RESCUE! TrapStik for Wasps, Mud Daubers, Carpenter Bees - 2 Pack I think I found it on Amazon! Has pretty decent reviews
Wasps are the original microscopic predators. They all procreate by injecting their eggs into living prey. Even today a couple of the brood skip the larval incubatory stage and become savage microscopic warriors, patrolling their host for enemies that might threaten their broodmates, while their sleeping siblings grow to thousands of times their size and eventual kill them along with the host when they hatch.
Wasps are probably responsible for us existing. Wasps are likely direct descendants of the same kinds of single cellular predators that caused the autotrophs to consolidate. Hypersea explores some of that.
This is the one I have. My tally is well over 100 houseflies, a dozen or so wasps, and even one kill shot in mid-air as it was swarming me. Pretty proud of that kill.
BUG-A-SALT 3.0, Yellow
That might be Bee Bopper. I worked for a big utility company in NorCal and they provided this stuff to us.
As soon as that shit touches them they are falling off like that, no flying, just dead fall.
They always had major Wasp/Hornet issues, so I imagine there was some trial and error there.
Got mine at walmart for like $15 I think. Refills are like $4. Well worth it for us! It's called the W-H-Y trap
Here's an Amazon link: