I know he loves it, but this is a dangerous toy for him to have even if the end is hidden. If he swallows any of it he could choke and/or cause an obstruction which he could die from. Something like this would be better. They’re inexpensive and are made from a braided rope rather than a single strand so he won’t be able to get any little bits off and swallow them.
Hang on let me link the kennel covers that I got on Amazon, they work really well!
I got this one because I still want to use my regular shower head. I haven't hooked it up yet so I can't give a review. I really liked the extra holder that you can put lower on the shower wall to hold the sprayer while you're scrubbing.
My heeler loves her puzzle toys. This one is her favorite, but it took her about 20 min to master and now I have to fill it 3-4 times in a row in order to satisfy her. I wish they made more difficult ones because even the level 4 is too easy for her!
put these on a monthly auto-buy and cherish every toss :)
I have a tug o war tether that sticks into the ground and my Aussie shepherd/heeler/terrier mix loves it and goes hard on it. I just adopted a blue heeler puppy that also likes to play with it. Might be a good option to keep yours busy! It is a little pricey but im sure it would be easy to build for cheaper if you’re handy!
Tether Tug Big (Dogs 70+ Lbs) Inground Backyard Dog Tugging Toy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BHXLKVQ/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_D5NB78XDN923KX55SZH5
Noxgear LightHound - Multicolor LED Illuminated, Reflective Dog Harness (Medium) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B014RP7YRA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_2HHQKBPTSBX1HZC1WZ5N?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
He just started using it but so far we’ve loved it.
LOL very cute.
I highly recommend one of these -- i was in a bad accident once, and my dog got loose on the road when I was rendered unconscious. Tragedy was avoided when someone grabbed the dog. Not sure if her Cattle Dog head helped her survive the impact with the windshield, or she was just lucky.
i read this as soon as i got my pupper and it helped immensely.
obviously they have their own personalities and theyre just pups so be sure to be patient, loving, and understand they're not gonna get it right away.
I've read this book and keep it close to come back to for solutions or help.
He's 4 months old now and incredibly smart
Boomer Ball, Large, Assorted https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0051UROB2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_i_EZX273XVTJRH0DARE1R4?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I got my blue heeler this. It's weighted, so he's meant to chase/"herd" it, but he has zero interest. If I roll it he'll chase it down, but he doesn't care to push it around. Your dog might like it though.
>The vet hasn’t said anything when we bring him in
You don’t have to wait for your vet to say something if you have questions about the growth of your dog. You can — and should — ask questions about if your dog is growing as expected and hitting the correct milestones for health.
>he vacuums up food in a sec If you’re concerned about the way he’s eating, bring it up. The vet can provide feedback on the types of food that are best for your dogs age and size. Maybe there is a better food or not, but unless you ask them, you won’t know.
I recommend this dog bowl for making your puppy slow down when he’s eating. My dog used to inhale his food and then would puke it all back up within 10 minutes. Getting this has been a game changer.
I have a pit myself, she is very energetic and loves attention. She will often bark at me or my girlfriend when we are working at home and obviously distracted. Taking her for walks and runs makes a huge difference in her mood as well as doing the things listed below.
Here are the ones we use. The dog basically moves or picks something up to reveal a treat. These are good for keeping her occupied for awhile. The sushi one is real easy, the spinning one takes her a bit. You can add in the little bone covers to add more difficulty.
Some other kinds of mental stimulation: any kind of training, lick mats, car rides, chew toys, spring pole, kongs (get the large ones, fill with kibble and cap it off with peanut butter, leave it in the freezer for awhile to solidify the peanut butter before giving it to the doggo)
EAVPORT Dog Lick Pad, Peanut... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08HSKHVKN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Load that baby up with Peanut Butter and see how much bath time improves. Also great for trimming nails.
I didn’t believe it until I tried it. I got both dogs bathed and sanded down their nails in one morning.
Give it a shot.
They are sponges at this age. Teach him everything you can, as soon as you can. He will absorb it all. Here is a great (short) book by an excellent dog trainer:
That looks really uncomfortable--especially around the dog's throat. Glad you realize you should buy a proper harness. I use a Ruffwear harness (https://www.amazon.com/RUFFWEAR-Lightweight-Harness-Medium-Adjustable/dp/B079Z9VVHY/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=ruffwear+dog+harness&qid=1631106876&sr=8-8) for my dog and I've seen other dog's with them out on walks. I previously bought a very cheap Chinese knockoff harness and it didn't fit at all.
I know I commented twice but you should see this.
Just copy and paste if you have to I didn't do the link right. But Kimber also hates the noise this makes so I use it to get her to stop her shit. And when I command her its always semi-sternly and I snap my fingers without the finger snap she doesn't like to listen. Also that Brandon McMillan has a book about training your dog if you are interested.
I can see where that theoretically would work but I’d be afraid of getting jerked down if the dog got distracted. Walky Dog Plus Hands Free Dog Bicycle Exerciser Leash Newest Model with 550-lbs Pull Strength Paracord Leash Military Grade https://www.amazon.com/dp/B003OYIAW4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_QxR2Fb4D1PH5R
Thanks for reminding me to get something for my dogs for Christmas! I found this same puzzle toy on Amazon so I ordered it. One of my dogs is pretty good at puzzle toys like the weeble Kong one, this should be much more of a challenge! My other dog just follows her around and eats the treats that fall out.
Flirt pole (this one on Amazon is GREAT) only do 2x per week or for around 15 minutes each (will play past exhaustion) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HFFXGUO/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o06_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Food puzzles (Kong Wobbler)
Find It (hide treats or throw them in the grass for her to find) or other nosework
Hide and Seek (with you in other rooms- put her in a sit/stay and go hide/call her with treats)
Some dogs like the herding balls- mine does NOT but that doesn't mean yours won't
Ummm trying to think what else, but this has really worked for us! Also, if you make your walk a 'sniff' walk or incorporate some training (sit/down/touch, etc) in the walks it can also make the time you spend more stimulating...hope this helps!
Trainer recommended feeding from a treat ball. For dogs, Nose time is 'brain' time, and it wears them out better than a run! I just fill up the ball, and toss it in the bathroom at meal times (in my place that's a small room with a bare floor that doesn't mind the ball rolling on the baseboards) I pick it up when the dog is done, I don't leave it down all of the time. . I use this one because it's not a super hard plastic, and it screws apart so I can clean it. https://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-Twist-Treat-Food-Treats/dp/B0002I0RMG/