I guess this technically wouldn't count but here's a blu-ray of a show by the Dukes of September, a supergroup that includes Fagen. There's a few Dan songs but most of it isn't dan material.
Seek The Steely Dan Song Book which was authorized and published many decades ago and had a great intro by, I assume, Donald.
Poking around Amazon I found some 3rd-party sellers with used copies from $25-$99 before shipping. Just the intro and explanation of the µ chord is worth the price of admission.
I guess this wouldn't count, but there's a concert video of the Dukes of September (supergroup with fagen) at the Lincoln Centre from 2014. Has a few Dan songs but most of it isn't Dan material, still worth noting I suppose. Link.
I'd highly recommend something like the sennheiser 599's I bought a pair of 598s for ~ $250 around 4 years ago and they still surprise me to this day. The main difference between these two is that people tend to enjoy the bass more on the 599's. Also keep in mind that these are not very portable headphones because they are open back so sound leakage will be intense. Here are the 599's https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01L1IICR2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_QtfjFbTH6EVE9
Hey Major Dudes! I just noticed on Slofile that a new public Slack workspace was just created for Steely Dan and all related conversation topics (although not many posts have been made yet):
Workspace Shortcut (Bookmark once joined):
Steely Dan Public Slack Workspace
I heard that a super fan started it and that he may be posting a collective database of their unreleased songs, lost track info, outtakes, solo work, other musician collabs, etc.
well I hope you realize they're not very nice to your alma mater...
The gyst of the line is that if a bunch of idiot rednecks can win a stupid football game and have a dope name like "Crimson Tide," then I want a cool name too, even when I lose! So call me Deacon Blues.
I'd love that as well. Would you be satisfied with algorithmically-generated isolated tracks? Spleeter (https://github.com/deezer/spleeter) does an impressive job (though it's not perfect and you can tell that the outputs aren't the original tracks). Sometimes I'll just listen to the drum tracks of Aja while working.
There are 2 albums to be released; both live albums. One is Steely Dan and the other, Donald Fagen.
I’m also a bass player and only got into keys back in the 90s because of John Patitucci’s video method where he advocates for us to get familiar with keys and especially how chord voices are constructed. Once you know a bit of jazz harmony and how to build chords from the symbols, it becomes much less challenging to follow a chord chart on keys. Most of gaucho is played with triads, sevenths and “over” chords (Bb/F, etc). There’s a handful of extended chords, mostly used as transitions between sections.
I like this one, although I’ve found a few erroneous spots:
Steely Dan Complete https://www.amazon.com/dp/0793548748/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_4iU2FbA1NBXV8
Modded strat with a humbucker. Wonder if he bought a Little 59 or just took a dremel to the body and carved out space for a real one
You can get record frames for them. That's what I've been doing with my record collection.
Not a coincidence - Don Briethaupt wrote a book about Aja (https://www.amazon.ca/Steely-Dans-Aja-Don-Breithaupt/dp/0826427839), and covered one of Donald's lesser known tracks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwU4WW6qXPw). The latter was a minor hit here in Canada back in the day.
Not a coincidence - Don Briethaupt wrote a book about Aja (https://www.amazon.ca/Steely-Dans-Aja-Don-Breithaupt/dp/0826427839), and covered one of Donald's lesser known tracks (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YwU4WW6qXPw). The latter was a minor hit here in Canada back in the day.