Nextcloud, hosted: (there's some free-tier providers there)
Piwigo is one I see people talk about.
RiseUp for email.
There's also all-in-one solutions for a lot of use cases like Disroot.
It's not quite a tablet, just a purpose-built device to play a video. I've seen a teardown of one on Youtube at some point. Regardless of the details, they're still extremely wasteful.
Found a teardown
Looks like you can buy blank ones on Scamazon, neat.
It's not quite a tablet, just a purpose-built device to play a video. I've seen a teardown of one on Youtube at some point, although I can't find it at the moment. Regardless of the details, they're still extremely wasteful.
Looks like you can buy blank ones on Scamazon, neat.
When I was a kid, gaming on Linux was a joke.
We've crossed a threshold in the last year where the performance in Linux for both AMD and Nvidia graphics cards/drivers is as good if not better than performance on Windows.
Manjaro KDE is my favourite distribution and desktop environment as somewho who had gamed on Windows for more than a decade.
Download the ISO, verify it's authenticity, burn it to a USB stick and boot from the USB.
You can test everything out while running off of the flashdrive. Steam is preinstalled. I recommend open source drivers for AMD, and proprietary for Nvidia when prompted.
Literally everything that you would do on Windows you can do here, the KDE desktop environment is very familiar to someone who enjoys Windows 7's clean UI and taskbar setup.
In Linux you want to install most software from a package manager. The creator of each distribution maintains the version of software that are trusted, so risk is mitigated from installing programs from the internet. In Manjaro, the package manager 'pacman' has a clean UI called Add/Remove Software.
one of my favorite stories, is Ambani, India richest man, in the book polyester prince, there are clear cases of him doing unethical stuff like smuggling in machine parts while evading custom duties and presenting it as a great victory against those in power. His sons carry on his legacy of bribing government officials to get a business advantage and show it of as having smart business acumen. using Ambani as a life example just means that you are open to do illegal shit as long as you and your family gets ahead and everyone else can just go away and die or something.
I'm envisioning, or, my, "schewings are," this same, sentiment, in different dialect, perhaps, but these same thoughts exacltly, being, spoken to a once-handsome man with a stoop and a funny, off-kilter gate, but it isn't funny, and this man is tired, and the man speaking these, Loathsome Oathes is like 35 and he's got the coldest heart in the entire fucking world, so far, and the tired man is weeping, he's consented, he's conceded, he's getting fit for the boots, and the wicked cobbler won't crack, no, he feels it, he does, and people don't realize that about him, that he does, feel, but he's in love with something, in these moments, when things break he knows he can see god in there, so, for him, this moment is holy
Hey, you; yes, you, having a rough time?
You should read that Julian of Norwich book; she had it rough, too, and Her Conclusion kinda was...nobody can give you anything, nobody can take anything away, and in the end of the end, All Will be Well, and All Will be Well, And in the End of the End, all manner of things we be well; she knew, if anyone did, ever did, she knew; it's o.k, and it's o.k to look in those places; you'll like what you see, it isn't bad, no one says that, not even when they wanted to.
Just going to note that
5342 Clark Rd #1026 Sarasota FL 34233
2)Their app is marked teen so they're going to get fucking kids involved in this.