution for your hair loss. I’m in the same boat, everyone keeps telling me it looks okay (you know it’s bad when people say it looks “okay” and not “good” 🤣) My part is wide and I’m loosing hair like crazy. I’ve started minoxidil as I’ve seen a lot on people on this forum recommend it. Here are something I’m trying atm: I did use rosemary oil, but found it hard to administer (as you would need a carrier oil ect), so now I use this, its calming for the scalp and contains rosemary ☺️ And to weeks ago I started Derma stamping my scalp, planning to do it once a week. And I’ve switched to a DHT reducing shampoo.
I personally used mielle 2x a day on my scalp (mostly my hairline area) only when I was not using minox, now that I'm on minox I use mielle only on the length and ends of my hair to try to let minox have it's full effect on the scalp. Mielle strengthens your hair so really it's beneficial either way! It was a hard decision for me to get on minox, but many people say they wish they would've started it sooner which ultimately led me to decide to use it and I don't regret it.
as for the hard water, I was diagnosed with seborrhea and the derm said I could be losing hair from that. After going to the derm 4 times, using every topical thing I could think of to try to get rid of it, nothing worked. I then went away for work for a week and my "scalp issues" were gone. So this whole time it was a water issue for me...(mixed with TE from mental stress, illness, etc...) This is the one I ordered and have noticed a difference:
Thank you! It is truly so stressful during the waiting period. Sending you positive vibes, there is hope!
Thank you!! I'm so happy about it. And it's actually a $25 one off Amazon
Human Hair Toppers Clip In Crown Toupee With 3D Air Bangs Hair For Women Short Straight Hair Bangs Toupee Small Mid Part Wiglets Hairpieces for Mild Hair Loss Volume Cover Gray Hair (1B)
I didn’t take Nutrafol long enough to see a difference. Those pills are gigantic! I felt like that episode of SpongeBob where Mr.Krabs had to swallow that big ass pill lmao.
I told my derm I couldn’t swallow it without seeing my life flash before my eyes and she told me to just drop it and take Saw Palmetto since that’s the ingredient in Nutrafol that makes the most difference. It’s definitely stop my shedding but I haven’t seen any regrowth - I currently use topical minoxidil but I think I’m a non responder. I see my derm at the end of the month where she’ll prescribe oral minoxidil. But as for the shedding, Saw Palmetto stopped it completely, and it was rather immediate. I take these ones from Amazon. It’s 320mg and I take once a day.
Thank you!! Yes, that is the stamp I use. Here's the link, but they sell many like this so shop around.
Initially I just did the top of head but I try to do all around following each hairline as I move through ear to ear. I do horizontal but vertical would work too. Whichever you prefer. :)
HASK also makes a hair mask I use once a week also. It comes in a little packet. It comes in a little pink packet . Here’s a link as well but you can find them cheaper than this link .
Hask Keratin Protein Smoothing Deep Conditioning Treatment Packet, 1.75 Ounce
I use these once every couple of weeks because my hairs become really dry and brittle since I got TE !
I still get a couple here and there. I honestly just started washing my hair more often. I wasn’t washing it as much because of the hair loss at first and that’s when they got bad. One thing that I personally have found that works for me is this HASK brand tea tree and rosemary shampoo. It’s worked great for my scalp and is really soothing. I then use this shampoo and conditioner every other day
PURA D'OR Professional Grade Anti-Hair Thinning 2X Concentrated Actives Biotin Shampoo & Conditioner (16oz x 2), No Sulfates, Clinically Tested, All Hair Types, Men & Women (Packaging may vary)
But that’s what worked for me and everyone’s different.
I used castor oil on my eyelashes and eyebrows - it worked great! I just used a random off of Amazon, linked here. Basically I just applied it with my fingers, massaging it into my eyebrows and lashes before sleeping every night.
I think it works differently for different people. I have AGA, which took a turn for the extreme after Covid vaccines. I started minox in late December after 10 plus years of thinning, but huge hair loss in the last year. When I started there was overall massive thinning especially on top. By the end of February, I could see teeny tiny hairs coming in, noticeable to me but probably not anyone else. I wasn’t sure if I was imaging it so I bought one of those tiny microscope things from Amazon to monitor progress, In March, I added topical fin. By the end of March, overall improvement was obvious. It has continued to improve since then. But I know others that it took 5-6 months before they saw results.
I also didn't like using Toppik -- I just tried Boldify's hairline powder and thought it was significantly easier to use and the coverage (for me) was much, much better.
A link in case anyone is interested in checking it out:\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1
You’ve been taking four of those big ole horse pills everyday for 3 months!? Girl I couldn’t do it. I felt like I was choking lmfao. My dermatologist told me to ditch the Nutrafol and take Saw Palmetto supplements. I take one every morning. Saw Palmetto
At first I would leave it overnight, but got tired of changing oily pillowcases 😅 so now I usually just leave it for about 4 hours before washing my hair. I do it 3-4 times a week. The serum brand is Placo, I buy it at my local cosmetics shop. I don’t know where you’re from, but I found an amazon.UK link
Here ya go! Style Edit Filler FX Hair Filling Fibers .46oz/13g- BLACK
Took me a bit but I was able to find it after watching her live through!
No problem! This is the one I have There are a lot of variations of it.
Hmm I have a bit more sideburn hair I think. I use a dermaplaning tool to "scrape" it off. It gets rid of the dead skin too. :)
Thank you! Lots of vitamins/supplements, and for the scalp inflammation/pain the doctors have prescribed rounds at various times of Clobetasol Shampoo, Ketoconazole shampoo and most recently Fluocinonide oil. I’m still trying to get the scalp pain under control. If anyone has found anything else that works, I’d love to know. It seems to get worse when I drink caffeine, and I love my caffeine! I think it probably has something to do with the stress response.
For the supplements, I use Pure Encapsulations products: Digestive Enzymes, Nutrient 950 with NAC (Multivitamin), EFA Essentials (Fish Oil & Borage Oil), Buffered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Calcium/Vit D/K, CogniMag (Magnesium I-theorate), Poly Prebiotic Powder, PureBi-ome (Probiotic & L-Glutamine), Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra, Cortisol Calm (Ashwaghanda Mix), DIM Detox, Curcumin 500 w/Bioperine, Emotional Wellness, Hyaluronic Acid, Melatonin SR-60s, Magnesium Glycinate. It’s a lot. I started taking most of these about two months after my Covid diagnosis. Prior to that I wasn’t taking anything. I didn’t get very sick from Covid, but definitely decided I needed to put my health first after my hair started falling out. I feel better when I take them, so I have stuck with it. I have lots of allergies so my doc recommended this brand, but I’m sure there are cheaper options.
I did see a derm and had a scalp biopsy which showed inflammation but no other obvious disease. My lab work was normal except a little low in calcium and protein, so I’ve upped my intake of those. Derm was pretty convinced it was TE from Covid.
Also, I had been having trouble sleeping due to pandemic stress. Doc prescribed Trazodone and I get plenty of beauty sleep now. I think that makes a big difference too.
I’ve used these travel foamer pump bottle things for a foaming face wash before and it worked perfectly. Should work for this as well - RAYNAG 2 Pack Clear Plastic Foamer Bottle Pump Mini Travel Size Soap Dispenser,50 ml/1.7 oz
Here’s the link for anyone interested:
Lativ Short Bob Wavy Wig for Women Lace Front Wigs Ombre Brown Synthetic Wig Middle Part T Lace Wigs Heat Resistant Fiber for Daily Party Use
It’s just one of these, nothing special, its a silicon thing I bought from Amazon. I use it to gently rub in the minoxidil. And I also use it when shampooing as it stimulates the scalp and increases blood flow to it.
Blephademodex Eyelid Wipes 30 Pack
these are the ones, yeah they definitely stink of tea tree oil! idk why, TTO shampoo never did anything for me but whatever concentration they use in the wipes must be the perfect balance
I bought One of those IPL hair removal devices from Amazon. They come in a wide range of prices/models. I bought a relatively inexpensive one and it seems to be working.
I use it when shampooing to give myself a scalp massage. The only downside is that it makes me hair more tangled but I think it helps to stimulate blood flow on your scalp
I honestly don't think anyone else would notice but I realize we are our own harshest critics and I also know it really messes with one's self confidence. If a wig truly improves your mental health, there is obviously nothing wrong with it BUT I think you could simply fill in the spots that bother you with hair powder. Since you have dark hair it would work quite nicely.
BOLDIFY Hairline Powder (Dark Brown) Instant Stain-Proof 48 Hour Formula Locks On for Full Body Hair & Beard | Root Touchup Hair Loss Powder Spray for Thinning, Bald Spots & Gray Root Line
I had my Nexplanon birth control implant removed, which I believe really made my hairloss worse. I have been taking these DHT blocker supplements from Amazon: DHT Blocker Hair Growth Supplement - High Potency Biotin & Saw Palmetto for Hair Regrowth - Natural Hair Loss Treatments for Women & Men - Helps Stimulate Hair Follicle Growth
I also use ketoconazole shampoo as well as spironolactone. I have an appointment coming up with an endocrinologist as well as a derm. I’m hoping to get an oral minox prescription because I haven’t had much luck with topical. It made my hair feel so greasy and uncomfortable :(
I think maybe an easy way to deal with it would be to wear one of those wide cloth non slip headbands and have your hair in a ponytail or bun. You could even add one of those clip in messy buns or ponytails to add something extra to the hair that is tied back.
I don't have a person recommendation but here is an example of the headband and a messy bun
I have :
Missyvan Blue Color Long Straight Hair Synthetic Hair No Lace Wigs for Fashion Women Royal Blue Heat Resistant Fiber Hair
I bought them to play with as someone new to wigs as well. And I figured at 25 and 40 dollars it’s not end of world if I miss them up.
But I will say. The 25 dollar one is ITCHY and has weird lace. So it’s a hat only wig. The 40 is much softer and comfortable to wear. I like to use to play with got2b hairspray to lay it and such. They both shed but 40 dollar one significantly less than the other.
I just watched a bunch of tutorials on YouTube. A lot of black creators have amazing guides and tips on how to wig.
A boars brush with super light bristles. I switched to one about 3 months ago and have noticed that I pull very little hair out of it, my hair looks just a tad shinier/healthier, and I actually like brushing my hair now because it feels so good on my scalp. I bought this one from Amazon. Either way I hope you find something that works for you! 100% Boar Bristle Hair Brush Set....
I got one of those hand held microscope things on Amazon. I also started in 12/29 and didn’t think there was any progress. Until I got the microscope thing. Scores of new little hairs coming in. Helps temper the impatience for me. I got this one, but here are less expensive ones.
They don't hurt at all, and they stay on really well! I have found that they look great when my hairdresser attaches it, but not so great when I do it - my hair is frizzy and I suck at blowdrying it nicely to match the halo. I have a somewhat thin front, but with Toppik (hair fibers) and my hairdresser's magic, it can look really good. This is the one I have, in medium brown.
I don't use mine much anymore, I have moved on to toppers as I find them much easier to deal with.
Hello, welcome to the sub! 😊
I take a 2000IUD daily tablet as recommended by my doctor - my levels were very low though. I'd definitely recommend getting a blood test done before taking tablets as you could end up taking too much. You can also get 6 month injections but they're quite expensive. I also take an iron tablet for low ferritin and omega 3.
As for the Nizoral shampoo, it's this one - I use this more for my seborrheic dermatitis though, not so much the TE.
I'm very sorry to hear about your surgeries. 😓. It's awful when the hair loss kicks in just as you're starting to feel better.
Mriya Scalp Applicator Comb for Medicine Scalp Head Fluid Comb Essential Oil Hair Treatment Device Hair Scalp Massager Brush Growth for Head Brush-Black
Give this a try. Hopefully it really helps and you won’t have to do more extreme measures. I am not against any of the hair treatments or solutions but for anything in life I’ll always try herbs before anything else. Let me now if it helps if you try it! Hopefully it stops the shedding in its tracks… if you have any questions or anything about it you can send me a message anytime.
I got one at the recommendation of my dermatologist. She told me that using one stimulates blood flow in the scalp and she sees an increase of growth for people who use them versus not, especially when paired with medication. I got this one from Amazon in November and have really enjoyed it, feels great on my scalp and I like the hand hold.
I got it off Amazon !
Wireless Digital Microscope,XVZ 50x to 1000x Microscope Magnifier,Mini Pocket Handheld Microscope Camera with Light Compatible for Phone Android,pad
I’m literally in the same exact boat as you for the most part. I just turned 26 and I’m having crazy, patchy hair loss. I feel like half of my hair is gone. I’m getting bloodwork done tomorrow, but I honestly have no idea if it’s just from stress or if it’s more serious.
Take what I say with a grain of salt. I’m not a professional by any means and it’s great that you’re going to a dermatologist. But from what I’ve read and discussed with my loved ones, it’s probably from stress. Covid has done a number on a lot of us. Just stay on top of your nutrients and make sure you’re eating enough protein and sleeping too. I really recommend keeping track of your food on Cronometer ( it’s a nutrition tracker that’s used by dieticians, so unlike other food diary apps like myfitnesspal, it keeps track of every single nutrient your body needs in a day. I find it really helpful to make sure I’m getting my macros in and also all the essential amino acids and trace minerals that can get overlooked. I just started my journey in fixing my hair issues because like you, I pretty much just noticed how serious it is. But just know that you’re not alone and you can start to make changes now that will not only improve the health of your hair but your overall health as well!
Onnit Instant Melatonin Spray | 3mg Melatonin Per Serving (Mint)
I use this one , lots of them had berry flavor but this one was mint which I figured was better for the use I was going for as mint is supposed to be good for tge scalp l as well , although I do not notice a very strong mint scent to it, and I have never actually tasted it. It does have an artificial sweetener in it as it is an oral product which is why I believe it makes my hair sticky , but you could either let it sit overnight and wash your hair in the morning or use dry shampoo as I do. But I did notice an immediate and noticable decrease in my shedding!!
Yes it is men’s Rogaine foam. Here’s the link!
I shake the bottle and put about half a cap full in my hand. I part my hair in the middle and run the foam down my part. I flip my hair upside down and rub the rest into my scalp and along the areas I want to target. A little goes a long way
This is literally from January of this year! I don’t use any carrier oils to dilute it but I use half a syringe of these two products. I haven’t had issues with irritation
Brooklyn Botany Peppermint...
Undiluted Rosemary Essential Oil...
I LOVE silk bonnets. I wish I started using them years ago. I don't think they help regrow hair or anything but my scalp and existing hair feels so much better using them. I also like having the option of going to bed with Minoxidil in my hair and not worrying about my cats.
I have dandruff and was also worried about my scalp not getting to "breathe" but it's been completely fine.
These are the bonnets I use, they're real silk and adjustable to fit your head. I would rather not buy from Amazon but I spent hours looking and have bought a few other brands - these are so much better though:
NOW Rosemary Essential Oil, 30mL and Now Peppermint Oil Liquid, 30ml
I try wearing loose buns/pony tails, and use headband with the buttons on the side that allow you to loop a mask on it. Idk if it helps but it makes me feel better knowing I’m not putting excess stress on it. Plus it covers my thinning.
I use this one
Undiluted Rosemary Essential Oil...
And then the glass dropper it comes with twice a day (morning/night) I’m not super precise I just apply drops in my problem areas maybe 7-10 and just massage my scalp for a few minutes afterwards
Are you able to pick-up or order-in necessities? I would suggest starting with a multivitamin if it's within your means. Can't hurt. Something I've also found helpful is logging my food in Cronometer for a couple days to track nutrients, this is a relatively easy and free way to see how your diet stacks up nutrition wise.
It's also important to note that stress isn't going to help anything. Easier said than done, I know, but try to relax yourself as best as you can. I assure you no one is noticing this hair loss but you. Even then, I know from experience how had to manage it can be. I'm right here with you. Everything is going to be okay.
Side note- currently on sale on Amazon. Nornss as ply around $60
Amazon Basic Care Minoxidil Topical Solution USP, 5 Percent, Hair Regrowth Treatment for Men, Extra Strength, 12 Fluid Ounces
I didn't get mine from Amazon, but this appears to be identical to the one I bought:\_1\_8?crid=16O66XR7V1ZYW&keywords=digital+microscope&qid=1640234943&sprefix=digital+microscope%2Caps%2C287&sr=8-8
I think this is the one.
I bought from somewhere else but it looks identical. The microscope is detachable from the stand so you can just hold it like a stick. Its very easy to use, just plug into a pc and run the camera app on windows 10.
Wig link: HAIRCUBE Long Blonde Wigs for Women, Layered Synthetic Hair Wig with Dark Roots for Daily Party
I like to use wig tape to help keep mine down. :)
It’s a life saver honestly. I have a thinned out top parting and those clips on the toppers are so damaging to the bio hair. I use half of the wig tape on the parting and lay it on my head and it stays the entire day. It has been heaven sent.
When I’m ready to take it off at the end of the day, I have a little bottle of rubbing alcohol that I spritz directly beneath the topper where the tape is at. It’s a quick process and not damaging to your bio hair, as long as you’re careful.
Here’s an example of the wig tape -
I've been using this one for a few years because my left eye lid gets droopy when I'm tired. I don't recommend it if you have very oily lids because this cream goes on thick. I've also used Body Shop Vit E eye cream, which goes on lighter than Etude House's, but all it did was moisturize and not firm.
❤️I know exactly how you feel!! I too was bullied in high school and for many years before. That stuff really sticks with you :/
I used to put my hair up all the time and would worry if you could see my scalp at work or at school. Anytime I had the chance to go to the bathroom I would go and inspect my hair to make sure it looked decent
More recently I have also felt so suicidal about it, please hang in there ❤️
As you seek treatment, I recommend using a temporary concealing powder since it seems like it’s your part that’s widening. Imo, that’s easier to hide (from experience). Only thing is that it transfers so you’d have to be careful not to touch your scalp and then something else. It’s a lot easier than hair fibers!
Clairol Root Touch-Up Temporary Concealing Powder, Black Hair Color, 3 Count
K'ryssma 13x3 Lace Front Wig Ombre Long Silk Straight Blonde Synthetic Wig with Dark Roots Natural Hairline Ombre Blonde Wigs for Women 22 inches
Yes, I bought them from Amazon. I have both the reversible satin ones and the ones that look like beanies. I ended up buying two six packs of the ones that look like beanies because my husband laughs at the satin ones. He thinks the beanies look like toques (we're Canadian)
BQTQ 6 Pieces Satin Lined Sleep Cap Satin Lined Bonnet Cotton Slouchy Wide Band Beanie Hats Elastic Double-side Night Cap for Women
I use Wow Shampoo
There's also an accompanying conditioner that you can get, but I don't really like it that much. Still trying to find a good product on that end
I'd say follow the advice to see a doctor. I'm in the same boat. 32 and have lots of thinning in the crown. Been steadily decking in thickness since around 22. This can help the appearance while trying to Dr route. BOLDIFY Hair Fibers for Thinning Hair (DARK BROWN) Undetectable & Natural - Giant 28g Bottle - Completely Conceals Hair Loss in 15 Sec - Hair Thickener & Topper for Fine Hair for Women & Men
I found a few online but these are technically supposed to be taken orally.
Do you know if I would have to dilute this before using it? How much do I use in my scalp?
I use one from Amazon and just add a few drops to my shampoo. I try and leave the shampoo in for around 2 to 5 minutes.
I'm taking one that is sold by my naturopath:
My DHT has gone from 3272 to 1287 pmol/l from May to Sep which is a significant drop putting me back within almost normal ranges (83-1266). It's hard to say how much of that drop can be attributed to the supplement but I'm sure it contributed. I have a feeling the elevated DHT was mainly from the IUD though, which I removed in June.
This is the collagen powder I'm taking: ORGANIKA ENHANCED COLLAGEN 500 G I typically mix it in with my protein shake.
I didn't really like the foam, I used the liquid and this applicator
Saved solution, kept my hair from getting greasy (because it was getting directly to my scalp), & prevented dripping (I was getting some serious sideburns for a bit lol).
I think it would be super helpful for all over application although I just used it for temples.
Same here. I became really desperate and started taking supplements for about a month in combination with minoxidil and head massages nightly.
No problem! It's called Floradix Iron Tablets. I get them on amazon. It comes in a liquid form, too, but I get the pills. I'll link it to you.
Does your scalp itch or feel inflamed? Are you using liquid or foam? Liquid always irritated my scalp so now I use the 5% foam. Occasionally, the 5% foam irritates my scalp. When that happens, I use BWC rosemary/mint/tea tree shampoo instead of my regular Nioxin and it seems to calm down my scalp due to its "cooling" sensation. I literally pool the shampoo onto the top of my scalp and let it sit for a few minutes in the shower. I think any shampoo with tea tree will get you the same results, but I've had good luck with the BWC brand in the past.
I use Pure Encapsulations products: Digestive Enzymes Nutrient 950 with NAC (Multivitamin) EFA Essentials (Fish Oil & Borage Oil) Buffered Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) CogniMag (Magnesium I-theorate) Poly Prebiotic Powder PureBi-one (Probiotic & L-Glutamine) Hair/Skin/Nails Ultra Cortisol Calm (Ashwaghanda Mix) DIM Detox Curcumin 500 w/Bioperine Emotional Wellness Hyaluronic Acid Melatonin SR-60s Magnesium Glycinate
I also went through one bottle of Opti-Fermin-C (Iron) and take Vitamin D3 in the winter, but not currently taking these now.
This brand is spendy, but I have lots of allergies and this is what my doctor recommends. If you don’t have allergies you can probably get cheaper versions.
I have this one. For reference, I have a large head that is kinda cone-shaped. When I wear this thing, it looks like I'm trying to pull off a very casual jax beret and fight the system. Also, I only wear it during the day at home, so I can't attest to all the reviews saying that the color rubs off on pillows.
I'm thinking about purchasing this one to see if it's easier to stuff all my baby hairs in.
I have that same issue with the clips. I’ve contemplated taking out the current clips and replacing them with high end clips, if there is such a thing. Mostly I just constantly adjust them all day, which is annoying.
I did try using barber’s velcro for the first time today. I used the clips to secure it to the piece and just plopped it on my head. It’s much more comfy than the clips, but it doesn’t sit as flat or feel as secure. I’ll have to play around with it.
Another option for the front part of the topper is to use the Got2Be spiking paste. Just spread a thin layer to your piece and hold it in place for about a minute.
I was actually thinking about getting a second one so I can leave one in the shower and one in the basket I keep by the sofa with oil for evening stimulation sessions. I notice that Amazon has one that appears to be exactly like the one I got at half the price.