I know these seem like a gimmick, but the cold water towels really do work well. Especially if you bring a small cooler of ice water to soak them in:
Chilly Pad Just find a generic at any store. They're way cheaper and work just as good. I own multiple and they've saved my ass from heat exhaustion multiple times.
It definitely does not have the visual characteristics of a typical asbestos containing fire proof spray insulation. Though it appears to be a porous material that could be friable if disturbed.
Do you have any documentation of the renovation from previous homeowner? The other comments are likely correct that it's a wet cellulose based, spray on insulation applied within the last few decades and is free of asbestos. If there is some documentation of the date of renovation it would be enough to forego testing.
Keep in mind that asbestos cannot be detected unless microscopic analysis is performed on a sample of the suspected building material.
If you are looking to learn more about asbestos please read my ebook it's free for Amazon Kindle Unlimited members or a low cost educational guide for non-members.
They make window insulation film kits that work really well. I’ve used them in Chicago with good results. Duck 286218 Extra Large Patio Door Shrink Film Window insulation kit, 1, Crystal Clear https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000NHW2Z6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_VRA4F7BW01AH2S84QYGD
You can also find them in any hardware store.
I looked again and the perspective was confusing for me. I thought there was something between the top plate and the flat part of the baffle and you just needed to fill the edges.
I hear you on the top plate. You might want to consider this if you have any more to do out at the soffit
AWF Pro Foam Gun - AWF 1200, PTFE Non Stick Coated 2' Spray Foam Gun. Ideal for Contractors & DIY. High Precision, Greater Yield Foam Spray Insulation Gun, One Hand Adjustment, 2' Long Nozzle
The concern I have was if you have a vented soffit air movement would go through the fiberglass and to the cellulose. Making the top plate cold again. Maybe someone else can weigh in
The lights are IC rated -- Just want to put a container over them and air seal them with some spray foam. I don't want to pay $14 a piece for those Tenmat downlight covers. I also wanted the covers to be lower than the height of my rafter beams. I feel like the plastic containers are actually a lot sturdier than these: Bazz branded "vapor shields".
Oh and the ones on the left are microwave/dishwasher safe. =P
Sketch or not sketch?
Note: I also posted in HVAC since they have a lot of input about airsealing the house for HVAC purposes--Not sure if there are rules about crossposting here.
I'd hit it with this. https://www.amazon.com/Touch-Seal-Hose-Spray-Insulation/dp/B00BPWS4AU/ref=pd_sbs_86_3?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B00BPWS4AU&pd_rd_r=3Q05PZMRCMGMQ1A5C291&pd_rd_w=SPDPP&pd_rd_wg=oVDDr&psc=1&refRID=3Q05PZMRCMGMQ1A5C291 or have it professionally done with spray foam. If you own the condo you probably want the best stuff.