So, nginx has examples for routing wildcard subdomains to the same application:
After you've done that, you can add a middleware that will examine the subdomain to get the particular user and add it to the request:
EDIT: Just realized you wanted to add a Ghost blog to each user... That's a bit more complex.
Nice first attempt, looks like you've got some of your external services up and running. My only advice is that in order to be considered somewhat Jarvis like (I'm assuming you're referring to Jarvis from Iron Man), you'll need to get some natural language recognition built in. NLR is really tough to do but you can fake it in a sense using AIML. AIML is an XML like language that chat bots use to give them personality and conversational content. Looks like there is a parser available for node, Good luck!
Oh yeah, nice plug on the xkcd comics ;)
I rarely use Node without Express. It simplifies many tasks, and if you are building a website, I wouldn't go without it. The site explains pretty well how to use it for basic routing, rendering views, database stuff.
npm install express -g express myapp -c stylus -t jade cd myapp && npm install node app.js
Will create a new Express site, using Stylus for styling and Jade for templating. Web development on crack.
have you tried nodeMirror? it has a handy Editor, a Terminal, Debugger and even a Music Player.
I recently won a Price for giving a Presentation on it. So maybe its worth looking at ;)
It should, but this is synchronous actions we are dealing with and in this case no. Here's a jsfiddle.
Notice line async: true
. If you change it to false, you'll start getting "Ajax call finished" in your console - an indicator that ajax request has finished.
Game Dev Tycoon also uses Node-Webkit (except for the Windows 8 Store app, but they probably share (some?) code with it).
The Stanford startup engineering course on coursera uses Node on AWS.
It looks like it's on a schedule though, I'm not sure if there is a self-study path.
Can confirm that npm on works wonderfully (using it as we speak). Another alternative is Koding, which gives you a full VM.