Just to add to that, the praying mantis is usually a symbol of serenity and balance. East Asian myths revere them, because of their "praying" stance, and they're also known for extraordinary patience -- as predators, they're ambushers that wait for the right time to strike (the philosophy that gave birth to the praying mantis martial art styles). ~~Is this BigHit telling us to be patient? lol~~
Also, I believe that the flowers in his video for him are white orchids? And everything else around him are blue orchids. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Anyway, orchids in general are considered to be symbols of virility and strength, but also beauty and luxury (in Victorian days orchids were only imported and owned by rich people I guess).
Amazon Canada: Fight ver and Escape ver
It's tough because I find stuff that says it's sold by Big Hit, and then you click it and it just takes you to a search page, not a company page. But I assume this is official: https://www.amazon.com/TXT-Chapter-Eternity-Photocards-Starboard/dp/B087TMQVNW/ref=sr_1_45?dchild=1&keywords=Bighit&qid=1589229253&sr=8-45
Personally, I'll be buying the digital album off Amazon, and I don't think there's anyway for that to be sold by a third-party.
For people who don't want to use Weverse, physical copies are on Amazon and seem to be from Big Hit, even though the listing doesn't specifically say that: https://www.amazon.com/TXT-Tomorrow-Together-2Photobook-Photocards/dp/B087R92JXL/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1&qid=1588479795&sr=8-4&srs=19980505011