When you do this, instead of using a laxative (which is illegal, because you cannot setup boobytraps for people, including with laxatives) just make the brownies with a large quantity of maltitol. It's a food grade sugar alternative that has extreme laxative properties in semi-large doses. You also get used to it after a while, so if you eat it a lot, you can eat large doses of it without side effects.
When/if caught, you can just say that you were trying to cut sugar out of your diet, and had no intention of poisoning anybody.
For those not inclined to bake, these sugar free gummy bears also have maltitol in them, and will provide for an afternoon on the john if you're not used to eating them.
Total side story, but I got to meet and chat with Coach Jimmy Gentry of Franklin TN who told the story of liberating Dachau. One of the prisoners offered him cigarette butts as it was the only thing he was able to save and hide. 30 something years later, the prisoner’s granddaughter arranged for the two of them to meet again. Coach Gentry wrote a book about it later. He’s truly an amazing dude.
for anyone wondering what kind of flashlight was it.
For future reference, if you want to keep it at your desk, Amazon sells those gas station style coffee-mate consentrate creamers that are non-refrigerated. Got a huge bottle for my girlfriend to keep in her classroom (teacher) and she loves it.
It's not just an open bowl, it has a lid. I've never had any issues with it drying out too much before I go through it. I do keep a Boveda pack in there too, to help control the humidity level.
Ball peen hammers come in a variety of weights and sizes.