It is one of the goals of the game, so hopefully it will stay realistic, the creators have investigated a lot, read this to understand furthermore
Even if the awaken stage (3rd stage) will not be realistic the multicellular (2nd stage) weill probably be.
My actual concern is if there is even going to be an awaken stage, specially since they've been 4 years in a single stage.
>Tardigrades can be sent out to space and give birth to healthy young in the vacuum.
And when exactly is being able to survive in space useful, ignoring the very specific and highly unlikely circumstance that a human scientist wants to know what happens when a tardigrade gets sent out to space?
>They can survive decades without water.
>They have been found at the bottom of the ocean, and the tops of the himalayas, and antarctica.
Tardigrades are, again, not a single species, they're a phylum. You could say the same about vertebrates, and it would be equally useful.
>They can live and grow in boiling water.
"Little One" A novel by Phil Organ.
I love ants, have tattoos of them, keep antfarms, ect. So I have a lot of ant books and ant themed stuff.
A friend of mine saw this years ago and gifted it to me.