Well that’s ridiculous, here’s the ones that are 95% cotton from the Walmart link I sent you, but on Amazon. They aren’t low cut. Just cut out the tags, you’d never be able to tell they have 5% spandex. They feel&look 100% cotton. Good luck.
Fruit of the Loom Women's Built-Up Sports Bra (Pack of 3) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07K2XDBWF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_.IcqFbX863DGR
I am quite fond of the Marine Corps list. Well organized for rank and ability. Each branch has it's own yearly updated list though. Probably a good place to start.
That being said...
Starship Troopers, All Quiet on the Western Front, On War, The Art of War, Attacks!, and The Blonde Knight of Germany.
An MBA isn’t really valued above a degree in any other subject. Just having a bachelors degree doesn’t mean you need to be an officer either - in the last unit I commanded (a PSYOP detachment) 15 of 18 people had at least a bachelors (a few had advanced degrees). Think about what kind of work you’d like to do - I highly recommend the book Designing Your Life for this exercise. It’s not military related but helps guide you as you drill down on what’s important to you. It helped me a lot when I decided to decline a promotion and leave a successful Active Duty career / launch a civilian career.
I had this same question some time ago. If you were a daily pot smoker, it’s gonna take you a lot longer to be completely clear. Definitely push off your MEPS appointment, you don’t get a second chance. That’s a permanent ban.
I recommend buying some testing strips online. I linked to some that I bought because they go as sensitive as 15 micrograms. Make sure to read correctly on how to use them. Best of luck
I recommend you read Alone at Dawn , the story of John Chapman, a Combat Controller and Medal of Honor recipient.
What happened to Chapman is unique, and isn't likely to happen to you.
It's not the biggest or strongest or fastest guys that make it through SOF training. It's the guys who stand arm in arm with their teammates, no matter what challenges come their way, and just don't know how to quit.
If that's you, and you still want to walk that path with your brothers in arms, then don't let anyone tell you what you can't do.
Here's a website that will show you the average weather conditions for each month at Fort Jackson - https://weatherspark.com/y/17852/Average-Weather-in-Jackson-South-Carolina-United-States-Year-Round#Sections-Temperature
This isn't the Soviet Russian army in Siberia - you're not going to be living in unheated open bay compartments while going through training, and you'll be issued appropriate cold weather gear.
If you're ever going on a deployment somewhere where it's even colder, you'll be issued even more gear (usually with the expectation that you return it).
You'll get used to it all, don't worry.
FYI it doesn't have HDMI out so it will only work with really old tvs unless you get something like this to convert the output. Also it has only two controller ports but one of the pictures show four people playing at once and some of the other pictures show games it can't run or unsupported controllers.
Sure here’s the link
I also have a few other things in mind like an international snack box, really soft blanket since he tends to get cold Bc he says they crank up the AC inside lol, a case of monster, some hot sauces and maybe some Christmas lights Bc I hear it is kind of nice to have for ambiance but not too sure on that one lol
Sapphire mobile hotspot fits in the shoulder pocket and for about $50/mo gave me all the data I needed to watch YouTube and Netflix endlessly. Go off base in a country like Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain and the speed and quality increases dramatically.
Also get a VPN like Nord or ExpressVPN to protect your info.
Get some Preparation H wipes, eat more fiber, and drink more water.
You should be able to give an app admin access and permission to wipe your phone (not brick it). It would be easier if rooted though.
I've come across a few phones with this on it. Apparently it has the ability to do what you're saying. I can get around that pretty easily though by putting the phone in safe mode and uninstalling it.
Bit late but, I would suggest looking into guerilla warfare tactics used in the Irish war of independence. If you want a book, this is probably the best one: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/1781171718/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_33rSFbN5A0E7V
It's a good resource!
I recommend Kaplans Test Prep! $20 on Amazon and it comes with a ton of content like flash cards, multiple practice tests, etc.
I’ve been wearing these for almost a year now in a hot, humid environment and they have held up great. They run a tad bit small, smallest size they have on amazon is a men’s 3. I’d say order 2 pairs, the size you need and half a size bigger and return the one you don’t want. A little on the big side is ok, you can double up on socks if you need to and you’ll have a little room for account for foot swelling.
I found these as well they are only 50 something present cotton and not sports bras but look more supportive to me ComfortBlend ComfortFlex Fit Pullover Bra (H570) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B01N5D3MAC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_OHcqFb5AB4QKS
Get ASVAB For Dummies. It's not really for dummies - but it'll help.
The challenge is that the math part can hurt your chances of getting in at all. The math subtests - mathematical knowledge (plain math problems from algebra and geometry) and arithmetic reasoning (word problems with all math concepts including algebra and geometry) are part of your AFQT score, which is the Armed Forces Qualification Test.
If you don't want a job that requires you to know mechanical comprehension (like those that require you to turn a wrench under a vehicle or aircraft), don't bother pouring your resources into studying for it.
Get 1,001 ASVAB AFQT Practice Questions For Dummies. It has 1,001 practice questions, online quizzes, and answer explanations that can walk you through the math and English parts of the ASVAB. It'll show you how much more you need to study and give you confidence in your abilities, too. https://www.amazon.com/Practice-Questions-Dummies-Career-Education/dp/1119291488/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1492199954&sr=8-1&keywords=1001+asvab+afqt+practice+questions+for+dummies
If you do want a job turning a wrench, get regular ASVAB For Dummies. There's no mechanical stuff in the AFQT book.
Because the choices you are making are not smart. You are choosing an mos which deploys and is dangerous purely for the desire to go to school. In the guard you are likely to have to drill for longer than just a weekend and a week. You can be deployed for long periods of time. I worked with a Guard unit that had been deployed for 2 years. You think they were happy about putting their lives on hold?
You think you will be able to deal with it, go watch Citizen Soldier
You have the wrong fucking attitude.
Look for flip flops. Not regular, everyday sandals.
This book gives a pretty good account of SF forces in afghanistan in 2001.
Do pushups, situps, and runs. Get in the best shape you can be before you ship. It'll make things a bit easier in that regard.
I'd advise also checking out this Army Study Guide App, and get familiar with:
customs and courtesies
soldiers creed
warrior ethos
D&C (Drill and Ceremony)