I had a beanie that had Punisher on one side and Daredevil on the other.
It was one of my most comfortable winter hats (larger/looser than most and soft with it).
But I often roll and unroll the edge of a cap, and can’t trust myself to not unknowingly end up flying an inappropriate flag :(
It was this one (not an affiliate link):
Altmeyer has a new book on Trump and authoritarianism.
Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers
>[How did America end up with a leader who acts so crudely and despotically, and counter to our democratic principles? Why do his followers stick with him, even when he acts against their own interests?
To fully understand, John Dean, a man with a history of standing up to autocratic presidents, joined with Bob Altemeyer, a professor of psychology with a unique area of expertise: Authoritarianism.](https://www.amazon.com/Authoritarian-Nightmare-Trump-His-Followers/dp/1612199054)
Reading through this thread makes me think you believe that self interest is the primary incentive for innovation. Nothing could be further from the truth. Self interest only encourages mimicry, a drive to get what is perceived to be wealth. Actual innovation comes from trying to benefit society; helping others.
As for the best benefit for all with the greatest efficiency? The strategy that delivers the best returns, it turns out, is to divide the funding equally.
I have not had great luck with browser based adblockers. However, I absolutely love Pi.hole: https://pi-hole.net/
I saw people rave about it for years. I assumed it'd be too complicated, but it's incredibly easy to set up. It's truly a set and forget experience.
Here's Dee's views back in 2008
He's always been a very awesome dude, who will even teach you about puberty.
Plus, Twisted Sister is maybe the most underrated thing of all time. I only knew their radio hits un until a few years ago. Check out Under the Blade, You Can't Stop Rock and Roll, Tear it Loose, Destroyer, Love is for Suckers, etc. Great, great stuff!
For Xmas of 2008, every kid-of-a-friend I knew got this as a gift. It came with a free copy of this, which I also happily distributed.
You guys know the Allies killed Nazis with guns, right?
Evil doesn't die on its own, you have to stop it. Get armed.
Highly recommend you check the right wing subs about this, they're saying stuff like:
>"He has a tattoo that says 'Awake' on his face, everyone knows lefties are "woke", she he's obviously a lefty.
They completely ignore "Awake, not Woke"
(the right wing christo-fascist response to "Woke-ism", He's not a "woke lefty", he's an "awake christian")
It would be a shame if people got these and put them under their cars, I hope that doesn't happen
Just remember to be safe when you are out and about.
It's always good to carry emergency equipment, like a good glass breaker...
These look like they could .. get the job done.
Oops lol. I reread your comment multiple times because it seemed ridiculous and I guess read it wrong every time.
In that case, here's a hat for sale from an Amazon store that sells three percenter merch.
if you google images 3 percenter hat this on amazon show up https://www.amazon.com/Printed-Kicks-Stars-Betsy-Casual/dp/B07WVR8QYW
The top review with 10 helpful likes "Nice hat! Fits well. Low key patriotism. I live in a liberal America hating town. No one has been offended or tried to beat me up yet and I have worn it for nearly two weeks!"
LOL. That's not a 3 Percenters Hat. That's an EU hat.
Surely I'm not the only one to have noticed that? And not saying he's not a member of the 3 Percenters, but he's wearing an EU hat.
Yes. A big change in my beliefs was when I read The New Jim Crow and realized that the playing field is actually not level at all.
And add to that life experiences where I saw POC and women get treated much worse in similar situations, I started to realize how much I was living life on easy. For example, I got pulled over for reckless driving (I was completely guilty: 60 in a 25) and the cop let me call a ride rather than booking me. I also had been drinking and although I wasn't over the legal limit, it still made it worse. I had to go to court but the police didn't even mention the drinking on the summons/citation and all I had was a fine. Compare that to some of my young male black coworkers who couldn't even walk home at night (same town, and even the same street) after work without getting stopped and harassed.
Even accounting for economic status, you have to wilfully ignore reality to not see how straight white men have an easier go of it.
>There's a quote going around, attributed to various Senators and it's probably fake, but it accurately describes the way his fellow Senators think about him: "I like Ted Cruz more than most, and I fucking hate Ted Cruz."
It's real. It was from Minnesota Senator Al Franken, the former SNL writer. You can find it in Al's autobiography:
>"Here's the thing you have to understand about Ted Cruz. I like Ted Cruz more than most of my other colleagues like Ted Cruz. And I hate Ted Cruz."
You can buy the book here.
Eraser Wheel, VONDERSO Decal Remover, Adhesive Remover, 13PC Rubber Pin Stripe Removal Tool Kit for Drill for Automotive Car Sticker, Vinyl, Rv, with Polishing Pads, Wool Buffing Pad and Razor Blades https://www.amazon.com/dp/B082HJGWPG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_4GMN8A7RAP9SEYQ3R4AS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I must warn you though, it will smell like burnt rubber.
No, but he has a fuckload of bullshit to sell you!
Want a soundbite printed on a mug? How about a shirt announcing your open support of hate crimes? Buy his 6-part CD set on the evils of gender neutral bathrooms, and his 10-part book series about an Afghanistan War soldier making the necessary sacrifice of killing foreign civilians for American safety! Sponsored by Audible, Skillshare, and ExpressVPN!
Non Amazon sources
E.G. Fisher Public Library 1289 Ingleside Avenue Athens, TN 37303 423-745-7782 www.fisherlibrary.org
Etowah Carnegie Public Library 723 Ohio Avenue Etowah, TN 37331 423-263-9475 www.etowahlibrary.com
Calhoun City Library 746 Highway 163 Calhoun, TN 37309 423- 336-2348
Englewood Public Library 103 Carroll Street Englewood, TN 37329 423- 887-7152
Niota Public Library 11 East Main Street Niota, TN 423-568-2613
What a load of horseshit. Better off reading this: https://www.amazon.com/How-Civil-Wars-Start-Stop-ebook/dp/B095MMDWBR/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2RLVMX5601MF6&keywords=Civil+war&qid=1642640607&sprefix=civil+war%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-4
Theres actually always been subcultures within subcultures of awful rightwing music. Skrewdrivers the most well known. But punk as a whole has always had a lot of problematic aspects as well.
>unlike most nazis he would be willing to throw his "core beliefs" overboard for money and status.
Wow, imagine thinking that the Nazis and Hiyler actually stuck to their "core beliefs". What a load of horseshit.
Someone needs to read this book
I do give a shit about feelings. Watch this.
Get utterly destroyed you pathetical vermin. Physics > your feewongz. Lmfao
And btw your ass is hairy and your pussy stank get fucked
They both were
Adolf Hitler in 1938 (sorry for the Amazon link. The Time website is having an issue with their archive of the article)
I don't think those were the covers used for the issues however, though I could very well be wrong