All the fidgets I make are quiet and discreet. That is how they should be imho. The Möbii are quality and come in a range of sizes and colors. Bike flip fidgets are also quiet and the smooth flipping is a cool feeling:
Steel Lynx On Amazon MOBII410 Discount Code(10%)
Or on REDDIT15 Discount Code(15%)
Also, I would say Snoo is an animal by any classification. Certainly wouldn't be a plant or a mineral.
Get a spudger. There are tons to choose from on Amazon, and they are cheap and very handy tools used to pry things open at the seam.
Back when I was doing smart phone repairs, it is probably the tool that I used the most and after opening up a few items, you get a good sense of how to do it with some finesse and not butcher the finish.
Möbii on Amazon (REDDIT10 discount code)
Also, happy cake day /u/raelistic !
Interesting. I've never heard of such a thing but these look fun.
Found them on Amazon. How redonkulous is $20 for one of these or is that the going rate for it?
Hey All, and thanks for the shout out /u/Patolini can you tell your teacher 'Thanks!' for me?
You can find my Steel Lynx stuff:
Steel Lynx On Amazon MOBII410 Discount Code(10%)
Or on REDDIT15 Discount Code(15%)
Now it does sound like you are overseas from America so I know shipping can suck. I seriously ship at or below my shipping cost. If you found a couple classmates that also wanted in, that would defray the shipping cost.
As far as finding any other Möbii... well their kinda my creation so anything else out there would be a knock-off that I can't really encourage ya know?
I hope this helps!
All the fidgets I make are quiet and discreet. That is how they should be imho. The Möbii fidget balls are quality and come in a range of sizes and colors (can be under $10 and includes shipping). Bike flip fidgets are also quiet and the smooth flipping is a cool feeling:
Steel Lynx On Amazon MOBII410 Discount Code(10%)
Or on REDDIT15 Discount Code(15%)
Figured it'd be some content. I've started offering these through Amazon Prime if you are big into Prime
Möbii Dark Quicksilver Prime Discount Code MOBII410 gets you some extra off it as well.
For the EU Market, have a guy in the UK now distributing my Möbii that can be found here Möbii @ JP Games so you don't have to pay expensive shipping from the US (really wish it could be cheaper, but ~$12 USD is the lowest rate I can get from anyone).
I would recommend your Amazon link -- I have that version and a pocket sized version and a much larger hexagonal one.
The feel of the plastic on the OSM is much nicer than the other two. The rotation is smoother and more pleasant, the material itself feels less cheap, etc. I fear if you get the Thingiverse print, the striated nature of 3d printing will give you a much less satisfying experience.
I got them on AliExpress back in March of 2016 for $2.99 each. They appear to be the same product:
Hah! Just stumbled across this video of the same cube:
I think I’ll get the Space one since I already have the Blue and Green ones:
Hinges are SUPER smooth. The rivet is more of a tube that actually goes all the way through the cube, and the cube is HEAVY, which feels awesome. It did smell strongly weird for the first day or two, but it went away after that.
Here’s the one I got PILPOC theFube Infinity Cube Fidget Desk Toy - Premium Quality Aluminum Infinite Magic Cube with Exclusive Case, Sturdy, Heavy, Relieve Stress and Anxiety, for ADD, ADHD, OCD (Black)
Had to do some searching, because I stumbled upon something similar a while ago:
Seems like a useful piece of gear, but since you like twist ties, I reckon they'd make a great fidget as well 😁
I recently got these and so far they've helped my urge or scratch and pull my hair. I like to rub my fingernails on them.
I used
1.26" Neodymium Cup Magnets (qty 2) from Amazon
3/4" Diameter Steel Ball Bearing (qty 1) from Amazon but only had a 6 pack
Can't say for sure without knowing what size/specs, it will vary by brand as well, but this one I picked at random on Amazon says it's 0.6 ounces most will be around this.
I got a knockoff last year for half the price. Didn't know it was a knockoff, just bought the cheapest one. Quite satisfying fidget.
This looks like the one I got. I ordered mine on Aliexpress
Looks like the same one on the etsy link that was posted as well. But there are more options on the amazon one. I got the basic one.
I would like to know aswell, so if you do find something let me know.
I do see this but I don’t think its what you are looking for? Its 40 bucks so still a bit expensive
Are these the ones you're referring to?
I ask because I was in the market for one myself, and this seems to fit the description and price range. But the bronze one having a big ol' "lautec x acedc" on it at $13 makes me... leery. Same no-name product using a knock-off visual template?
Yes, but thats the knockoff. Its not the same product. The no name one is worlds better. Heres the no name coin: Fidget Slider EDC Coin Toy Fidget...
Pick the stainless steel version
This one is legit as well I’ve tried it and you get a prism cover included for same price
Should’ve got the one with prism rubber cover around it to protect it from breaking and gives it a better look
I bought one of those a few years ago, so this is not "new" -- but it is fun. I recommend it -- just not from your website.
I gave up on your website after the third pop-up before I even clicked on anything. I have hundreds of fidgets, and didn't browse your website 'cause it was that annoying. c'mon, have respect for your customers.
My girlfriend does this and has struggled to find a solution for awhile.
Her top tips are to grow out and paint your nails. She says having long nails makes it harder to do and having them painted discourages it since picking can damage the paint.
As for fidget toys, she says they don't work as well as the above method, but she does like this oreo cookie.
This might be what you are looking for here I recommend you don't go with other spinner rings on amazon though, they are mostly made of metals that contain lead and turn your fingers green!
CuberSpeed Rainbow Ball Magic Cube Fidget Toy Puzzle Magic Rainbow Ball Puzzle Fun Fidget
This was as close as I could find that actually might be orderable.
The actual product seems to be called an Alpha Go Fidget Monster:
Don't see for it sale anywhere tho.
Thank you. Ordered from here:
Perhaps a Koosh ball.
You are right that pulling is usually caused by anxiety. The solution is to work on your anxiety. Therapy, and maybe medication.
It's not a "bad habit". It's a mental health condition. If you broke your leg and couldn't bend down, you wouldn't be asking us for advice on an extender grabbing tool because of a "bad habit". But for some reason people view mental health conditions as personal failings, as with your bad habit, instead of a real medical problem that has real world evidence-based solutions.
I got it here:
Not avail from the USA site.
More expensive now though as prime day sale is over. But its still a fun little fidget!
Have you considered a guitar grip strength trainer? it has a number of different switch buttons, one for each finger, that are all independently adjustable.
This doesn’t have that rubbery texture you’re looking for, but a snake necklace won’t give you the problem with the joints wearing down.
Haptic coins
Like that one make a snap sound when you turn them. Esty also has some unique ones. I just got one called a Lautie Shuffle.
DIYMAG 200PCS Refrigerator Magnets Premium Brushed Nickel Fridge, Office Magnets, Silver, 6X3 mm those are the exact ones I bought.
the bike chain rings with the silicone. the top two in the pic
Super cheap. Put it on your index finger and move it with your thumb. Silent.
I second the haptic coins This one from Amazon makes a really nice schlick sound when you turn it that I find most soothing
Begleri might also be good for you. They are weighted beads you flip between your fingers, catching the beads as you go. Here are some brands that are popular and affordable/semi affordable if you are ok with price.
Around square (cheapest set is 25 I think but they have a 3 set baggy that has a Knuckle roller also a really good fidget a dead eye coin for coin manipulation and a set of begleri for 75) TGP begleri (this is a small business I have been following for a long time and their magnetic begleri and the ones call planets are good sets) MonkeyfingerZ begleri (funky color ways and all of the beads can be added to their version of the knuckle roller called Tiki roller. So if you buy one set of each and a tiki roller you get a 2 in one and multiple weights to play with) Banshee Blades whole Moab set. (This is a knife brand who decided to make Begleri. The whole Moab is stackable so you can play around with weights and play styles. Some are really light (daisy cutters) and some are heavy (tanks) my favorite set and currently most used is the warhead)
this is the tape I used:
It barely effects the magnets, only noticeable if your looking for it.
It protects the brass plates and makes it slider smoother. Without it the plates are a bit scratchy.
Ignore the bad video & yes I cleaned up the tape and made it look better after the video :)
It's even on Amazon, but of course at an inflated price:
WANERSEN Fidget Slider Toy Stainless Steel Spinner Finger Push Decompression Toys EDC Gear for Fun
I don't know how much noise is okay since you said discreet, but I really like fidgeting with Hanayama metal puzzles. You can find a ton of these on Amazon that feel "fidgety," and by idly messing around with them, you're also low key working on solving the puzzle, which to me feels like accomplishing (or at least working on) something. They're not super loud, but a lot of them will klink or make soft metal-on-metal sliding noises. If you want recs for specific puzzles, let me know.
I also really like Fingears as suggested by /u/Oleksiiz. (And yes, get them from the Fingears website, as the knockoffs don't work well. If it helps for choosing a size, I think I have fairly average size hands for a woman and needed the small size. The mediums kept falling back toward my hand, pushing my fingers too far apart, etc. My ring, middle, and index fingers are size 7, 8, and 9 respectively.) These clack, though. Couldn't imagine using them in an office with others.
Gyrings are cool, as you can manipulate the rings, take them all apart, and put them back together. This isn't totally silent either, as the plastic rings rub against each other.
I have these spikey egg things and like to rotate two in one hand. It's kinda tricky (but fun) to do - and quiet.
Lastly, maybe one of those linked keyring fidgets (see bottom thing in the first picture here)? Those are discreet, and you're kinda doing something by flipping them around. It's not as repetitive as just clicking a button.
Good luck!
Fidgi Pen - The Original Fidget Pen - Fidget Spinner Toy Disguised as a Pen - Stress Pen - Fidget Spinner Pen - Fidget Spinners for Adults - Widget Pens - Anxiety Pen - Stress Relievers - (Stealth)
I bought these hematite magnetic balls from Amazon and they weren't bad quality: NICO SEE WONDER 1Inch 25mm Black Magnetic Balls, 8Pcs Magnets Stones with Bag, Hematite Magnetic Rattlesnake Egg.
When looking for some, I advise you to avoid the smaller ones and keep them away from children. The ones above are pretty big at about 1" per ball (8 balls total).
It's a knockoff of the lollipopter. Please support the original inventor (John edmark). I went to school with him.
PLAYABLE ART Lollipopter - Sugar Plum Translucent, Large, Domed Tube with Silver Base
There's also a miniature one which is much more portable PLAYABLE ART Mini Lollipopter (Mango, Without Base)
Flippy chain fidget is quiet.
Maybe metal rings.
Amazon has some Mackie sliders available that ship from China (sold by "WANERSEN"):
WANERSEN Slider CP3 Nano Fidget Toy Zirconium Alloy Spinner Finger Push Decompression Toys EDC Gear for Fun
Oo Thank you!:D we got it from amazon, the images in the link is the product and it shows the kind of assortment we can expect to get but arent exact and can change
Here it is. You can find them here:
Tom's Fidgets Original Flippy Chain Fidget Toy - Perfect for ADHD, Anxiety, and Autism - Bike Chain Fidget Stress Reducer for Adults and Kids - Black
These bearings should do the trick. Ceramic is always the way to go if you can afford it.
Just wanted to add, if anyone is looking for one, there’s one for sale on Amazon, currently discounted too :) Wera 8001 A Zyklop Mini 1 1/4" Ratchet, with 1/4" Socket Adaptor, 05073230001\_sw\_r\_cp\_api\_glt\_fabc\_QCY9X69PKP4QFJVC0FYN?\_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I went with this...
jiuhao Rotation Fidget Toy Fidget...
It's not just a ball, but it has four balls, four clicky buttons buttons it spins. I actually really like it, despite not being into spinners when they first kind of exploded. I think because it's chunky but compact, the spun hits different. I don't really enjoy the flat spinners with "arms" so much.
Here's some fidget pens that also write: Fidget spinner pen (discreet)
Pretty hefty hammer action on this bad boy.
Would this work?
Those are basically Pop It Blocks. You can assemble and disassemble them.
When in doubt, buy a 4 pack with different shapes! 🙂
you could look for a karambit trainer.
also putting just about anything on a keychain works, you just gotta find things that are the right weight for the feel you want. if you really like the weight and feel of your keys you can take the weight and try to get things you can attach to a keychain ring that add up to a similar weight.
(or if you're like me and like specifically the way the keys bump each other when spun, you could get some metal trinkets with similar proportions to keys)
you could even get a different type of fidget on the keychain and then itd be dual purpose. they make mini keychain versions of just about any fidget you could think of.
things like this basketball keychain arent labelled as fidgets but would work nicely (good texture, s p i n). and since its metal it might be a similar weight to your keys, and you could always attach more trinkets and such to the ring. (not saying you should get this one cause i havent bought it so i cant reccomend it to you really, more just an example).
You might enjoy something like this also.
CQCYD Keyboard 1 Key Fidget Toy, Switch Keychain Light Up Backlit LED Light Toys Stress Relief Gifts, Fidget Button Decompression Artifact to Pass The Time to Class Boring Vent
thats so cool, I found one for $15 which is cheap even in GBP :) im guessing its the same?\_rd\_p=2d3ef266-0024-4a62-a812-49c51e183227&pf\_rd\_r=7KBJNR06PYQ6D7KPWXN1&pd\_rd\_wg=Hlkb6&pd\_rd\_i=B07PG225D3&pd\_rd\_w=B2lMt&pd\_rd\_r=6fb2da81-f18e-47b9-a03d-4cd868e37c02&a...
I think thats a toy like others have mentioned by playskool or fisher price. have a look at this, its a similar toy.\_df\_B0054O9UIA/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=226622426780&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=10419566648581633008&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt...
I tried a couple brands, and these are my favorite fidget right now. Soooo versatile. I could rattle off 20 different things to do not even counting the silly "games" on the vids or two-handed stuff
Ah! Thanks. I see them now. It’s like the Red aluminum one I already have.
Oddly enough, I also have one of these and kinda like it even more than my fancy metal one. It’s slightly more compact than most infinity cubes. And it’s a bit looser so it transforms super easy and fast using one hand.
Do you mean one of these >> 2 Pieces Spinning Rotating Pen LED Rolling Finger Rotating Pen Anti Slip Coating Spinning Pen Spinning Ballpoint Pen for Student Entertainment (No Pen Refill)
I find the Ja-ru Poopster to be a little more durable than the Banaynay. Only drawback is it looks much like an actual peice of poop:
I think I found something perfect for you!!! The first, are these kinds of tiny metal balls that stick together creating a sort of putty like sensation.
The second thing would be this amazing banaynay toy. It’s filled with very fine sand and it is mold-able but also feels somewhat like putty. When you first use it’s quite stiff, but after using it and stretching it for some time (“breaking it in”) it has the perfect texture. One of my favorite fidgets IMO. 1-3340-1p
I can't find a UK link. I bought mine on the CDN site, where I think it might be cheaper once you factor in exchange rates.
I think you would really like a fidget pad
It’s like a mini game controller. Similar to a fidget cube, but the shape and positioning might be better for you if you’re used to clicking pens. I ordered one for myself from Amazon but it hasn’t come yet.
I'm gonna recommend this guy, I've recommend it before to others:
For you specifically, there's a really nice switch on the back of one of the ends. It's a solid, satisfying click that for me needs a bit of pressure to click. Also, it might be hard to see from the pictures, but the edge of other side has a spring loaded piece that you can pull back and snaps back into place. It doesn't have as much resistance as the switch, but it makes a solid click sound as well. 2 of the buttons are clicky buttons as well. For me it's been solidly made, and has held up well, but it is kinda small. It's made to be pocket sized, and I think some of the reviews show the size if you are concerned about that.
How about a mechanical key switch tester?
I would have suggested a ClickeyBits tester but it looks like they are no longer in business.
Maybe something like Wacky Tracks? They are hard plastic, but do hold their shape and making clicking sounds as well. They are locked into a few directions though, so not as moveable as yours.
Or make your own? Take a paper clip, spray it with a coating of plasti-dip or something similar for the plastic coatin and there you go :) This seems like it could be good. It definitely has a strong force feedback, but omits a vary audible 'hummm' once it gets going, which could be problematic depending on your use case. But worth checking out!
Ok I have the same affliction and I just ordered these the other day. They’re cork stickers that you would use to keep furniture from scratching the floor. I put one on my desk and laptop and it satisfies the picking urges. Navaris Cork Furniture Pads -... this is the closest thing I could find as I forgot the name of it
What about this? there are buttons and they rattle if you shake it but you could just tape them down if it bothers you.
If you want to try a butterfly knife, there are plenty of practice ones you can get if you just want it to fidget. Like this:
I just got a flippy chain from Tom's Fidgets and I really like it! It seemed a little too simple and rudimentary at first, to the point I felt kinda disappointed. But I just started flipping it and before I knew it I had been using it all day throughout the day. Idk what it is but it gets the job done in a simple way. Plus it's only $8
Alextina Spinner Rings: Amazon
Not OP, but it's basically 5 bike chain pieces linked together, with little silicone rollers on them that you can mess around with. You can get them from Amazon or you could get custom colors from Etsy! I've linked an Amazon page and one of my favorite Etsy shops.
not exactly the same product, but on amazon there are a bunch of mechanical keyboard samples about this size that you can purchase that are basically a board with the 7 or 8 different type of key switches, here's one for example:
I got this one -- but the holes are too small to fit the paracord. I had to strip the paracord sheath and use just the inner strings :/
Besides drilling out the holes wider or finding & buying a thinner cord, any suggestions? It's really close to fitting.
yup -- after snapping the photo I found one of those and added it :)
I have the kush version too. It's super-polarizing, some folks who find it in the fidget-bucket drop it immediately and can't handle the texture.
Neither texture are really one of my favorites though. What do you like about yours? Maybe it'll help me appreciate mine more.
Have you tried the big one?
So what's up with this one? It seems to have the best reviews, but it's also pretty costly compared to most of them out there.
I just made myself two of them. Pretty neat gadget. My son is ADHD as well and wife is ADD.
Have you tried a wobble stool. It's a stool but has a rounded bottom so they can rock back and forth. Some schools will either provide one or let you bring one in.
Is that 3rd bearing this bearing? How long does it spin? I was thinking of getting one but I didn't know how long it spins.
Try this:
I have Super Reds for my longboard. Cleaned them after 2 years and was able to get a minute of spinning. I have normal Reds too but haven't broke them in yet at all.
The thinket makes a very little bit of noise, much quieter than a pen clicking; you can prevent it by moving it more slowly. Spinners make an almost inaudible whirring. The weights of Begleri can tap against each other and make noise, depending on how you use them. A spinning-coin/coin top is quieter than most any other top when it lands. These wooden "fidget puzzles" are basically totally silent unless you try to make noise with them, and can easily be concealed in the hands so it just looks like empty-hands fidgeting.
I would prefer going to Amazon over Ebay, though Ebay can be cheaper I am worried about getting fake or low quality products. Yellow Jackets are sold out but I have often seen Bones Reds being of a similar speed after a break in period. As to Titanium and Ceramic, from what I hear NEAL makes some good ones.