Cargo liner to protect the back when the seats are down. Works well. We have thoroughly tested it 😊
KSRIDOTE 2 PCS Mini USB LED Lights Car Lights USB Night Light USB-A USB-C Micro-USB Supports, 8 Colors Car LED Lights for Cars Party Room Home Office
Have also wondered if these would work. Much cheaper and shows people using them as a debit nfc not sure that it would be secure for a Hyundai nfc key or not.
Found these on Amazon. Have had them for a few weeks now and love them. Soft rubber feel and they fit well. We got them 50% off so I couldn't pass up trying them.
SUPER LINER Custom Fit Floor Mats...
Others have reported that you can turn the Pali into a wireless with this!!
I have used this on everything in my 2020 limited with Light Beige interior and now in my 2023 with black Pail cail, it works great on nappa leather, our weather floor mats, and everything else, it leave no shiny film and let's the material holds its nature condition
There is no good fix for this I have seen. I also use a wireless android auto adapter and it's annoying when my phone still connected to the USB port that's not switched to the ignition.
Best if they just provided an option to make it switched or not. I have seen some suggest something like this. Not perfect but better than unplugging and plugging in the adapter.
2022 Cali. I bought a 'dongle' from Amazon and used velcro tape to attach on the front underside of the console. Now CarPlay is wireless.
😁 That’s Govee’s car interior LED lights. It’s pretty neat. There’s a “dedicated” place to plug it in that little space between the driver and the passenger. The lights turn on when I start the car and off when I stop the engine which is sweet.
Govee Car Interior Lights, Car...
I used this one to vent mount my Fold 3 in my Kia Optima and it was great. I don't currently use a mount in my Palisade because I switched to the Carlinkit AI which gives me wireless android auto and an android os on the touchscreen. But I think the mount should work just fine. I had the spen case from Samsung for the Fold 3 where the pen was mounted on the hinge and it fit and charged just fine. With the new case and the placement of the pen on the back, you will probably need to remove the pen in order to have it mount and charge. Don't listen to the people asking why mount. They don't understand how awesome that unfolded screen is in the car, much more versatile than AA.
Everyone says the mudguards are trash, the OEM ones. They really just do not do anything due to being way to small, etc. You can find WeatherTech ones, OR can try something like these:
On another forum, people have used those Amazon ones and have really liked them. They say they are kind of in-between the WeatherTech and OEM as far as functionality. They feel they are more "seamless" and "OEM looking" than the WeatherTech. Under $30 too. All of them go in with no drilling, etc. needed, as they use existing screws in those areas. So basically you remove some screws, throw it on, and put the screws back into place.
This is the one we got. Its slowing falling apart, but has done it's job and did not seem to cause issues with the light interior Tucson, leather:
My Limited registers 65db at 75mph on the interstate, with A/C, radio, and ventilated seats off. Registered using smart phone app.
Because people are so concerned about the differences, I just ordered this decibel meter and will test with it so we can ensure there's no variation on phones, etc - $20, if anybody else with a '23 wants to get one and we can all compare.
Seemed like a generic one might work. I got an error about a connection being unstable, and noticed my BlueLink connection is at -100dbm while at home, so I'll drive to a better connection spot and try adding a generic one again. I'm trying with some of these that I have:\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I have these on our 22.
Look just like OEM, were easy to install, and were road tested from Texas to Colorado and back over spring break with a Yakima Skybox on top! Worked great!
I know you’ve already installed yours but I’d recommend these:
Running Board Fit for Hyundai Palisade 2019 2020 2021 2022 Nerf Bar Side Step with Mudguards They are solid, look very close to the OEM ones, and come with 4 mud guards which fit very nicely. They do require the removal of the original trim under the door which makes it a bit more of a PITA but not too bad. I installed them a month ago and am pretty happy with them. Even the wife approved!
This is the one that I bought. Reasonable price, fits great, and folds well for those times that you use your 3rd row.
These are the ones I got: SMARTLINER Custom Fit Floor Mat Black 2 Row Liner Set Compatible with 2020-2023 Hyundai Palisade w/ Bucket Seats
Nota dumb question at all... I used a specific one made for that screen, and the HVAC one in the back. It is not cheap, but they are well made and cheaper than a replacement screen lol
then one for the main screen (nav/media screen)
I just heard how easily those screen scratched and put them on both on day one.
I use Chemical Guys Heavy Duty Water Spot Remover. Just follow the directions on the bottle. On Amazon but you can also find it at auto detail dealers.
We bought these and have been great so far. I was surprised how they fit exactly to the car so well.
People on forums have used this:
CURT 51180 Echo Mobile Electric Trailer Brake Controller with Bluetooth-Enabled Smartphone Connection, Proportional
Mine did this with my pixel3, and I bought an anker 12 inch cable and have not had the issue again