This is a cool concept! I think that we are weighed after death by God, and then however we are conditioned (based on our being and doing on earth), is how we will return to dust.
Ecclesiastes 3:20 "And all things go to one place: of earth they were made, and into earth they return together."
Catholic Bible Offline
I actually had an experience where I died once. I was weighed on Abraham's Lap and then was just kind of sitting in a void for a while. Before I knew it I was back alive!
While I was in the afterlife I saw the importance and primacy of God's will for His kingdom. I think if you are conditioned well, you can go to Heaven and avoid hell. I believe in purgatory, too. If you are not conditioned to advance with His will and are holding back the advancement of the kingdom, I believe you will go to purgatory, as a cleansing.
I do believe you can have whatever you want when you die, yet, I think, one would have to prepare that for yourself while you are still alive!
Great topic! Let me know what toy think, please!!! :)
You're blessed - many miss their own mail, however subtle and coincidental things may appear. Whether you realize it or not, your loved ones (on the other side) are already attending to you right now to help you through and continue on with your own journey. As for your questions, maybe you can find some answers in here:
You guys should read Leslie Kean book called Surviving death, she cite several examples like James Leininger (Google it, it's fascinating)
Here is a review of the book:
Here is the link to buy it:
Here in Brazil we have people of all background involved in spiritism. It runs the gamut from poor workers and students to successful and renowned psychologists, psychiatrists and even surgeons. Many of them have first hand experiences with mediumship, contact with ghosts and, in a very special case, even sessions of materialization and spiritual surgeries backed by clinical examinations.
If you want to know a bit more take a look in this book the underlying face of medicine. It's author is a respected surgeon who teaches in two different medicine schools and that could observe and take part in a group who worked with spiritual materializations aimed at assisting sick people for charity. He not only watched and heard spirits become tangible but could also talk to them and examine the results of their interferences.
Manny of UVAs cases are published in this book.. I probably read almost everything that team published when researching for a writing project. Some are really astonishing. My favorite cases are ones where the subject had knowledge they seemingly couldn’t possible have attained through normal means.
I'm not saying it's 100% definitive. But after reading The Afterlife Experiments I did become more open to the possibilities.
Check out ([Why the Afterlife Obviously Exists].
The Phase, by Michael Raduga, probably is the best book I've ever read on how to have an Astral Projection. There is zero "spirituality" or religion involved, just methodology and technique that has, apparently worked for a lot of people. Several fairly well-known APers have said his techniques are solid.
You might be interested in this: What Dreams Have Come: Loving Through The Veil by Stephen and Lauren Simon. Stephen Simon was the producer of the movie, "What Dreams May Come."
From the Amazon book site:
>In 1980, I produced the film Somewhere in Time with Christopher Reeve, Jane Seymour, and Christopher Plummer.
In 1998, I produced What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams, Annabella Sciorra, and Cuba Gooding, Jr.
On January 3, 2018, my wife and forever love Lauren suddenly passed away in her sleep. She was only 54.
Six weeks later, Lauren began to communicate with me…and in October 2018, we started writing this book together.
Wives, husbands, mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents, and many others have experienced communication with loved ones who preceded them beyond the veil that separates life and what comes after life. Many of you are having that experience now, and many more will experience it in the future.
You… we… are most definitely not alone.
Still, our willingness to speak openly to others about communicating through the veil is often accompanied by fears of disbelief and rejection from friends and family members.
You said the word "soul", not me.
I already linked you to Orch-OR, but it's not clear to me that you took the time to read about it.
I have a lot of respect for Leslie Kean and her book Surviving Death: A Journalist Investigates Evidence for an Afterlife. It's full of evidence. Some of my favorite evidence is the so called "veridical NDEs" - where people in the out of body state are able to obtain verifiable information that could not have been obtained by any normal means.
If YouTube is more your style, maybe you can dig into the story of neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and his NDE story. Spoiler: he used to be even more of a materialist skeptic than you are.
Let me also remind you that you asked for evidence and not proof.
I'd highly recommend this book. It opened me up to a whole new universe, and way of thinking that I didn't even know was possible. And it's a very credible source.
Um.....every single piece of research on the afterlife lol; google NDERF for starters, this is a good documentary go get you started on at least NDE cases.
Google: NDERF, Dr. Raymond moody, Dr. Jeffrey Long, also theres a really good book by Dr. Eben Alexander who was an atheist neurosurgeon that disregarded his patients’ NDEs until he experienced his own during a 7 day coma. It’s such a good read. But the NDERF website has a bunch of info and personal stories you can read over. Seriously, every single person who has this experience comes out loving life more than they ever have.
I’m a neuroscientist; consciousness after death was my research topic of choice throughout my masters program. Quantum physics does a good job researching/explaining consciousness. As for evidence of the afterlife, case studies & NDE’s are our best bet. Raymond Moody’s website has thousands of NDE stories, a lot of them are pretty unbelievable and hard to write off as ‘hallucinations’. There’s also an interesting book, written by a neurosurgeon who was a nonbeliever of anything non-scientific, and would almost lose respect for his patients that would claim to have had a NDE, until he himself experienced it during his 7 day coma. His book describes what he saw and how he went from a non-believer to making it his life’s mission to explore these theories, also how the scientific community disapproved of his new beliefs. Don’t forget, in 1907 Dr. Duncan MacDougall published a scientific study on the weight of the soul, so this area has been of interest to many scientists, the downfall is obviously a lot of conjecture in the science, but mostly the scientific community has a very hard time researching and examining something they cant see/dont believe in. I, personally am not religious, but when discussions of the ‘afterlife’ come up, it has a religious tie to it, so science wont touch it.