There is a good chance that any DAC your buy will be better than the internal DAC on the Edifier. Using the optical on the Edifier is great if you already have that but if you don't then going USB to RCA is probably the better route. The S351DB also has coax digital so you have that option.
I would suggest you try the FiiO E10K-TC. It is a mini USB powered headphone amplifier/DAC combo unit from a reputable company that has line level RCA output and digital coax outout. It is on sale now for $60
If you want to spend more for a newer DAC with both optical and coax digital output then look at the FiiO K3 for $99.
You don’t need to spend so much on speaker cables, unless is for a specific aesthetic, and banana plugs are a good idea if you’re having to plug /unplug frequently but not necessary. And bi-wiring does nothing, don’t bother.
As for the cable itself, you’ll be fine with a roll of 2 core from a DIY shop or similar. Look for OFC (oxygen free copper) rather than CCA (copper clad aluminium), look for a thickness of around 1,5mm^2 (14 AWG).
Something like this from Amazon:²-luidsprekers/dp/B098NRHWQ7
Plus the associated banana plugs.
!thanks for better or worse, I went with the stands which were and AlterNet recommended by Buchardt:
I am not big on base but I intend to try them out first to determine whether I will need to add more.
It you want to buy something refurbished, these Neumi BS5 for $70 are well regarded and discounted from their $110.
Unless you get lucky on the local classifieds, I have a hard time imagining anything performing better for any cheaper.
The Audio Technica AT-LP60 is kind-of the default entry level turntable. Otherwise this one by Sony is decent too. The only problem with those is that you can't change the cartridge.
Audio Technica LP120XUSB refurbished $195. Fluance RT80 $199.
Kanto YU2 on sale$190
Neumi BS5P $140
You need desk clamp stands like these:
Great choices by u/Umlautica. I would add Aiyima A08 ($99) or D03 ($126) both on sale rn.
Denon has this All In One unit which is a fully networked streaming amplifier with CD player.
This Marantz is $1500 but is a CD/streamer/networked/pre-amp
SMSL AO100 is on sale for $104
If you miss that deal, the Loxjie A30 is $122
Maybe you could test this out. I realize it’s not top quality. You could try it out at home and if it doesn’t work out return it.
This is a great deal on what I consider the bare minimum requirements for a decent turntable.
If you are interested in a serious quality table I’d begin with the U-Turn Orbits, Audio Technica LP40WN or LP120 and Fluance. Especially recommend the RT82 ($300)for value/performance ratio.
i ended up getting this one
the first had 30w, but it's shared between both speakers which is the bare minimum for the speaker.
Maybe take a look at the Sabaj A4 ($70)or Loxjie A30 ($170)You could also pair a budget dac/amp like the Fosi Q4 and the Fosi BT10A amp (about $130).
Probably one key aspect of choosing a "vintage" unit in your case is making sure it comes with a remote control, because you will definitely need it to use with your TV.
Also an optical input would be useful, for the same reason.
So it really depends what you mean by "vintage", but maybe you should stick with something from the last 20 years.
An alternative would be to buy something like a Loxjie A30 and focus on getting the right pair of speakers.
the thing is when I search for speaker cable I get RCA cables
but I found this should I buy it with what's called banana plugs?
ignore the rca cables unless you're searching for them, too. Amazon search can be garbage with some products.
The product you linked is fine for speaker cables, but way overpriced. Should be 1/3 or 1/2 that much. But maybe it's because you choose a 100 foot spool. That's too much. 25 feet is probably more than enough, or 50 feet max.
Take a look at these finished speaker cables for an example to compare versus DIY. It might be cheaper to buy them finished but you'll need to compare and do the math to be sure.
An option would be to repurpose maybe some small end tables or storage cubes. Check thirsts and Market Place. Below are some ideas off Amazon.
Probably not. They sell the silver in US/Canada versions as well. Unless you paid to have it shipped from Japan via one of the Japanese used hifi stores on eBay, i would assume it's a Canadian version. But if it is from Japan, you would need a step down converter. I use this one, for $70, for my Luxman:
120V to 100V Voltage Converter
I keep seeing these recommended for multi room audio.
ok and what if i would buy some edifier with sub out (are any of those in this price range?) buy a 60 euro sub and build a own case for it, how are the quality of those 70 euro car subwoofer?
I am very happy with the Topping E30 DAC on my system (Revel F36 and Denon AVR-X4200).
I very much dislike the non-Heritage Klipsch line of speakers.
Not a lot of great choices at the $400 price point though. The Emotiva B1+ are nice but maybe too small for the space. The Elac Debut 2.0 B6.2 might do the trick. Also worth a look are the Elac Uni-fi B5.2 which are a 3-way stand mount which is nice:
The Triangle Borea BR03 seems pretty popular too.
Powered: Neumi BS5P ($100 refurbished)
Edifier R1280DB($120 refurbished)
Looks like the SB-1000 Pro in white is $700. I'd prefer white all else being equal but it's not worth $100 for me.
I found this one on Amazon for $484.77 which appears to be a good deal; more than $100 off for a like-new open box model.
Also, just to confirm, this is the sub that you have? Looks really promising, thanks for the recommendation!
Actually that’ll be great! Just the one input but cheaper! I had a BT20A and it was great for it’s job. Good luck!
They'll sound great for listening, but since they are production/mix monitors they don't have the connections and controls required to connect directly to a PC (not without major usability hassles anyway). They are intended to connect to a device that has a monitoring preamp built in, such as a mixing board or recording interface.
So at minimum you would want to a monitor controller, such as the Mackie Big Knob Passive or maybe this one if you want an understated look.
And best case scenario is that you use a DAC (digital to analog converter) that has built in volume control, which will get you a cleaner signal from the PC than you would connecting it to the headphone jack. Something like the SMSL Sanskrit would work well for that... or you could just get an entry level recording interface like the Focusrite Scarlett Solo, which would do the same job and also add some other features you may or may not use.
Man, the audio prices in Oz are brutal. Here is what I would consider if I were in your shoes. This has a built in DAC and a subwoofer output. Decent power for a small class D amp.
Not a lot of good choices but this tower is decent.
If you are handy, I would consider building my own subwoofer.
Can’t really help you with used suggestions, since those depend on what’s available to you locally. If you want advice there, comb through your local listings and tell us some of the ones that jump out at you as the most promising, and we can help you identify any potential gems from there.
If you’re buying new though…
And then spend £25 on a secondhand DVD player that has either optical or coaxial audio output, and use that as the CD player. (Make sure it has the remote.)
That is an excellent suggestion but I don’t think $40 over budget is out of line. Just an idea. They ARE killer monitors.
JBL $270 pr.
Kali $340
I was thinking of something like this
Or this one
You can’t connect a 2ch receiver or an integrated amplifier (nor could you connect an multichannel AVR) with your active computer speaker system (Logitech Z623). You can only use the input connectors that the “subwoofer” has at the back.
If you just need more RCA ports, then you need something like this audio selector switch. (Nothing like that on Amazon AU website, though.)
If you are also looking to purchase passive speakers and/or a dedicated subwoofer, then you would probably need to increase your budget. You might find something from for that price your local second hand markets, though.
If you are searching for active/powered speakers, you might want to see [my similar answer from yesterday](/r/StereoAdvice/comments/x7lm8h/recommendation_for_pc_speakers_under_100/indmhnn/). Besides the options I mentioned, Kanto Audio also makes some decent cheap active speakers (though, probably not quite in your price range).
If you are instead looking for passive speakers, then you would need to figure in also the price of the integrated amplifier too. But unfortunately cheap options like Aiyima A07 are around 86€ ( (If you don’t yet have an amplifier, that is.)
That might get you a ChI-Fi product. E.g. the Aiyima A07 is the often recommended cheapest option (ASR review). You can find them on Amazon: e.g. here on
If you are after 2ch integrated amplifiers from more conventional HiFi manufacturers, their prices start at around 200€ or more.
and a ton of desktops have built in 5.1 jacks. unfortunate that those speakers seem not to have a dedicated subwoofer in. It takes the L+R and splits off the lower frequencies. on that topic, seems that speaker takes RCA inputs. depending on where you put them... if it were me: a few meters 3.5mm stereo cable->trs 3.5 splitter (POSSIBLY a 3.5 extender on one leg of the splitter)-> 3.5 trs to RCA-> into speakers @subwoofer connection
I love these little guys by the way. dual outputs and switchable and volume for it on the box
A pair Klipsch R-41M bookshelf speakers and a budget fosi bt20a amplifier, all you cost is 119+75 = 194USD.
Fosi Audio T20 ($89.99)Paired with a pair of Polk Atrium 4 ($119).
In the garage, at the front porch, the weight room and next to the fire pit.
With built in phono stage, your main brand choices seemingly are Denon, ProJect, Audio Technica, Yamaha, and Teac. From richersounds, I’d probably go for the AT LP5X, or the Yamaha Vinyl500.
Another good turntable that’s unavailable from richersounds is the Denon DP-400, looks like it’s currently in your budget from Amazon:
Thank you for clarifying. Can you confirm that this is the type of A/B switcher you’re referring to? This one is $65, not $10. Is this what I need just 6x the price or is it the wrong component altogether?
Can you link me to any examples? Should I expect any drop in SQ using this approach?
Make sure you are looking at stereo amplifiers with DAC for speakers, and not headphone amp / DACs. A headphone amp is not powerful enough for passive speakers. Some speaker amplifiers also have a headphone amp included.
If you look at the Loxjie A30:
it has a jack plug for headphones on the front, and on the back it has RCA and digital optical and USB inputs, plus speaker terminals that can be used with bare wire or banana plugs.
Even cheaper - the new $239 SMSL DO100. You already spent the money where it matters; the speakers.
It measures well and has tons of features. Here's a recent technical review
I use a $120 DAC with my Sennheiser HD800S. I also have an $1500 Okto DAC8 for reference.
You might be able to find a pair of used JBL LSR-305 for about that price. A few years ago a pair would go on sale new for $199USD.
They were/are extremally popular and widely available so the used market should be pretty reasonable for them. Just be aware that these don't have a physical volume control.
If you're just going to be looking for something to use with your computer though, there are other options that are not technically studio monitors. For example, the Edifier R1280T is a popular choice and is about $150USD new.
I am a huge Polk fan. I have bought nothing but Polk speakers since I first hear them. Everytime I compare them to other speakers, I always find the Polk's to sound better.
So I would recommend the Polk S10's and use a fosi audio BT20A to power them. These looked just like what I was looking for in the first place. They were small had the same drivers 4" woofer and dome tweeter that the Micca's had.
The S10's are marketed as surround speakers and in that role I think they would sound great.
Of course, within budget those Audioengines should be fine in a small space. If you want to go separates and can wait for a sale the kef q150s would be a step above the rest. They do go on sale for $299.
What you want is called a streaming DAC, or a streamer plus a separate DAC.
iFi Zen Stream – Network Audio Transport – Inputs: Ethernet/Wi-Fi/USB - Outputs: USB/SPDIF is an example of the streamer, and ifi makes a great DAC that is inexpensive listed as a pair with it.
I will look for other examples if I can in a bit
This is one I looked up for someone else on this sub a few days ago. I think it would work fine for you, though it might not be as compact as you are hoping for, not sure.
Take a look at the cheap class D Chi-fi amps like the SMSL SA-98. So long as you don't won't try to play these at full volume they sound OK. Use them hard and the S/N goes to hell usually. These can be had in your budget.
I would skip it since the receiver I mentioned has one, also it might be something you'll want to upgrade later on so tuck that $60 away for a rainy day. And just to note, my recommendation came from reading here, page 190. There may be other options that are just as good or better or good enough and cheaper. I don't know, maybe this is worth considering?
I found one of these for $10. Will it work? Mini phono preamp
The Covo-S are tiny, cheap, bad speakers. If you’re running with those, don’t waste money trying to pack in extra features and niceties like built in Bluetooth (you can just stream from your PC) and banana plugs (totally unnecessary). The speakers themselves are the most important part of a system by far, so if you have a $150 budget for an amp… you should really just ditch the Miccas on Craigslist and buy some much, much better speakers for $100ish (Neumi BS5 for instance) and then spend the rest on a $50 amp.
This is what I would buy as a sensible pairing with the Covo-S.
What's the difference between full size and bookshelf? I been eyeing this on Amazon. Any good?
Edifier R1700BT Bluetooth Bookshelf Speakers - Active Near-Field Studio Monitors -Powered Speakers 2.0 Setup Wooden Enclosure
Have you considered on-wall speakers? Either on the wall or placed on the mantle.
Something like that.
Gotcha! Looks like the choice is easy! Thanks again!
According to the Fosi Amazon listing, it does claim 100Wx2 Max ! Regardless I think I’ll go with the Aiyima!
Fosi Audio BT20A Bluetooth 5.0 Stereo Audio 2 Channel Amplifier Receiver Mini Hi-Fi Class D Integrated Amp 2.0 CH for Home Speakers 100W x 2 with Bass and Treble Control TPA3116 (with Power Supply)
You bet. The bot just sends a reminder if there's no price since it's often an important consideration.
I didn't mention it because it's $90 but you can add something like this WiiM Mini AirPlay2 Wireless Audio Streamer. You can connect it directly to the PT1 using a TOSLINK cable and then stream to it wirelessly from your iPhone.
FWIW, here's what I went with
So it goes Roon NUC -> USB to 3.5mm adapter -> 3.5mm to RCA -> wireless transmitter -> wireless receiver -> RCA cable out -> RCA cable in on device
Now, I've only tried this on another RCA cable-in device (since I don't pick up the Sansui until this Saturday), so there might be some tweaks I still need. But, I've at least solved to "how do I get ROCK (in the den) wirelessly to the listening room (on the other side of the house)."
Any amps/receivers you know of that would be an easy setup? I found this one with a dedicated sub line. I’m worried it might just be a cheap piece of junk. I’m connecting everything with speaker wire also.
Yamaha R-S202 ($170) has Bluetooth. There’s no dedicated subwoofer output, but you can get a full range signal from the RCA outputs. You can combine these with a Y adapter cable ($20). If that sounds weird, then just connect one of the stereo outputs. Should be fine.
Note that this receiver doesn’t have HDMI or any other digital inputs or video handling. That’s why it’s so cheap.
Looks like there are some options in your price range if you search for “Wall CD Player.” Some factory is churning these out and they’re reaching the market under a bunch of no-name brands. This thing mounts on a wall and spins a CD under a transparent plastic lid, so you get the visibility you want. It doubles as an FM tuner, Bluetooth receiver, and media player. Costs $53.
The big gotcha is that the only way to get signals out of it are (1) built in speaker or (2) an AUX Out minijack. You can probably just turn the volume down and patch that into an RCA line input. Not gonna win any quality awards, but it should work.
Here’s one example, I’m sure you can find more:
Hmm ok so one of these. I’m surprised the guitar didn’t work at all because instrument level is hotter than mic level. The jack may be broken.
Can you find a manual for the stereo and look up the specs of that input?
Does your stereo have an FM radio? If so it might be easier to get something like the Avantree CK310 Bluetooth FM Transmitter ($30). This is a Bluetooth receiver + FM transmitter combo. It talks to your phone via Bluetooth to get music, then broadcasts it on a (very weak) FM station at the frequency you specify. Tune your stereo to that station and BAM your phone is playing on the stereo.
> The guitar was plugged directly into the stereo without an amp, so probably it needs to be amplified before going in.
Pre-amplifying the guitar would make it way to hot for a microphone input.
> I love the FM transmitter option! I didn’t knew that method existed lol.
Heh yeah not common these days. Took me a while to remember about it.
> I could only find a transmitter for cars
I had to browse pretty far through Amazon to find one that wasn’t powered by a cigarette outlet. This is because old cars are the main application for these things now.
Still, you can get a wall outlet to cigarette outlet adapter ($12). There’s probably a straightforward way to adapt an accessory designed to take power from a cigarette outlet to take power from a battery instead. That will take some DIY skills and research though.
You Edifier speakers already have an amplifier. Connecting them to another amplifier like the Nobsound wouldn't work. I'm guessing that you have the turntable plugged directly into the back of the Edifier? The Nobsound amplifiers also look HiFi, without being that great. They are overpriced for what they are, which is a mediocre amplifier with Bluetooth.
Since you already have powered speakers, you just need a headphone amplifier. You just need any headphone amplifier that has a line-in and pre-out.
You can use something like this SABAJ A10h but it's 130€. You might also be able to get the Schiit Magni in es for 135€.
With either the Schiit Magni or Sabah A10h, you would connect the turntable to the line-in and the Edifier speakers to the pre-out. You would use the headphone amplifier to control the volume of the edifier speakers.