If you're on Android, I've found this app to be pretty useful for controlling the volume of individual apps independently from media. Sometimes I like to play music/videos in the background while I play, but don't want the hassle of changing the in-game volume configs, so this saves a lot of time, and helps with this I find too.
thanks!! I would have never found out why. Since you put it that way, so it's not possible to get it other than $$$?
I saw it being use again, on a Diana. This make so much more sense now
edit: wow nvm, https://imgbb.com/LvtkG5P. it's possible haha
The reason is that new codes are released all the time and sharing a website that keeps updating them is more useful than posting every time a new code is released. There are around 40 currently active codes right now.
If you're really worried and don't use a browser protection service, there are free services like norton safeweb (https://safeweb.norton.com/) which check a particular url for security issues.