Composition is something i struggle with from an artistic stand point. Sometimes i feel that i have a good grasp on it other times i wade through gigs of crap and find nothing worth touching. What are some Tips and Tricks others have used to get a consistently better session.
here are some examples of the work ive done (all personal, with a partner)
Please critique:
I've been using curves for quite some time now to edit my images, and became somewhat proficient in using them (or at least I hope so). I threw together a quick album of shots that I particularly like. This is a photo I took of my 2 month old niece on her first Christmas. Unlike her twin brother (and the rest of my family for that matter including myself), my niece was quite bright eyed and bushy tailed. I loved her facial expression, and (while I used a star-bust lens filter) the only minor touch ups were fixing minor color issues (due to lighting in the house) I use a Nikon D80 DSLR. I'm wanting to re-teach myself the ways of expert photography (haven't taken a class since my jr year in high school, now going into my 5th year in do the math) so I can take photos of the twins that will do justice to their adorable nature.
i tend to stop after Lightroom but i find myself bumping up the contrast and vibrancy (both to about 20ish) quite often. Occasionally ill add a bit of dark vignetting.
I am also late: I really like arrangements of similar items in different colors for whatever reason so I chose this picture. The misalignment of the right foot blue shoe bothers me =.=
This is probably my favorite photo I took in 2009 of my then friend, now girlfriend with a canon point n shoot. I really enjoy how I caught her naturally, with a real expression.