You can use that remote on Vero 4K+, as it has a built in IR receiver. The profile for the 360 remote is built right in to My OSMC and we use that for testing LIRC regularly.
All OSMC remote buttons are re-programmable, and there are options to map long press buttons to handle this sort of thing. See https://osmc.tv/wiki/general/osmc-remote---long-press-keymap-guide/.
Any questions, let me know
Please can you clarify what has slowed down? Playback? Browsing?
See https://osmc.tv/wiki/general/how-to-submit-a-useful-support-request/
Well, first you should be able to at least locate the TCP and UDP files via the file manager. Can you do so? That would indicate if the issue is with OpenVPN not being able to find the files or you just missing them. I would recommend uninstalling the VPN manager and attempt to reinstall it. Follow this guide () or watch a video guide on youtube, seen few ones out there specially made for NordVPN.
Do you have an android phone? I use the kodi remote control app Yatse which adds 'Play on media centre' and 'Queue on media centre' to the share options on the YouTube app. It would resolve your UI issue as excluding setup, I never need to open the YouTube plugin.
I don't have another 5V 2A power cable. What do you think of this one?
He only said: "Sell Vero 4K multimedia box to watch your movies or listen to your music in the living room via the OSMC interface. If you're a handyman, you can extend its functionality to include retrogaming for example. More information on osmc.tvSupplied in its original box with accessories such as HDMI cable, power supply and remote control.
Yes, i flashed it on etcher with my usb flash drive
I don't have a recommend. I've been mostly purchasing these Uctronics brand ones with different plugs for most of my devices...
I had purchased a few Anvision ones that apeared to be the exact same device with a different sticker but I think they actually had a higher failure rate.
I assume the more expensive ones that look exactly the same, are the same. I also assume (with nothing to actually base this on) that the ones that are in much larger cases with a much higher price tag probably are better devices. I wasn't going to spend the money to find out. I'm going months at a time with zero issues, zero reboots, from the cheap adapters so I don't see the value in something better.
If you know what you’re doing, just add OSMC’s skin to a standard Kodi installation inside your VM.
This page gives a pretty comprehensive look on what to expect with the skin but I guess you’re following a hands-on approach, right?
>My media is located on an external USB HDD
Is does the external drive have its own power supply? If I suggest powering with a usb powered hub, I use this one:
>Is the Pi 3 B underpowered and unable to handle the extra resource usage of managing metadata and playing back media?
If it isn't an official PSU or its quite old, I suggest replacing it.
Thanks Tom.
From yesterday’s OSMC blog post about the October update:
>We also continue to work on Raspberry Pi 4 support and we will shortly make some kernel 5.x test builds available in our forums for currently supported Pi models so we can use a unified kernel code base for all models. > >Shortly, we will resume development on Kodi v19 support as the release cycle accelerates further towards a stable release. This version will bring support for the Raspberry Pi 4, however it should be noted that we expect to discontinue support for Raspberry Pi 0/1 and Vero 2 devices with the release of Kodi v19.
Wouldn't it make more sense to backup all of the settings from your old installation. Perform a fresh OSMC install on the new SD card and then restore the old settings?
https://osmc.tv/wiki/general/backing-up-settings/ https://discourse.osmc.tv/t/backup-and-restore-procedure/18014/2
You could try https://osmc.tv/store/product/tv-dongle/. That will let you watch TV on any Kodi device (not just OSMC). You just install TVHeadend from OSMC App Store on the OSMC device it's connected to.
This is a DVB-T/T2 device; so check for compatibility in your region.
Hi there,
The latest OSMC update makes no changes to Kodi or OSMC's core at all, it only fixes a security issue in Linux.
Usually square boxes indicate that a user has made changes to config.txt manually or changed the gpu_mem setting, which can cause a lot of issues, such as too small an allocation of memory to the GPU to render the GUI correctly.
If you continue to have issues please start a post on our forums so we can advise
So far we have not had any reports of regressions with the latest version of OSMC
You should always keep your OSMC system up to date as advised here, https://osmc.tv/wiki/general/keeping-your-osmc-system-up-to-date/. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to experience problems when you do inevitably update.
A good power supply is important, and this is almost certainly the reason why you're experiencing corruption.
You can find a good PSU here: https://osmc.tv/store/product/raspberry-pi-power-supply/.
I'm sure someone else on the forum can help you with sshfs. You just need to sudo apt-get install sshfs on OSMC then add an fstab mount.
Get one of these. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B009ZIILLI/ref=cm\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_U\_JCfCDbAQCGGFF
I added dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt , and boom.... perfect bt audio and didnt have to do a single other thing other than install a2dp like you already did. a2dp is a bt protocol and not all chips support all protocols. the one I posted above supports it awesomely, makes my beats wireless work as good as you should expect them to.
Just realized this is 3 months old but could still help somebody.
I bought this during the black friday and it works perfectly: https://www.amazon.com/External-Sopoby-Portable-Rewriter-Notebooks/dp/B01N9PQE34 I don't think ac powered dvd drives exist, but you can try attaching the usb cable to a usb ac adapter (pay attention to voltage)