I don't believe the whole series has been translated to English(?) But Viz is starting to produce HC Editions with color pages starting next month. Probably available at other retailers also.
Viz and Gutsoon! Released English translations previously. Not sure on the quality and availability of these previous releases.
Links on Amazon here for Vol. 9
Links on Amazon here for Vol. 8
Adblock works with Edge but nothing else that I'm aware of. Welcome home, brother.
Now available for pre-order on Amazon, or Rightstuf!
The movie came out in 1995, not 80's. It's $33 on Amazon, but it's free on YouTube (I'm sure it could be ripped from there).
I don't think it's worth $33, but it's definitely a fun movie worth a watch. It's so far off the source material that you don't know what's going to happen and I'd describe as 'so bad it's good'.
There were, but they're mighty rare and expensive from what I've seen.
Edited for shorter link.
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