If and only if
1) The KN95 legitimately meets the specification,
2) You pass a qualitative fit test,
3) You wear safety goggles, and
4) You don and doff the PPE correctly and limit your re-use of respirators.
Problem is the WHO then national politicians sold the virus as spread by fomites and large droplets. That it can fill a packed room like smoke, is something that has taken 20 months to get close to be accepted widely.
UK's series of mis-steps detailed here - https://www.authorea.com/users/316109/articles/545687-how-covid-19-spreads-narratives-counter-narratives-and-social-dramas basically center around not treating the diseases as airborne and adjusting non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) accordingly. If you're American you won't know all the playersin that timeline. UK deaths per capita are similar to those in the USA.
Perhaps these?
I got this to wear to a concert over my Aura N95. I cut out the inner layer so that it was just the lace so I didn't notice any discomfort or added effort breathability wise. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0946L9T3D/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Indeed. The 9502+, for example, carries wide approvals.. KN95, N95, KMOEL-2017-64 (Korea OSHA), and P2 (Australia/New Zealand). One of the more universally approved products, and a solid respirator.
Amazon has these back now... They've been available on and off since November 2020. It was truly sad to see all the misinformation steering people away from this product in late 2020 at the height of the Alpha outbreak when none of us were vaccinated. The narrative of "you can't find N95s" and "Amazon products are fake" likely resulted in many preventable deaths. Since 3M produces these in mass volume in China and China basically had zero COVID at that point, Amazon had these throughout the entire Alpha outbreak.
It's worth pursuing something that fits your face well.
I know this seems like a silly question, but do you think these masks are too big or too small? From your description, it could be too big because you write that it slides down your face. On the other hand, you mention that it slides down your face when you open your mouth. If the mask is too small, your jaw can pull the mask down when you open your mouth if the mask is too small.
If you think you need something larger, maybe try a BOTN large? If you think you need something smaller, maybe try a BOTN medium?
Is it loose because the ear loops aren't tight enough? If that's the case, the bluna's have a built in means to adjust the loops tighter. I don't know if the cleartop's have that feature. These cord locks will work to tighten ear loops on most KF94's: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08C7CRBPP/
Yes, sometimes they are called "spit shields," which is even more appealing. https://www.amazon.com/MOTOTEKS-Restaurant-Protection-Protective-Environmental/dp/B08CS2F6HG
You might just get some stick-on nose wires, and stick one on top of the existing nose wire. They're pretty cheap.
The bees are for personal use, and have what I refer to as a "luxury wire." I take two chenille pipe cleaners (Not craft pipe-cleaners, smoking implement pipe cleaners Like these. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0847L9T9J/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 ) and twist them together. They're suuuper cushy and have hold a shape pretty well without being too stiff.
The dots are another small batch to go into the freebie box on my porch. They use a standard heavy duty plastic coated garden twist-tie folded in two, which is a bit stiffer, but still pretty damn comfortable.
No mask I've tried has been a good fit across my nose, it's always the area I have trouble with. I picked up some of these foam pieces and it solved the issue for me, with the three different masks I have.
I love these things. The adhesive stays attached to my masklab.us KF series masks, so I can remove the mask and re-use. It stays very adhesive too, even though I have oily skin over my nose.
Fingers crossed for you! You might also want to add a mask bracket that keeps the mask off of your mouth and nostrils. They are pretty cheap and definitely increase my comfort when wearing a blue pleated disposable.
Something like these: 3D Face Inner Bracket for Comfortable Breathing,Face Internal Support Frame|Breathe Cup Lipstick Protector Keep Fabric off Mouth to Create More Breathing Space[Washable|Reusable|Translucent,5Pcs] https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B08D7KNCCF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_fabc_TRV158KWA41P0A1XCSKN?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
PAPR type masks with positive air pressure may help you. (They will not protect others from your infection very well, though.)
But professional systems are bulky and expensive:
Alternatives found in amazon (with *** unknown level of protection ***):
While Delta is generating its spike, we are 100% KF94. Cases are just too rampant and exposure too likely.
You can get a clip for the ear loops or make one so you don't notice them.
You might try these I’ll link below. They are pretty heavy duty, very similar to what is on official NIOSH rated respirators. I can’t remember who, but someone else here recommended them and I’ve tried them a couple times on the outside of disposable respirators with really good luck.
There are various links to Twitter threads and Amazon in other posts about fit testing in this sub, I would take a look at those, the one I got is this:
Nano Facial Mister Portable... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08QNKF9PF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Looks like Owens & Minor, which acquired Halyard’s surgical and infection protection business in 2018, is selling their surgical masks on Amazon. I haven’t ordered, but here’s the link.
This is the unit I bought. Though it was half the price when I did.
Try using a mask bracket. I got some at the very beginning, and don't wear anything without one. They help the "breathing" of the mask, help keep the fit tight, and you can wear them with any mask. (That's an amazon link, but you can get them almost anywhere)
You can try masks that provide posivie air pressure like this:
Then, you don't have to feel the resistance to breath in.
Also, this type of system provides better protection with people with facial hair and/or skin surface problems.
If you search, there are other models, too.
There are professional grade systems if you want:
So I personally bought https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07R91W8JJ/ for my glasses. It's a bit overpriced, but damn it works well. A few drops and then swirl/gently brush with a microfiber cloth to coat, then let dry. I can breathe directly on my glasses and not have them fog at all.
That said, I don't know how that'd work on something directly in front of someone's mouth. The only issue I have with the stuff is that in certain situations it seems to recondense a bit, not entirely sure why.
Apparently it isn’t actually 3M, just the adhesive. But I use this roll from Amazon: 50Pcs Nose Bridge Strips Pad Self-Adhesive …
Cambridge masks are great! Don’t waste your money on their lame “extra nose foam and head strap”. Package though, get these haha.
> that are good for keeping a kn95 or kf94 tight around the face?
You should look for a KN95 or KF94 that fits well on its own without a cloth mask over it (You can use earloop adjusters to tighten it, and you can add a nosebridge on the outside to supplement the build-in nosebridge if you want)
The cloth mask on the outside trick is well suited to surgical masks which are not intended to provide a good seal and often have a gap on the side, but is not well suited to KN95/KF94/N95 etc which are designed to seal on their own.
If you've got some time before you fly, you should be able to get used to it by then. It is normal for the mind to be in a bit of disagreement with things upon the face -- we're wired to protect our heads at all costs, and there's unconscious mechanisms at work that you need to "unwire".
I doubt you will have actual breathing issues, although it can feel like you are having trouble -- it's mostly an anxious reaction unless you've got an existing lung condition like COPD. Consider a pulse oximeter. These little guys will quickly and easily read your actual blood oxygen level and heart rate. What it's most likely going to tell you, is when you are having "trouble breathing", your blood oxygen level is still fine (breathing is working) but your heart rate is elevated (you're anxious). Bonus points for these devices as they can also tell you how badly your breathing is if you end up with COVID19... Less than 95% is considered hypoxia (insufficient blood oxygen) and is grounds for immediate intervention.
I suspect once you get used to the feel of the stuff on your head and become more confident you are breathing just fine, you will have a lot less trouble.
Regardless, you are smart to consider wearing effective PPE when flying. Long, close proximity to people is a great way to spread virii. I've caught more than a few colds and the flu a few times flying, with as contagious is they say SARS2 is... I sure wouldn't be taking any chances.
Grab one of these to pull out when dealing with these idiots... The entire place will dash for their neck gaitors and bandannas... shit gets real when someone whips out the "gas mask"...
if the office is a concern, get one of those hygrometers that bluetooth the data to your phone, that way you can keep a history of your work environment, then present it to them should they ever become more receptive on the issue. https://www.amazon.com//dp/B07DWMJKP5
I wear this one: PatrolMaster 1296P UHD Body Camera with Audio (build-in 64GB), 2 Inch Display, Night Vision, Waterproof, Shockproof, Body Worn Camera with Compact Design, Police Camera for Law Enforcement (https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07T8YPMRT)
Has lots of configuration options, and comes with clips for a standard or duty belt. Battery lasts 3-4 days using 2-4x hours per day.
You can set a password on the device to connect it to a computer. The only way to remove content is to connect it to a computer, enter the code on the device, and move contents off just like a USB disk. Nobody can take it and press buttons in the field to delete images.
Also has a laser pointer for lining up shots.
Agreed. Also in case this helps anyone: if you are like me and need to wear goggles over your glasses, PAERDE (on Amazon) sells a pretty good one that doesn't fit too awkwardly.
I wear safety glasses with my N95. Glasses have been shown to reduce infection. I use these: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QMXQLLT
Note: Some reviews mention these are too small for their face so maybe look around depending on your dad.
We noticed the Readimask 20 packs seem to run out of stock quite a bit, but we ALWAYS have 50 packs in Large available on Amazon :)
We hope they work well for you! please let us know what you think :)
>GVS Elipse Source Control
https://www.amazon.com/GVS/dp/B095YC3ZD5?th=1, and read the feedbacck. In my opinion (know only the valved version), fragile device. More than 3M; MSA, Honeywell, Draeger elastomeric masks. The GVS shop on Amazon ships now to Philippines.
Thanks for this, I’m definitely going to try it out. Did you use the hood method when you tested yours?
Also, is there any significant difference between a tiny mister like the one in the link and a larger nebulizer like this one in terms of being able to effectively perform the test?
It's really annoying that the manufacturers monkey with the construction. Anyway, if your relative really likes KF94 but is unhappy with the latest version of the BOTN and Bluna, you might try one of these:
LG Airwasher KF94 (link to LG's Amazon storefront)
Evergreen Cleantop KF94
Good Manner KF94
Alternatively, I just got my mother into wearing some very soft and comfortable duckbill N95s such as the Jackson Safety brand. These are quite reasonable with soft and non elastic bands around the head which don't bite in, plus they are super breathable.
Why can't you do a fit test?
buy one of these($10) and a box of sweet n low. I assume you have trash bags in your house. Then use this video, it goes over the US Army Field Manual method.
Aside from the flo mask and envo mask, it's a pretty short list for U.S.
Since you mentioned that it should be a black mask, another option to consider is the very comfortable black LG Airwasher, L size. This link is to the listing sold directly by LG on Amazon, so it will be legit. These masks score well in breathability and filtration, and they're adjustable to fit your face. I would normally use a behind the head silicone "ear saver" to make it nice and snug and take the pressure off my ears as well.
Although a manufacturer of an N95 would caution that adding anything to the mask makes it no longer officially N95 compliant, you might consider adding a foam piece under the nose area, something you can purchase on Amazon. Maybe this -- though I've not tried that exact product.
You'll want to carefully check the fit and seal afterward, ideally it would be a DIY fit test as mentioned in our wiki.
The N95 compliance is more of an occupational issue, I think individuals using the masks for Covid prevention are often finding ways for their masks to work better.
I improve the KF94 with cord toggles (from Amazon) to tighten the ear loops, and a clip (scavenged from Nawell KF94s, but you can buy similar ones, or use paper clips) to hold the loops behind my head. A paper found such things do a lot to improve KF fit.
toggles like https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B08BWL15DS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I recently bought this double sided tape and it’s very strong. Like a very sticky bandaid. Not sure how long it lasts yet, but I was able to take it off and stick on again at least once.
I know exactly how you feel. I use an Air King 9155 Window Fan (16-Inch) and let it run the rest of the day.
If your window doesn't quite fit, the trick is to use a spring tension shower curtain rod to keep it in place.
The fan can displace 2,470 Cubic Foot per Minute (CFM). I'm not great with math but according to this site, a 3,000 square foot house with 8 foot ceilings is 2,400 square feet. So roughly the fan can clear out the equivalent of a 3,000 square foot house worth of air in ONE minute.
I haven't tried this I was looking for a more normal style like the flat fold ones but I see this a lot on reddit
Sounds like a good plan to me.
I think I must push these too much, but if you ever find mask fit loosening over time due to ear loops stretching I use these type of reusable / adjustable cord locks to restore a snug fit.
Just thought if this one. You can use seamless hair ties like this to create small “padded wraps” for the head bands. Just cut them into pieces and allow them to curl around the straps where they tend to put pressure on your face. I’d position the opening to the front so you have a single flat layer of padding toward your face.
You can def find cheaper listings than the one I posted above. That listing just had a great pic of the way the nylon fabric curls.
Solid copper - about 15ga - sheathed. I also rip nose wires off the outside of https://www.amazon.co.uk/GVS-F31000-Segre-Folded-masks/dp/B08LHGLG9M as I have a box but FFP3 is too hard to breath through for it's 99.95% (tested on my portacount) particle filtration efficiency. That's flat alu but much thicker and can last 100 hours per wire (more than the life of one mask). Doesn't fit all wire pockets though.
Just throwing this out there because I saw mention of it somewhere before. Apparently “hat size reducer” foam like this can work. I wish I could find the exact listing that person recommended, as there are different thicknesses.
I've found the 3M AFFM ear loops to be a little long so I've just put on these silicone cord locks to adjust the tension just right for a snug fit.
You can also use these or something similar to connect the cut Aura 9210 head straps to form adjustable ear loops.
3M also makes this mask with ear loops, foam, and metal nose wire
Bitrex solution is what you want, it's used for mask fit testing and you can purchase on Amazon, for example here -- and actually this reminds me the Masks4All wiki section on fit testing could use some links to purchase the solution. It already has a few resources on fit testing. Alternatively, it is possible to use SweetN'Low as you are thinking to do.
Hey there, I just noticed LG airwasher is a black friday deal on Amazon (and the seller seems to be legitimate LG, though you can check for yourself): https://www.amazon.com/Airwasher-KF94-Disposable-Face-Mask/dp/B08WJPS6KY
> asked her to mask because she was sick and it's basic decency to minimize the spread. But now it's that "oh I would if you werent so mean about pushing it" when this is the first time I asked her about masking in months.
She sounds nice... /s Doing any black friday shopping? this and this are on discount, should be ridiculous and effective enough at the same time to serve as both an offensive and defensive tool against the brat.
thanks a ton!
not really a cube, more of a brick; i meant this one
I'm actually not sure exactly what the material is, I think it's polypropylene similar to the mask, but stretchy. You can see it up close in the amazon listing. One downside is that the mask isn't so reusable, because the soft material and straps get all messed up and ugly looking when you take of and put on several times. So this mask can't really go into a reuse rotation like some people do.
Sorry for the late reply. I just got tape to try. It feels much better than before but I haven't done a fit test.
I purchased this tape: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08CJWDDS8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Seems to be working so far! I'm in an airport for the next 5 hours so we'll see how it stays sticky.
I like a mask to fit snugly but also don't like the pressure on my ears, so I use a silicone mask ear saver from Amazon (like this) to take the pressure off. If it's ridiculously tight, I will gently stretching out the earloops a bit (pinch the end so you're not just going to rip it off the mask).
I've had success with these lanyards. You put a clip on each earloop and can then use the adjuster to tighten (or loosen) the fit. The lanyard will tend to sit low on the back of your head and pull the earloops down a bit, but it does keep some of the pressure off your ears.
I got these on Amazon that are self stick. I switched to a different mask, so I didn't use them on a regular basis.
Note: they are actually totally flat, which may not be clear from the photo.
The US version can be had from Amazon or Target, although they're more expensive than NIOSH approved N95 respirators, which confuses me as to what the appeal is. Newark has some of the singles left if you're looking for a better deal on individually packaged units.
These devices are designed to be used with the sidebands tied securely behind the head. Using the sidebands as earloops results in significantly higher leakage, so beware you are not getting the rated level of protection in that configuration.
> I was even going to place and tape shut surgical masks over it, just in case of any recirculated indoor air, but I felt a little silly doing that.
Yeah, not necessarily silly. Another option could be getting some small MERV 13 filters to tape over. Or MERV fabric, like https://www.amazon.com/Material-Purification-Bacteria-Particles-Allergens/dp/B087G5BY6G
I go P100 elastomeric. Honeywell 7700.
A well fitting N95 is sufficient from a filtration efficiency standpoint and is, in my mind, the absolute minimum. 3M Aura is fantastic and I usually go through security in the N95 and change to the P100 at the gate, just to avoid inconsistencies with TSA.
The P100 elastomeric gives you a more consistent fit over long periods of time and, for me, is more comfortable for 8+ hours. The straps don't dig into your head, added comfort of a valved mask, and you can clean it when it gets dirty. The extra filter efficiency and virtually infinite life is just a bonus.
I don't personally use eye protection aside my regular glasses. Face shields will probably be of marginal benefit versus the extra bulk and inconvenience. Something like Stoggles is pretty low-key and will give you protection against flying droplets. 3M Virtua CCS is pretty rockin for $12 if you don't need prescription.
The sad fact is that people don't/won't cancel their flights and travel plans if they are sick: it's a major inconvenience and expense for them while getting everyone else sick isn't going inconvenience them personally. So the sick person will happily risk infecting the rest of the plane because it's the least cost solution. People suck and the incentives to do the right thing are inverted. Play defensively and protect yourself first.
The Powecom and Bluna FF both seem to fit me and my wife very well. I also like the Good Manner KF94 with added silicone cord locks for a snug fit. The Good Manner is on the edge of being a little too large for my wife though. And for both of us, 3M Auras for maximum protection / longer exposures.
The Good Manner KF94s on Amazon are pretty cheap and are a reputable brand. From what I recall reading on here, it's not very profitable to make counterfeit masks and copy all the branding and packaging for KF94s since the real things are so cheap. So while it's not impossible to get a counterfeit of a reputable brand of KF94, it's unlikely (though you might end up with gray market masks that were not intended for export for whatever reason.)
Yes, the Powecom KN95-SM is children's size, maybe too small for you...
Have you tried silicone cord locks to snug up the Powecom?
Another smaller bifold ear loop mask is the 3M AFFM. It seems a little smaller than the Powecom on me. I definitely need cord locks or the ear loop hook they come with for a secure fit with those.
https://www.amazon.com/FANGTIAN-Particulate-Respirators-Protective-TC-84A-7861/dp/B087Z7N4XF/ref=sr_1_1?crid=44G4O1BAOIVN&keywords=fangtian+n95+mask+niosh+certified&qid=1667782276&sprefix=fangtian+n%2Caps%2C260&sr=8-1 This one is the one where the straps are too long so it doesnt wrap around my head right and also on the ears sometimes it falls
Interesting, I wasn't aware of that rumor. By the way, I did notice that BNX/Accumed sell a 10-pack on Amazon, though per mask it comes out to a lot more at the current price: https://www.amazon.com/10-Pack-Disposable-Particulate-Protection-Against/dp/B09R32ZHLR
It sounds like the problem wasn't the quality of the mask, but the fit. Which mask is well-fitted will vary highly based on your face shape and size. If you add a description of your face, people might have specific suggestions.
I highly recommend you do a DIY fit test on any mask you get to make sure it's not leaking. It's very cheap - I used this $7 sprayer from Amazon and a box of Sweet'N'Low from the grocery store which was maybe $4.
I have done DIY fit testing with the masks I wear so I know the Gerson 3230 N95s I use need no add ons to protect me. I also passed in VFlex and Aura 9205+.
The seemingly well-fitting ear loop masks I have that are waiting to be worn when cases drop in my area did need some wig/toupee tape on the nose bridge plus s-hooks or a cinching lanyard to pass the fit test.
Here’s a Twitter thread on what you need and how to do a cheap and easy DIY fit test.
I got this one cheaper than it's current price and it's pretty good. I only tape some earloop masks and i will tape my aura when i'll take my next hair cut.
https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B002CSX7Z8 is how I imagined making a tube-like extension. The stuff is easy to work with and sets harder than that rubbish Sugru material. I'll email the maker. That said makers go very quiet when you say you have a portacount. Me and my quest for washable95 turns up multiple high claim vendors where the tests don't match the claims.
You could try a Good Manner 3D KF-94. I got mine from someone who got them on G Market, but you can also get small quantities on Amazon for a decent price. The earloops are not-adjustable and are really long on me. But adding an s-hook to connect the earloops behind my neck works great. The masks are very soft on the inside and quite breathable.
anything wrong w the black ones? looks like they're in stock on Amazon here
Thank you for this! I've been looking for an alternative portable purifier to a tiny Clair air purifier which I feel doesn't put out enough air. Are you referring to the nearly 40 USD item in this link: https://www.amazon.com/Airversa-Effective-Freshener-Apartment-Essentials/dp/B09TQWZGYG?
I haven't read in depth but it says DC power. Will it run with the USB cable plugged into a portable power bank?
This link won't deliver to me in the US.
This is the one that I tried and I was not happy with it. It wasn't adjustable and didn't seal for me, but nothing about it stood out and I would have preferred a mask with more space from the lips. So to give you some perspective since you do have Good Manner masks, those sealed one me perfectly without any adjustments while Welkeeps would leak on the sides and around the chin.
If cost is a factor and your preference is for headband masks, the 3M 9502+ might be an option. If the Aura is bit bit big for you, it is possible that this might also be a bit big for you but it might be worth a try. Right now, you can buy a box of 50 from Amazon for $39.55 USD but you might be able purchase them in a smaller quantity elsewhere to try them out first.
You can get them even cheaper from Gmarket during one of their international shipping promotional periods. Back in July, I bought a box of 50 for $16.38 USD + discounted international shipping costs.
I only have one experience with taping a mask, but I will definitely do it again. I used wig tape to stick an Aura to my face the other day when I picked friends up from the airport. It worked great and felt very secure.
Here's the tape I used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B017Q19UHY/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
This tent isn't mesh. It's made to keep the rain and wind out, which it definitely does.
I am thinking of maybe getting one of the "bed tents", though. They're meant to be used inside for privacy and darkness purposes. I would keep all the panels and "windows" zipped. Obviously it can't be airtight or people couldn't breathe in there, but my thinking is that with a good HEPA H13 air purifier meant for a bedroom it would keep the air pretty clean in there. I won't be sleeping near anyone, and no one will have been in my sleeping area for hours.
I find that the 3M-Vflex is very flexible under the jaw and has a different pressure than the Aura. No guarantees that it will work, but it's a very good mask that works for a lot of people as an alternate to the Aura.
To work with existing masks, you can put cord locks such as theses on the earloops to tighten them up.
(I use bits of tubing or insulation from wire that I happen to have.)
You can also use KT or Micropore tape over the top of the seal where the mask leaks, or double stick mask or wig tape under it.
The half mask with P100 might be way overkill for your application (being annoyed by kitchen smells). And although they are design to work in, they do have a bit of breathing resistance that you would notice while sitting around in the house wearing the mask.
What about an odor reducing disposable such as this: https://www.homedepot.com/p/3M-8246-R95-Household-Bleach-and-Cleaner-Odor-Disposable-Respirator-Mask-2-Pack-8246PA1-A/203231619
Or one with an exhalation valve might be even more comfortable: https://www.amazon.com/3M-8577CA1-C-PS-Chemical-Valved-Respirator/dp/B0052EA7NY
Some options are double sided tape or adding your own nose strip https://www.amazon.com/Bridge-Strips-Aluminum-Adjustable-Accessories/dp/B087TV1R4M
I use to do a lot of hacking with masks and they all seemed to improve fit but that was before I started doing DIY fit tests so no idea how well the hacks really work. There are research papers published in peer review journals about various hacks to improve fit.
Best option is a mask fitter like Fix The Mask but most people don't seem to like to fiddle around with it
A few more tips I do to stay safe:
Of course this is not the most desirable solution, but if nothing else works, you could try purchasing a couple of the new Botn mediums from Everyday eMall and sticking on an adhesive backed nose wire to see if the fit is acceptable. I have not tried these and wonder if the adhesive is strong enough or if the metal strip could instead be inserted into the existing nose wire pocket of the mask. I'm curious what ends up working best for you and your son.
I assume you were only searching for N95s? the 3M Aura also has the early access deal - link
What about an adjustable mask like this?
Here is a trial pack being offered
I just checked the listing to get it for you, and the Amazon Ships and Sold price has gone up since I last checked it. The seller on the listing can change at any time and you have to check it. The current lowest price seller that shows up on the listing is now a 3d party. Amazon's price is now $35 and you have to click on it separately.
Apologies for the Amazon price changes.
3M Auras are fairly inexpensive when bought in 20 packs right now. They are available shipped and sold by Amazon for $25. They aren't bi-folds, the masks you are looking to replace, so I don't know if they are a mask you are interested in, but large studies show they can pass a fit test on the vast majority of people and are a higher quality mask than the BNX bi-fold or tri-fold.
I saw someone on Twitter using rub on transfer stickers like this https://www.amazon.com/Transfer-Scrapbook-Stickers-Decoration-Scrapbooking/dp/B086TYDRPL/
They will block air intake a bit so you wouldn’t want to completely cover the mask, but a few would brighten it up! The benefit is they shouldn’t damage the filter in any way like paint or markers could (unless you rip them off).
Medi-Mask (white version) is super soft and a little larger than the Bluna or Good Manner, but smaller than the LG Airwasher on my face. Unfortunately they start to have mask collapse after a few hours of use. I think Aaron tested these and got similar filtration efficiency to Bluna. These are also available in black, which I haven't tried.
From your description, I am guessing the flaps that the straps attach to are digging into the front of your ear? Is that accurate?
If so you might be better off picking up a 3 or 10 pack of 3M Auras as Home Depot which are a different shape and very comfortable.
If the issue with the vflex is the straps rubbing against your ears, you can use something like this to help better position them. These are usually used horizontally but can be used vertically as well. https://www.amazon.com/Mask-Comfortable-Ear-Strap-Hook/dp/B0861BD157/ref=sr\_1\_16?keywords=mask+tie+behind+head&qid=1664819950&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI1LjgwIiwicXNhIjoiNS4zOCIsInFzcCI6IjUuMzAifQ%3D%3D&sprefix=Mask+tie%2Caps%2C96&sr=8-16
The LG Airwasher KF94s are great. Adjustable earloops. Strong nose wire. Comfortable material. I can get a really snug fit with them on my narrow face. Best thing I've found short of the 3M Aura.
They're a little pricey though, around $20 for 10 on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Airwasher-KF94-Disposable-Face-Mask/dp/B08WJQWS3T/
But they're also pricey back in Korea on Gmarket. They're just a higher tier mask.
Why buy a kn95 boat-style mask on amazon when you can just get the 3m aura instead? https://www.amazon.com/Particulate-9205-Respirators-Individually-Comfortable/dp/B09FM2P1KF/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?crid=2C9HHMYXNWJ0I&keywords=3m+aura&qid=1663939502&sprefix=3m+aura%2Caps%2C120&sr=8-4
Good questions. So first of all, they have two options for adhesives, silicone and acrylic. Your results may vary of course, but I find the acrylic doesn’t work with my skin, so I can only speak to the reusability of the silicone varieties.
Personally, I reuse them one to two times (so 2-3 total uses). This is probably on the conservative side, but I live in a very hot, humid environment (Florida) and have a bit of stubble on my face, both things that would work against good adhesion.
Worth noting that the weak point of these is where they seal together below your chin, so I will often add a small piece of medical tape here at the seam to keep it secure or use this: https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00JWSDHJC. The seal around the nose has always been 100% reliable for me, and I’ve never really been able to say that about any other mask will complete confidence.
Also worth noting that you can do a subscription that reduces the price by like half I think? Or otherwise there is always a coupon code available that cuts the price by 25-30%. Otherwise these are pretty pricey.
I’m British and my whole family recently flew transatlantic for 12+ hours in 3M Aura (unvalved). Would recommend getting via Amazon.co.U.K. 3M store to ensure they are real 3M Aura 9320 We used these ones https://www.amazon.co.uk/3M-Aura-9320-SP-Disposable/dp/B00D04BJ8U?ref_=ast_sto_dp.
That makes sense. Basically you use a string instead of an s-hook like this.
There are very few masks for kids that have head loops, but the KimTech Professional N95 duckbill in small may work. There was a recent post about them.
We sell them on our website alliantbiotech.com and on amazon.
If you would like any other educational material or information to share in your Facebook group, please send me a DM and we can discuss more! :)
[30 Packs] PUREMATE Made in Korea... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09HV14Q1R?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Horrible chemical smell when first opened, doesn’t seal right, and the front shell is too close to the lips because when the interior fabric folds, it sticks out closer to the lips. BNX and HARD for example don’t have that interior fabric issue.
Too many KF94s are of mediocre quality, which makes sense since there are A LOT of them so there’s a higher likelihood of experiencing bad ones. Not worth the time and money experimenting with them any long for me. These US, Canadian, and European trifolds do a better job overall.