Having insight on this:
Google is investing $2.5 billion in the state because they're essentially buying all of the available acreage at Mid America due to its proximity to shitloads of cheap electricity. This is obvious with a map and even a Popular Mechanics level of knowledge of datacenter operations.
Anti-vaxxers enrage me. That shit is dangerous, ignorant nonsense.
>Liza Greve, president of Oklahomans for Vaccine and Health Choice, which advocates for parental choice, said Oklahomans should take the opt-out statistics with a grain of salt.
Do you know what i take with a grain of salt, Liza? You, because your facebook page is a whole box of cat scratch crazy:
This is all within the 5 posts on her page.
Amazon sells Amazonbasics 900 dog poop bags for like $13 with a holder.
AmazonBasics Dog Waste Bags with Dispenser and Leash Clip - 900-Count https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NABTGY2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_xWxtBb4P7J2B7
For everyone interested, this is a phenomenal book on the subject:
The Burning: Massacre, Destruction, and the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 by Tim Madigan
Incredibly well researched and written exceptionally well. I recommend it to anyone living in Oklahoma, it's an extremely important topic.
I think this is just wind breaking the branch off. That black stuff looks like sap or something. Lightening can reach 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Tree would be on fire if it was struck. From weather channel
The app is free on Android and iPhone, you just have to go outside at night and follow the instructions, it takes from 10-15 minutes. I need reports from all over the state, whether you are in a place with lots of stars or in a place with none.
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cosalux.welovestars&hl=en_US
iPhone: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/loss-of-the-night/id928440562?mt=8
The app can work even if you don't have a cell signal and will just upload the report next time you have a connection. The app does use GPS/location services.
I can answer any questions you have. Thanks in advance for anyone willing to help!
Let me introduce you to the awesome man who is Terry Crews who was also part of the 'silence breakers' Time person-of-the-year feature as well-here he is in the video
also if you are interested /r/crewscrew :)
Or you can inexpensively (free if you don't mind ads) get the app that fetches from the National Weather Service directly. Boring, but highly effective and doesn't ask for a crapload of weird permissions.
If your curious about plan details healthcare.gov has a calculator that will let you look at the cost and plan details. Cost varies depending on income, but the plans themselves are junk. The most affordable plan has a $6800 individual deductible ($13,000 family). If you don't qualify for assistance that cheap plan can cost as much as $4k per year for an individual and about $9k for a family.
Wichita wildlife preserve and medicine park are in my opinion the best area in Oklahoma. Check out the photo gallery at the wildlife preserve site to see the diversity of the area.
I’d suggest investing in something like these things. Each tube is the size of a roll of quarters and contains 10 tabs (thus forming 10 individual wipes). You get the tab a bit wet (about a tablespoon of water) and bam! instant wet wipe. They are great, portable, take up very little space, and can be stored almost indefinitely.
Cox is one of the few ISP's that actually looks out for the customer.
Cox did not signup for the six strike policy like the other big ISP's.
>AT&T is also choosing not to throttle users' speeds. AT&T customers accused of piracy will receive a series of alerts. If an accused customer continues illegally downloading content after receiving four such alerts, AT&T will demand they "take an extra step to review materials on an online portal that will educate them on the distribution of copyrighted content online" before they can access other websites, according to a company statement. AT&T noted the program is focused on "customer education rather than punishment."
Never had cox interrupt/slowdown my service due to file sharing.
Received a letter asking to delete offending content and that's all.
Strokes are scary. Know the warning signs through "FAST"
Face: Smile and see if one side of the face droops.
Arms: Raise both arms. Does one arm drop down?
Speech: Say a short phrase and check for slurred or strange speech.
Time: If the answer to any of these is yes, call 911 right away and write down the time when symptoms started.
interesting take on it:
"Fallin is the most pro-life governor in the nation. She has signed 18 bills supporting pro-life values and protecting the health and lives of mothers and their unborn children. "Senate Bill 1552 would have made it a felony for physicians to perform abortions. It also contained a provision to revoke their medical licenses unless the abortion was necessary to save the life of the mother. " 'The bill is so ambiguous and so vague that doctors cannot be certain what medical circumstances would be considered 'necessary to preserve the life of the mother,' Fallin said. " 'The absence of any definition, analysis or medical standard renders this exception vague, indefinite and vulnerable to subjective interpretation and application,' she wrote in her veto message."
Our current Cox bill is $84 because we do internet only.
If he'd able to get the hang of using a firestick or chromecast, you could hook him up with a Netflix and Hulu account and he could have more options than he'd know what to do with (and get some bunny ears for his TV so he could still watch local news, PBS, sports etc).
May not be the answer you're looking for, but it's a very good way of cutting that bill in half!
No, it's not. Though Kansas City is, for all practical purposes, the same distance.
Try this out:
It's a program that can be used to determine what you see in the sky. Just plug in your location, date and time and you should be able to find the bright spot in the sky.
It helped me identify Jupiter a few weeks ago, and I thought that was pretty cool!
We have good weather apps. Just put this on your phone when you get here. It will let you know what is happening in real time.
> But it will cost more in upkeep than it will actually make.
Like most museums.
Over the years, I've heard so many, "We're saved!" scenarios that I'm skeptical, but glad the Chickasaws have stepped in. Theoretically they don't want to run the museum but do want to develop the surrounding area, which is genius.
Of the top tourist attractions of Oklahoma City, only the Oklahoma City National Memorial & Museum substantially draws tourists from out of state. A major, easily accessed (right near major highways and not far from the airport) intertribal Native American museum in the middle of Indian Country (as opposed to NMAI in Washington DC, NMAI-Heye Center in New York, Eiteljorg in Indianapolis, etc.) would be a huge draw for the state.
Once visitors arrive in OKC at the AICC&M, then they could get orientated and venture out to the many and fascinating tribal museums and other Native destinations throughout the state.
There's a true pasty place in Missouri called London calling. Closest I've found to a good one. The white lion that does everything but pasties correctly. Well that and breakfast the last time I checked.
In 2009, a Washington post article wrote,
> Two decades ago, this was relatively rare. But in the early 1990s, car-safety experts declared that passenger-side front airbags could kill children, and they recommended that child seats be moved to the back of the car; then, for even more safety for the very young, that the baby seats be pivoted to face the rear. If few foresaw the tragic consequence of the lessened visibility of the child . . . well, who can blame them? What kind of person forgets a baby?
It turns out that this happens to all kinds of people, the article goes on to say.
A WebMD article also pins the blame on airbags and moving child seats to the rear: "Such deaths have risen sharply in the wake of laws requiring passenger airbags in the front, and car seats in the backseat. "Out of sight, out of mind," said [study lead author Jennifer] Vanos."
Sorry, this is the exact opposite of what I've experienced. See this link posted by someone else as well: http://mashable.com/2013/02/27/isps-six-strikes/
Never had an issue with Cox using torrents or usenet.
No, you were right, The Pride was practicing. You just linked to the wrong location. :)
This one comes with a camera mounted on a 3 axis gimbal, so the video is super stable. Here is a picture of what it looks like: Phantom 2 Vision+
Just make your own delicious noms... http://allrecipes.com/recipe/perogies/
Oh, and go check out the Barons. They're not as awesome as they were when they were the Blazers, but still, it's hockey.
The state-run exchange failed. Oklahoma uses the national exchange now, and new plans can be purchased on a form of "credit" if you qualify for a subsidy. At the end of the year, they determine how much of a subsidy you actually qualify for (by your Federal Tax Return), and you may owe nothing. It's a sliding scale so if you make below the federal poverty line (as most minimum wage jobs will do) you still don't owe anything. If you work for an employer with more than 50 employees they have to offer a plan in which you can buy into from payroll deduction. Copays can be covered by Medicaid in the instance you are still below the poverty line, leaving you with zero additional cost. Don't get me wrong, it's still a bit complicated, but I don't see why you would have to pay anything even if you did get a job. Your best point of contact is the phone. The exchange website is great for your typical scenario, but this is atypical given your history with your SSN and legal identification.
I really do sympathize. Life is frikken hard, particularly when you are raised without the tools to become self-sufficient without jumping through additional hurdles to get there.
I can tell you with all certainty that there is a way out of this, and you can get there with a little bit of effort. Shop for Doctor's with sliding scales, do comparison shopping until you are on your feet to ensure you get the most bang for your buck, and hang in there. Even a single step a day: making a phone call; sending off for your birth certificate; filling out a few job applications...they add up. Time keeps moving forward, but every little bit you do will add up to real progress.
Here is information on advance credit for premiums which will reduce your monthly payment
Anyone can own uranium. It isn’t illegal. In fact, it’s one of the most common elements on earth. You can buy it on Amazon. Uranium Ore https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000796XXM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_LsFkDbZGJ01ZG
You were right and wrong at the same time. They are practicing here.
I recently installed the accuweather app. It is supposed to have a notification for severe weather. Here is another app that will send warnings about tornado sightings and also allow you to warn others.
I usually have my notifications turned off when I'm sleeping, so I signed up for the 4 Warn phone call.
Probably a long time. There's only two Costcos serving metro Portland, which has about as many people as the entire state of Oklahoma combined. One is not far from where I went to high school "conveniently" located on a major cycleway and walking distance to a light rail station (I mean, that's just bad urban planning for someplace that you absolutely are going to need to drive to), and the other is in the Portland International Airport traffic clusterfuck.
I use ExpressVPN and generally operate from the Denver server.
I think it's held me up once or twice, but I only use it when MGM has better odds or better parlay options, which isn't an every week thing.
Stinchcomb wildlife refuge is a pretty good place in the city. There’s a main road but you can get off it and go into the woods and explore. A lot of people kayak through it as well. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/oklahoma/stinchcomb-wildlife-refuge-east-trail I hate to tell you to go to another state but Arkansas is an easy drive the Buffalo river is spectacular and Devils Den State park is a 3 1/2 drive and really nice. The Blue river mentioned below is really pretty and used to be free camping with a fishing license I haven’t been in a while though. The Ouachita mountains in the SE part of the state are full of campgrounds, there are also some really good but tough trails throughout the area. Talimena state park is pretty close at 3 hours and has a bunch of trailheads starting there. Good maps and about hiking and backpacking in SE OK and Western Arkansas. http://www.ouachitamaps.com/index.html
If you haven't already, join and post this to Nextdoor
Its like facebook or craigslist but hyper focused on your neighborhood, and the neighborhoods adjacent to you.
Amazing resource. TBH its the only social network I use outside of reddit.
Lots of missing and found animals. So many reunions.
This isn't an ad for them, I've just seen it work out lots of times.
I just recently installed one that's like the sink sprayer in the kitchen sink. It was like 40-50 at Amazon. Here's the link and a video of the product. They do feature video footage of someone wiping shit off of a corn cob: https://www.amazon.com/RinseWorks-Patented-Certified-Warranty-Extension/dp/B01CF51ZJ2/ref=sr_1_2?keywords=aquaus&qid=1556898520&s=kitchen-bath&sr=1-2
Wrong. Yes, it is to protect others; However, it's also there to cover you in case of accident. Yes, you have the right to choose what you pay for, However, if you're horribly hurt in an accident and only have liability, you will be wishing you had full coverage--get ready for heavy medical debt.
Also, here's proof you need ins on private land
If you hurt someone in your car on private land, and you don't have coverage, you're going to be up shit creek without a paddle.
When Mark Furhman of all goddamn people writes a book about how corrupt the criminal justice system is in Oklahoma, pay attention
Get a little air compressor like this that plugs into your cigarette lighter and can reach all four of your tires. Just keep it in your trunk for when you need it. They are quite small and take up almost no space.
$9.89 right now for generic at Amazon.
You know, as a broke college kid, cups like these were my mainstays. I always assumed that as a “real adult” that I would switch to drinking out of actual glasses. Now, I’m in my 40s. Married for well over a decade. We have lots of nice glassware. And, even as the old man I now am, I still drink 99% of my drinks out of plastic cups like these or a Yeti tumbler. The “fancy glasses” (which are just basic glasses kind of like these only get brought out for special occasions or when my parents are in town.
Oklahoma isn’t really Southwest or Midwest; it’s really just unique to itself. I recommend reading Boomtown to understand Oklahoma City and Oklahoma.
Boom Town: The Fantastical Saga of Oklahoma City, Its Chaotic Founding... Its Purloined Basketball Team, and the Dream of Becoming a World-class Metropolis https://www.amazon.com/dp/0804137315/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_a_F9F7AYJCH5K99MRPW3C9
IT Assistant - Part Time http://www.indeed.com/viewjob?from=appshareios&jk=3ee00284bbae4c88
i saw this on indeed yesterday. dont know much about it but maybe something to check out
also, not 100% sure how to share a link so hopefully this is the right way lol
I could be wrong but this looks like the 40ft hole and if it is take the bison trail. It’s a great hike decently long but not absurdly difficult. Check out this trail on AllTrails. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/oklahoma/bison-trail?p=-1
If the picture above is from the 40ft hole, then the bison trail will take you directly by it.
If the picture is not from the 40ft hole then I am not sure.
Elk mountain trail in the Wichita mountains has a nice view. Not sure how or if COVID-19 affects the trail, I know the park interpretative center is closed. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/oklahoma/elk-mountain-trail
You have perfect timing. As of the 24th, Charon's Garden Trail opened back up. You have your choice of a scenic trek if you stay to the right of the trail(Crab Eyes), or go boulder scrambling(not for the faint of heart) if you stay to the left- but you will get a chance to see cave like features before you have to scramble/hop.
I suggest the Bison Trail. There are a few places you can cross over when the water is low, but that is not likely for this weekend.
The roads are paved all over.
Show up super DUPER DUPER early. Show up late, you will be forced to park in weird places where might just get stuck if you are not careful.
Ima head out there this weekend to and say hello to old Crab Eyes.
Another interesting spot over there is the parallel forest:
Also wander around medicine park for a bit.
Lots of hiking if the place is opened up.
Because it's not so much that the MCN gets half of Oklahoma so much as Oklahoma loses everything that isn't basically the dustbowl, metro OKC, Enid, Stillwater, Fort Sill circa 1890 and what was historically Greer County around the same time.
Still lowballing for naming rights which are typically leased, not sold.
I think the "Little Pistol MRI Machine" has a nice ring to it, except that he only "donated" half the cost of one.
Yeah, I think they must have initially screwed up because I saw the same thing when I downloaded them Sunday. I tried again on Monday morning before the Monday data were released and it looked normal. Here is a link to the csv file I downloaded. It has data for 42 counties reporting on the 31st. I tried putting the numbers in the comment, but they did not keep any kind of formatting.
How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence, by Michael Pollan.
> So you will see a casino/resort in downtown OKC, but it will be tribally run.
Umm, let's examine a map that properly shows the political lines in this state, shall we? I mean, I like where your head's at but no idea how that would work.
Fixed an electrical gremlin in my truck's front lights (short in both of the incandescent corner marker bulbs was holding both of the green arrows on the dash lit anytime the headlights lights were on, and I always drive with my lights on; fixed it by replacing the corner marker bulbs with LEDs) and discovered this bridge over 75 is now called 23rd Street instead of Waco Avenue like it was six years ago when I last crossed it, so I fixed that on the map. Did some chores around the house.
It's been a good day.
GT Bynum better figure out what's going on at Union Station though. Biggest problem is pretty obvious. Freight trains have lots of motive power and don't stop anywhere near Union Station. Passenger trains typically only have one locomotive, which probably isn't enough to escape the gravity well formed by the Center of the Universe hovering right over the station platform.
Honestly there's cheaper alternatives to making spaghetti bowls. For example, building a reliable and usable mass transportation system is one. Adding collector ramps to the existing cloverleaf is another (this exists at the intersection of the Muskogee and Creek turnpikes in Broken Arrow, for example).
The Owasso Rams were practicing too LOOK
Apply to be an at home advisor for apple. https://www.apple.com/jobs/us/aha.html You work from home and really only need a little technical experience. They mostly look for customer service skills. 14.50 is starting pay. Which is not bad for this area.
All true but the socialists opposed these policies. Perhaps we have had a misunderstanding here in that I thought your post was claiming that the socialist party in Oklahoma supported these things. I am also quite sensetive on the eugenics topic since these are my ancestors:
> When you feel like you need to shower 4 times a day. And maybe once in the middle of the night.
Then why would you feel like you need to shower in the middle of the night if you have AC? Especially when average lows are 73F during the hottest times of the year so it's not worth skimping at night (if anything, better to cool house down more at night and set it warmer during day).
AGs don't do court work. They administrator the state's legal work.
And you're wrong again. Pruitt did indeed make that proclamation from the fair in Norman.
You got problewms huh, bunky?
The RPE was dead during evening rush hour immediately after the storm. Like, legitimately wondering where all the people who were inbound during morning rush hour went. Nothing fallen on the pavement, patchy dry pavement with occasional very shallow ponding. Like, literally the kind of ride fenders were made for...
> Mitt Romney ... saw an opportunity that would not change the outcome
Then you haven't looked into it because his reasoning is exactly how I characterized it.
The Republican party is at war with its soul and Trumpers are winning the battles.
What? Where is this at? Visa/Mastercard/Amex are who charges the processing fee (2%-3% plus like 30 cents) to the merchants who split that fee with the banks that provide debit cards or credit cards.
That's why a lot of banks offer rewards checking now if you use that debit card for like 10-12 times per month because they get a cut of that from processing fee from the merchant.
BofA now charging makes no sense whatsoever unless they assume that they will get to keep both their cut and $5/month and that customers won't leave.
More info at Khan Academy.
>follow the Ward groups (what ever ward you live in or follow them all they are a great source of info and drama.)
Heh. No Facebook but Nextdoor.com covers it pretty well. Recently it was the hospital being built across from Crosspointe Church or how the OnCue construction fractured a water main and shut off our water.
Y'all should read this, too. Really great insight into how Oklahoma used to embrace leftist policy for the greater good.
http://www.everytrail.com/view_trip.php?trip_id=984230 also I found a map to one of the cooler hikes in the Wichitas, boulder canyon. It's a gigantic canyon of huge boulders. Must be seen to be believed. I've been there easily 20 times well worth the hike.
Good story. While Eischen's isn't the best chicken ever, it's good enough with a couple of cold beers. We like to go there once or twice a year when we're passing through on the way to the kids' ball games or tournaments.
There's also a virtual geocache at the restaurant.
Lemons to lemonade, we Okies are pretty good at that (and yes, some clowns in the state house going from lemonade to lemons, but let’s focus on the positive). There is an RV focused site and app that lists many of these kitschy roadside gems Roadtrippers although some locations could use annotation.
The CDC is not updating its statistics very often. Here is a United States Coronavirus (COVID-19) Tracker created by a Redditor. Here is the John Hopkins University dashboard with recent numbers for the world.
No, the point is recruiting, not a political message. Literally, "Hey, why are you starving when you can have a basic standard of living for your family just five hours away?"
> 75 has the towns
And if you catch the yellow light late enough you gotta stop here, you might as well shut the engine off because you're going to be there a while.
> If I had troll levels of money, I'd buy a billboard just before the Jenks exit and advise people that the toll to use 75 was half the price of using the Jenks exit.
The most common route people take is to get off at Riverside Parkway and then take the Featherston Bridge into Jenks. Costs the same as getting off at 75 and puts you down closer to downtown Jenks than the Jenks exit itself does.
> To sound conspiracyish, Electronic tolling allows you to have an easier time raising your tolls. Coins only come in certain multiples. Electronic Tolls let you bill any amount
Even though all of Oklahoma's change baskets say NO PENNIES, they do accept and properly count pennies if you're not doing something silly like trying to feed it more than 6 or 8 coins at a time.
Please change this font though. This looks bad
EDIT: I like your message so I made a version that I think looks nicer. Feel free to edit it.
Image: https://imgur.com/a/G7jHzRY
Editing link: https://www.postermywall.com/index.php/poster/contribute/c1c989597b8ad6ef051c5b8f7f978f5e/
East-side Norman Wal-Mart is closed today, and supposedly for the next two more days. The air conditioners and various other things on their roof came loose and rolled around, broke out all their skylights, just a huge mess.
Here's a shot of my backyard! We just put up the section of fence on the left side a week ago, thank God it held up great.
A virtual private network. Businesses usually use them to securely access their servers remotely. In short it will mask your IP address. Froot VPN is a free one I use. But unless you're downloading stuff off the pirate bay you probably don't need to worry about it.
There's not a lot to do there. The bowling ally on Mississippi was a popular hang out when I was there because they had an all you can drink(cheap draft)/bowl night for like 7 bucks and a bar attached. Like most bars around Ada it was divey. There is a more trendy wine bar on main street by the college.
There's a "family fun center" with bowling, a small arcade, batting cages, laser tag etc if you have any kids to entertain. It's run by the Chickasaws who also have a small to medium casino in town. I wouldn't recommend it but you can play black jack, poker, or slots there. Tuesday wing night at Applebees was a thing when I was there but they upped the price on wings. Usually we'd just go to the movies or hang out though.
If you're bored and want to do something productive you could take a continuing education class at ECU and learn something like karate or a dancing style. Maybe meet people there. Oh and I never attended any but if church is your thing there are a ton of them. The park in town is nice for jogging and has a few caged animals kinda like a quasi zoo. They even used to have monkeys, ask a local about why they're gone to hear some tall tells.
If you want to read a story that will make you not trust the cops in Ada read a true story (that happened in the 80s) by John Grisham An Innocent Man. FYI I never had any cop problems while there.
At the end of the day Ada is a pretty small town that would be even smaller without the university. You'll definitely have to get out of town to get to the bigger cities occasionally especially if you end up with someone to impress.
I can understand some degradation, but yours is slower than 10mb DSL. Shouldn't happen.
Here's my latest result from AT&T servers in dallas.
Test against that server, not all servers are created equal, nor are all speed test apps.
they used to just post their spots on twitter but I haven't seen them update in a while. https://twitter.com/#!/kogishop
But the best are at 10th and Portland in front of a place called lucky's. Its on the north side of 10th. If you are adventurous their beef tongue tacos are amazing, eating that stuff never bothers me but it might some others.
My home cell service (verizon) also began to worsen at home. It took forever to load a page. I purchased a cell phone signal booster for under $200 and that helped a lot. The link is to the model I purchased but I purchased it two years ago and there are probably more updated ones.
Just starting out so getting designs up slowly!
Just starting out! Get designs up slowly.
It was way worse for minorities for sure, but not because they were leftists. Leftist ideas were actually very popular in Oklahoma during the 20s 30s and 40s. Oklahoma had a huge movement of Agrarian Socialism. And minority votes tended to be more conservative then anyway.
In 1920, Oklahoma voted 45% for Cox and FDR, and 5.3% for the socialist candidate. If the left's vote wasn't split, they wouldn't have given the electoral college votes to Harding.
In 1924 Oklahoma gave their electoral votes to Democrat John Davis, while the labour party got 9% of the votes.
Woody Guthrie was a Socialist and an Oklahoma icon.
I REALLY recommend this book: Agrarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside, 1904–1920
If you do have some significant examples of violence charged by politics rather than racism, I'd be interested to read about it.
What rope saws are you looking at? This one can cut through a solid foot in diameter. Even then they just saw best suited, it'll probably still get through thicker (which I have a hard time imagining for a branch) but just take longer.
If the branch is too high up you could probably set up a ladder to get a bit closer to toss it up, that being said stay safe out there.
Wait for all the meatheads wading aroung with flyrods to spook the fish under the bridges. I have the most luck fishing under the bridges than I do anywhere else due to these guys, using a light spinning setup and a pink or orange trout magnet lure https://www.amazon.com/Trout-Magnet-Original-152-Piece-Kit/dp/B000ZKZD5M also a good pair of rubber boots is handy
If you have a few dollars, buy this four pack of camping lamps: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00NPLSZF8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
VERY bright and small enough to be portable. I hung a few on the bedroom doors. That plus a headlamp (Amazon had a bunch of them....and then all the el cheapos sold out) will be seemingly a great starting point for darkness in your home and you won't need to worry about candles + can take it outside easily.
Well - you're mostly correct because the rapeseed and canola plants are related. But grapeseed oil comes from grape seeds. And the bottle in his pic is grapeseed oil. It's got a high smoke point, which is why I asked if that's why he's using it.
This books has some of the BEST Indian food recipes I've ever experienced.
I love my local Indian restaurant, but I'd honestly rather have food from this book.
It's from a book that's been out for 5 years https://smile.amazon.com/Notorious-RBG-Times-Bader-Ginsburg/dp/0062415832?sa-no-redirect=1 and it's a nickname that's quite common https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=notorious%20rbg
Okay, I’m an old guy who has been tormented by Oklahoma bugs for my whole life. Forget about DEET, there are better products.
For use on your skin try Picaridin
Sawyer Products 20% Picaridin Insect Repellent https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BSBBVZW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_8hRwFbPBBDDT9
And you can treat your clothes with Permethrin (One bottle will treat five outfits, and the treatment lasts through many washings.)
Sawyer Products Premium Permethrin Insect Repellent for Clothing, Gear & Tents https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001ANQVYU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_tai_bkRwFb4CJGA5K
Some would say that funding arts and research, what the kids call edutainment, is top priority...
When asked what was being discussed as an acceptable atonement for the Tulsa Race Massacre, Hannibal Johnson said this yesterday at his Magic City Books zoom event...
"Discussions about reparations need to be broad, which is to say that reparations means, to make amends, to atone, to repair the damage, and there are a number of ways to do that... I think about curriculum reform as my A number one priority for reparations, in other words, For me, if we can reform the curriculum and include this rich history in our textbooks, so that we know that it gets taught, if we can include this history on state mandated exams, giving yet another incentive for it to be taught, then, that is a form of repairing the damage that goes generation to generation to generation, and stands the possibility of making a lasting, meaningful impact in terms of our knowledge of this history, our ability to address this history, and our capacity going forward, to create a vision for the future that involves all of us."
He had a lot of good perspective on the topic of symbols as well. I think it all directly relates here.
There's a book about Mickey called The Last Boy. It's a great read about what made him who he was. I'll warn you though, the last fourth of the book is not happy reading.
I ordered a cheaper set from Newer off of Amazon. Thought I would give those a shot before spending a ton of money lol. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B074V76DWB/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
thanks for your reply. I'm glad you watched. I just started reviewing it (watched a couple of times long ago) and saw the Alex Jones clip at the beginning. I agree that it was a very bad choice to include him (even though his quote is appropriate). In case anyone is interested in looking at this with an open mind, this is a very interesting book -
The Oklahoma City Bombing and the Politics of Terror - David Hoffman - https://www.constitution.org/ocbpt/ocbpt.htm
Llong ago all copies were ordered destroyed by a US Federal judge - in America. now back in print and available at Amazon -https://www.amazon.com/dp/0922915490 (note the reviews)
The DVD of this film is out of print, but the Amazon listing is still up with 150 reviews (note the first review pointing out the error of dismissing the entire film based on a few seconds of Alex Jones)
I have one of those Baofeng amateur radios with the charger. I have the local NWS programmed into it and some of the area emergency management channels, but it's not very useful. Most of the emergency agencies now use encrypted digital radios.
Does anyone have suggestions on good frequencies to scan? I'll admit that I've been lazy and haven't really gone out looking for information.
I use this one and have been very pleased with it. I particularly like that it has an applicator to help reduce mistakes.
I also use Private Internet Access. It slows my connection down but I only use it when downloading Linux ISOs. Just did a speed test. 92.8Mbps download, 425Mbps upload and thats with the VPN on and connecting through Dallas. If I turn the VPN off, the speed is a more normal 500-850Mbps download, 800Mbps upload.
Oh and get a back pack pump sprayer not the little hand pump ones. something simmilar to this https://www.amazon.com/Professional-190328-Backpack-Sprayer-Killing/dp/B000AYHKUO/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1540846698&sr=8-3&keywords=backpack+pump+sprayer i think you can find cheaper around 50bucks at walmart or lowes or something
When you have someone whose core problematic set of cognitions revolve around how they are amazing and better than most people, it's hard to convince that person they need therapy to improve themselves ;)
In terms of most likely therapy, this is a good template - https://www.amazon.com/Cognitive-Therapy-Personality-Disorders-Second/dp/1593854765
I've not seen more than a handful of scorpions in many years. It's not bad like Central Texas. Venomous spiders aren't much of a concern. If you buy a pump sprayer and some Tempo, you can give yourself a good defense against spiders. The stuff is non-toxic to humans and pets after it dries but is lethal to spiders and houseflies. It's a bit pricey, but a little goes a long ways.
I have the same problem. Cox is reconfiguring their channels for the upcoming OneGig deployment which means a 4x4 can't get anymore speed on the Cox network even though it's rated for more. The best modem you can currently buy is the Motorola Arris 6190. It's a 32x8 modem that will supposedly be flash upgradable to DOCSIS 3.1 for 1Gbps support.
I wouldn't call them 'mountains'...more like 'really pretty hills.' If you like being outdoors I'd suggest this book