This is the one! At first I got it as a novelty, but the recipes were all really good. Love Chelsea Monroe-Cassel. Got many of her other cookbooks now too. But this one I think has the best recipes. I have cooked quite a few!
4 of 4 2-8-2018 16:35
Nibynoqq 16:33:10 Punishments within the reporting system may also strip players of their endorsement level and place them at level 0.
Nibynoqq 16:33:10 Got that directly from r/
you 16:33:22 so basically, I am screwed.
you 16:34:13 my comp experience will be even worse now thanks to blizzard not having a way to check the legitimacy of reports
you 16:35:09 do me a favor and communicate with people above you that Customer service needs a way to set endorsement levels after a suspension.
you 16:35:20 thanks for the information anyway
you 16:35:23 take care :)
Watch a certain amount of participating Twitch stream content with your Blizzard account linked to it. The one with Sym requires 6 cumulative hours. More info:
Hijacking the top comment for visibility.
Hi, I'm Raihan, op is talking about me spamming this sub. So I'm not going to say I saw this post coming, but as you can see from my comments nearly a week ago, I was worried that my posting here would give the appearance of someone spamming this sub for views and a following.
But just from that one comment alone I had three people tell me to continue posting to this sub, so I decided I would keep posting the content I made since people were enjoying it so much.
So that's the backstory. Where we are now is a bit different. There seems to be some people who consider my post to be spam and some who don't. I think it's fairly obvious how I'm going to solve this.
If you feel like you want a voice on whether I'm spam or not please fill out this strawpoll.
If there's more no votes than yes I'll keep posting as I always have been (which really hasn't been that much, only once per day max). If there are more yes than no I'll give serious consideration to a different posting cooldown to alleviate the impression that I'm trying to spam.
Thanks for all the support and criticism, it all helps more than you could imagine!
On you can send them an image and they'll turn it into a PS4 light bar. So I sent them this transparent PNG that I made ( and they actually did exactly what I wanted so I'm really happy lol. There are probably other websites that do the same thing too.
Is it the Art of Overwatch? $28 new on Amazon and some sellers have it up for $15-$20 in good condition.
The Art of Overwatch