Hi. I'd rather you have one for free because after you have (access to) a 3D printer they are very inexpensive to make. We will post this Innokin Snoo on Thingyverse and also maybe different designs for different iTaste Vaporizers could be community designed and shared. We could sell them and ship them but to be honest it would be better if it was less environmentally damaging and more fun.
If you have a meter that can read ohms ( more than just a continuity check ) you can find out were the problem is. I have an old cool fire 4 Plus they're easy to take apart here's some pics of it
I have you tagged as Helpful Answering Technical. Do you have any suggestions for upgrades? They take about 12 hours to print but I would be happy to send some of them around the community.
Edit: Fixed Grammar and wanted to add we will also be sharing the file on Thingyverse and we could also work together to improve it.
Something like this should work fine: https://www.amazon.com/Certified-Charger-Universal-Portable-Adapter/dp/B017TXGM4I/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=5v+1a+samsung+charger&qid=1563464765&s=electronics&sr=1-3
Hope this helps!
> torx screws not hex
- You are so right! Thank you so much!
- Though I've seen, worked with, and even have some bigger torx drivers in my drill driver set, it never occurred to me what those particular screw heads were called, nor did it occur to me that it is what's in my mod.
- Also, if anyone else is ever in need of a cheaply priced torx screwdriver set, I found this one on Amazon for $8.99, which has 24 batch head sizes :)
This is another great inexpensive option for a torx driver set: https://www.amazon.com/Jakemy-Precision-Screwdriver-Electronic-Extension/dp/B019ZSK57K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1497285185&sr=8-1&keywords=torx+set+jakemy
I use this very frequently with no problems. Also has a lot of harder to find bit sizes (smaller bits).
I've been using this for my vc4 charger and all other charging needs. http://www.amazon.com/iClever-BoostCube-Technology-Blackberry-Bluetooth/dp/B00QTE09SY/ref=sr_1_1?s=wireless&ie=UTF8&qid=1459651797&sr=1-1
Hi! This is one of the plugs I've been trying to use - http://www.amazon.co.uk/Belkin-5V-Single-USB-Charger-White/dp/B003922INI?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00
Sure its the port and not the cord? I'd try another cord to make sure. Also contact
If you want to mess with replacing it here is a port: micro usb
Monoprice 4-port, same thing I use to charge my phone. Tested with my scope, no issues. One of these things: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00DIGAFOO
Tank-wise, Kanger subtank mini. It wasn't a leak - there would've been liquid on my nightstand.