I recently ordered this microwaveable popcorn maker from Amazon that I really like. It makes great tasting popcorn with or without oil. And is easy to clean in the dishwasher. Lekue Microwave Popcorn Popper/ Popcorn Maker, Red https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00NF9CT0C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_LtU-xb9H30XHZ
The two choices you listed are both good as well. The kettle one is going to be a real pain to clean but tastes more authentic. The stove top one is also good but requires manual work to operate the crank.
2 thoughts:
maple sugar-https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Vermont-Maple-Sugar-Bulk/dp/B00T76KEZO/ref=asc\_df\_B00T76KEZO/
maple popcorn- i googled it https://www.puremaplefromcanada.com/recipes/snacks/maple-popcorn/
This is what I have: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002YOVGJO/
I have used smaller ones in the past but if you overload them it turns into a nightmare. I really like it.
It has 3 switches. Light on, kettle on kettle spinning. Thats all you need.
What /u/ihahp said, butter needs to be clarified as the milk solids contain water which causes sogginess.
You could also go with a topping oil instead?
Like this: https://www.amazon.com/ODells-Popcorn-Supur-Kist-Topping-Non-Trans/dp/B002YLNUL4
Or this: https://www.amazon.com/Snappy-Popcorn-Butter-Burst-gallon/dp/B00AXK9ROC
Why? They are shelf stable at room temp, taste fairly decent and being oil based, stick well and also allow more toppings to stick to them. They are also what's used in movie theater pump dispensers, not actual ghee/butter.
I've used something close to this from Rubbermaids commercial products. There is also lids that fit it on Amazon as well. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BC5EY4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_1GHW25VQC9EFY33RC28T
So movie theaters haven't used butter for a LONG time. They use butter flavored OIL because you don't have to refrigerate oil.
The best way to make movie theater popcorn is to
Cook it over the stove with corn oil. (any oil will do but the popcorn tends to taste like w/e oil you use so corn is my go to. Other oils can be amazing too!)
As for butter, I would imagine this is pretty close (https://www.amazon.com/Buttery-Flavor-Popcorn-Topping-Gallon/dp/B0785827P1/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=movie+theater+butter&qid=1627448354&sr=8-3)
Or you can make some clarified butter, I hear that works well!
You can use the Presto Power Pop with or without oil. It's definitely the best microwave popper I've used. Mine is 20 yrs old at least.
You could try one of those silicone bowls for in the microwave.
Using oil is a choice with these bowls. Most of the time, I don't use oil. And as long as your popcorn is at least somewhat fresh, it does a decent job. About as OK as a bag of popcorn in your microwave would.
Amish Country Popcorn | 6 lb Bag | Mushroom Popcorn Kernels | Old Fashioned with Recipe Guide (Mushroom - 6 lb Bag) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B00M9NDB1Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_BVD0QDNWBH4C7HVHAE8C
This is good but not perfectly shaped. More round than most, but, this is the best one
I would say it absolutely matters. I’ve spent a year or two trying different brands and finally found one I like so much I buy it in a 6 pound bag…
Different brands produce different results and I think it’s a big personal preference thing. Some pop small, some pop big, some have more husks than others. The texture in your mouth certainly plays a role in your overall enjoyment.
Amish Country Popcorn | 6 lb Bag... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00M9NN2BA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I achieve the same result using a whirley pop and a 7 quart plastic tub with sealable lid (amazon link).
Cook popcorn in whirley pop with whichever oil/fat you like. Dump into tub, sprinkle with toppings (powder, or solid, or liquid, or a combination), attach sealable lid, and shake like a madman for 30 seconds. Remove lid and serve.
I recently ordered this sampler at the recommendation of someone on this sub. I'm having fun working my way through it, and can definitely taste the difference between the different types.
Is the issue that it gets moist or dry? If the issue is dryness you might have luck using one of these that are designed to keep brown sugar moist. And if they're too wet maybe those silica gel packets?
I bought this bowl from Amazon and pop mine in there. Works great. I have a 1000w microwave and it takes 3 1/2 minutes to pop 1/4 cup of kernels. I don’t use any oil. https://smile.amazon.com/Nordicware-Microwave-Popcorn-Popper-Cup/dp/B06XCF8WPR
Has anyone tried BB Flavacol? I haven't (yet). https://www.amazon.com/Butter-Flavacol-Seasong-Cartons-Gluten/dp/B002YDKTO8
The thing I've found about regular Flavacol is that you have to be really careful not to overdo it. I find it easy to put way too much on.
I swear by this.
I've had mine for probably 3 years now. I like how evenly it cooks. And I absolutely love how easy it is to clean. No oil needed. Just rinse it under water and that's it.
These days it's not that hard to find ones that don't, especially if you're already shopping healthier oils like avocado. Mine is from a brand called BetterBody Foods and only has one ingredient: Avocado Oil. It specifically says in big bold print on the front "no propellant, no preservatives, no synthetic chemicals". https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08Y6BYWRV/
12 Pack Mini Small Digital Electronic Temperature Humidity Meters Gauge Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer LCD Display Fahrenheit (℉) for Humidors, Greenhouse, Garden, Cellar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MCGDN5C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_77QM9YDEVKR7S9BY17KC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
If I have to pop a large quantity of corn for a party or something I use an air popper and then spray on the olive oil with a Misto (link below) before salting with popcorn salt. Easy, works great, and tastes perfect.
https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008C9UA9W/ https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01F6SVDX8/
here is another option if you want to avoid the stove https://www.amazon.com/Presto-04830-PowerPop-Microwave-Multi-Popper/dp/B00005IBXK
you can add oil or not.
Interesting, it looks like an automatic version of the Whirley Pop that someone else suggested (looks like it might be slightly easier to clean too). Sadly it seems a little rarer/expensive to get in my country, though I did find a rebranded/knockoff version
at the moment I think this seems like my best option, thank you.
there is actually one method i would recommend, get a countertop electric whirlypopper
useful, easier to clean and the top turns into your bowl so you dont lose as much flavor adhering to the bottom
using Canada amazon site for reference
On mine I pour water in there. turn it on and let it boil. I put a tupperwear plastic container under it to catch the pour, and pour it out. Few boil rinses should be good.
Gold metal sells this: https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Medal-2095MC-Popcorn-Cleaner/dp/B000LNR56S I've never tried it or needed to.
The outside I just wipe down with a damp paper towel
I buy bulk as well.. I buy 25Lb at a time and I store what I'm using in a 105oz glass jar (something like this).
Then for the rest of the popcorn, I keep it in the bag it came in and put it in a large food container and make sure the bag is as air tight as it can be.
I have never burnt a pan making popcorn on a stovetop.
My guess is that you are popping at too high of a temperature for the oil you are using. You need an oil with a high smoke point, like coconut oil or safflower oil. I'd use any neutral-flavored oil on the chart on this page that has a smoke point higher than 450F. I recommend ghee (butter with solids removed), coconut oil or safflower oil, or a blend of those oils. Ghee will impart a buttery flavor, doing a mix of ghee and refined coconut oil is what I prefer.
Was it the kind with a spring loaded bar that goes back and forth? Those things suck. I work in professional kitchens and they break all the time. We got this style at home and they are great. Just don't put them in the dishwasher.
I've had the Presto Power Popper for a million years and it works great.
Have you tried Nutiva butter flavored coconut oil? I've tried Golden Barrel but felt it had a smokey flavor I didn't care for. I would love it if Dutchman's was better than Nutiva because I like the carotene in it.
I wonder if they are getting their salt from flavacol—it looks the same. Have you compared the two?
I have always thought returning things to Costco is easy. I would do it for $50-$70.
Is this the one you are looking at? https://www.amazon.com/Great-Northern-Popcorn-Black-Foundation/dp/B002YOOA4C/ref=sr_1_4
I have this one. I think the dimensions are about the same. That little plastic scoop is worthless, not even sure what to use it for...to scoop out popcorn into a measuring cup? I just use a measuring cup. The metal scoop is nice but I wish it had holes to let the kernels fall through. You need a metal scoop though ($10-$20), so if you add that to your total price you might be saving a little more.
Thanks for your through response. Do you have any experience with this Paragon as I was looking at this machine:
Paragon Contempo Pop 4 Ounce Popcorn Machine for Professional Concessionaires Requiring Commercial Quality High Output Popcorn Equipment https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000BH8PCC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_JJA5S8N5PNEDBZHVCCJS
My experience has been that it's a combination of fresh kernels (and the right kind) plus the right amount of oil / fat at the right temperature. I get the best much with mushroom popcorn. There's a few brands that sell "hull-less" popcorn, but honestly I just get the best results from mushroom popcorn.
Some of the Amish style "hull-less" popcorn is pretty good and to me it was worth it to just buy a bunch of samples, and I'm always trying new brands and methods. I've had really good luck with this brand:
Mushroom Popcorn Kernels (5 lb), Gourmet Popcorn, Gluten Free, Vegan, Ideal for Caramel Corn & Popcorn Balls, Eco-Friendly Packaging (Also in 15 lb) https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B07JFPYNT3/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_XB2HKKNY2QVARK71Q9C9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I've using 2 Tbsp of Nutiva Organic Coconut Oil with Butter Flavor with 1/2 tsp of flavacol plus 1/2 cup of popcorn kernals in my popper. Tastes great. Although, I haven't compared it to a couple other butter flavored coconut oils.
Some differences I do that might help with the crunch, leave the popcorn in the entire time but dump it as soon as popping stops. Don't let it steam and start to wilt.
I put in the popcorn, coconut oil and flavacol (buttery salt) at the same time, going into my Whirley-Pop which is already warmed to medium heat. I stir occasionally until it starts popping, then continuously until it finishes popping completely. I immediately dump it from there into a large stainless bowl we use for popcorn serving and I add things from there.
For a blow your mind kind of buttery flavor, I warm up approximately three tablespoons of popcorn topping, and one tablespoon of ghee in the microwave until somewhat hot. That is then poured in small amounts over the popcorn, tossed and repeated until done. If it doesn't taste quite seasoned, I'll also add additional Flavacol during that process.
Note that this is for 1/2 cup of unpopped yellow popcorn, you'll need to play with your amounts a bit. White popcorn would be smaller and you'd need less, etc.
You can also use any of the other butter-flavored popcorn toppings out there.
You need popcorn salt. It's very very fine powdery salt. It sticks to popcorn extremely well and a little goes a long way. Regular salt just falls off and collects at the bottom.
I will hit it with some cooking spray before adding seasoing to make the seasoning stick. I use this stuff. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07GB61V6Z/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o08_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I know this probably isn’t what you’re looking for, but fresh kettle corn is hard to beat.
It’s super tasty when fresh and probably less expensive than the bagged stuff!
To make it like the movie theater, I use Orville Redenbacher popcorn, butter flavored coconut oil and Flavacol. That is all. Experiment on ratios, but I usually only add a couple teaspoons of Flavacol, maybe 1 tablespoons of making a lot and a cover tablespoons of the oil. I put it in together with the kernels and it comes out exactly like the popcorn you get at the theater. Regular coconut oil won't be the same.
I think theaters also use some butter flavored oil if you ask for butter, but I don't get that, so can't comment on what to that is.
You can add your own stuff to make it even better, like clarified butter instead of flavored oil.
I'm in Canada and unfortunately I don't see this on Amazon.com - but it's delicious and works really, really well. With this and Flavacol I don't even bother adding any kind of additional topping. https://www.amazon.ca/Wabash-Valley-Farms-Popping-Ounce/dp/B075PY432K/ref=sr_1_2?crid=PRLWUJRBBPP3&dchild=1&keywords=wabash+valley+farms&qid=1622308192&s=grocery&sprefix=wabash+%2Cgrocery%2C166&sr=1-2
Oh yes the nordic ware brand.....I saw it but I was afraid that the kernels with oil might crack or scar the plastic material with all the vigorous popping. Have you found it to be an issue? How long have you had it? 11 dollars in canada...what the hell...that's so cheap....I paid nearly 30 for my silicone popper. geez
I started doing microwave corn in a mug (with a plate on top) and I found after about 10 times of using the mug, it started forming a hairline crack on the inside.
I bought this silicone popper btw
I can't recommend this enough for microwave popcorn! It's usually about $11 CAD in shops around here.
Flavacol really needs to be in the popping oil for it to to distribute evenly, and i find the taste a bit odd adding afterwards.
That said, a mist of cooking spray should help if you're bent on adding fine salt after cooking!
If you want to melt chocolate to drizzle over stuff or dip pretzels/strawberries/etc in I would also suggest buying these or a variation of them https://www.amazon.com/LaetaFood-Merckens-Chocolate-Melting-Buttons/dp/B07X48FXCY
I know these are not the droids you are looking for, but try ranch dressing powder sprinkled on after popping, such as:
thats why i invested in https://www.amazon.com/6074-Great-Northern-Popcorn-Machine/dp/B00815EQEC/ref=sr_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=popcorn+machine+2.5+oz&qid=1615578164&sr=8-6
the lid opens to let the steam out
This is the one I got, West Bend Stir Crazy 6qt. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00KL8SM92/
They're not the most popular here, but I like the ease of use. It does all the stirring so you can do other things while it's popping. I am still tempted by the stove top Whirly Pop, even though it's all manual, but so far this Stir Crazy is perfect for me.
I have one similar to the Hotpot there, the collapsible silicone one. That's the one I use the most simply because I can just chuck it in the microwave & fill it up to the line with kernels, and voila - popcorn! I also have a Whirly Pop, which is more convenient for coating popcorn with oil & seasonings, but it also requires cleaning, and at the end of the day when my energy is zapped...meh. lol. The Salbree brand is like $15 and has a zillion colors available:
I get a couple dozen pounds of popcorn from FIT-POP online (best popcorn I've ever had) & mostly just use the silicone microwave popcorn most of the year. I've got the timing down perfectly for my microwave & it gets used multiple times a week!
The regular Pour Over Butter still exists:
The Pour Over Cheddar version, however, was discontinued many years ago. Now THAT stuff rocked!
I wish I could tell you which one specifically, but I -can- tell you this is a common one for use. Note that like many of these, it isn't actual butter:
LouAna also makes large 35-lb boxed containers of oils for popping, be it coconut, canola, or a mix.
ODell's is another vendor frequently used: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B002YLNUL4
If you want to amp up your Snappy Butter Burst, substitute about 1/3 of what you usually use on a batch with some melted ghee. It will add both the real butter flavor and a deep decadence-like feeling to the popcorn.
Coconut oil and flavacol.
Make sure to follow the directions in for the amount of flavacol because a little goes a long way.
But generally using coconut oil and flavacol is the best way to get that true movie theater taste.
I was told Cinemark theatres use this:
Ive yet to try it but i will when my current topping runs out
OP, this is a pretty common one:
But I prefer the one /u/Phil_bert linked.
And here's some similar items to what a really large theatre or chain might use. The ones in question are the, "topping," oils.
I have been hunting for one for a while, I came across this stuff a couple weeks ago. If it's not exactly the one they use, I think it tastes pretty similar. I use it for popping oil as well as topping oil. Give it a shot!
I really love cooking in olive oil and a little bit of table salt. Yes I know you said besides salt but normally i make popcorn in coconut oil and flavicol. So it is different.
lots of my friends love sprinking ranch packets or ranch shaker like: https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Valley-Original-Dressing-Seasoning/dp/B01N3CI1XO/r
I can't help you with an all-in-one, but I can with two separate powders you can combine:
Hoosier Hills Farm Cheddar Powder: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0844KH7QL
Sonoran Spice Company Jalapeno Powder: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008EQKMIW
I've used both a lot and they work well for what you're trying to do. Be sure and use something to help bind to the popcorn, like a topping oil/spray, melted ghee, etc. That helps keep the powder ON the popcorn and not loose at the bottom of the bowl afterward.
seems unavailable but my household likes this one:
You can order butter powder as long as you can get delivery from vendors like this: https://www.amazon.com/Hoosier-Hill-Farm-Butter-powder/dp/B00DC5ZKQE
But if you can't do that, perhaps just buy jarred or otherwise ghee or clarified butter. It can be kept at room temp and would allow you to have butter topping or very good flavor in a much easier format than powder.
I've used butter powder when making a proximity of honey butter potato chips (Japanese and Korean craze) as a popcorn flavor. It turned out so so, the butter powder wasn't the issue it's just an odd flavor that only specific people liked.
f you use a topping oil, or if you save a little ghee for the end, your choices on toppings open up, greatly. Toppings need something to stick to.
I agree with you on MSG adding depth. You should try some of this:
A little msg, salt and lots of dehydrated veggie and herbs added makes a very savory blend.
Hey you are asking the right person. You'll probably want something coconut oil based, like this:
But for sure, try ghee if you can. Even if you only add it to something else as a small percentage. It'll taste more buttery that way.
We use Shan Chaat Masala on our popcorn and I love it. It gives the popcorn a really nice spicy flavor. My kids are normally averse to ethnic foods but they love the stuff too.
Here's an Amazon link that shows you what it looks like, but please don't buy it from Amazon. It should be a buck or two at any Indian, Pakistani, or Arab grocery store near you.
I've been eating lots of popcorn for many years, and tried three approaches: 1) Whirley Pop (pan with crank to kernels) https://www.amazon.com/Wabash-Valley-Farms-Stovetop-Popcorn/dp/B00004SU35 Pops ~95% popped kernels, 5% not popped
2) Non-stick high top pan with a lid (like what you're doing) Pops ~100% popped kernels, 0% not popped... if you know what you're doing :)
3) Airpop machine I can't find my exact model, but something like this: https://www.walmart.com/ip/Presto-PopLite-Hot-Air-Popcorn-Popper/5969519 Pops ~95% popped kernels, 5% not popped
As you know, (1) & (2) require oil, but the resulting popcorn is somewhat sticky, so it's easy to add dry seasonings because the seasonings will stick to the popcorn. I like that with a pan, 100% of the kernels pop. It's no fun to pick through the kernels at the bottom of the bowl. I prefer using a pan over the Whirley Pop because specialized kitchen equipment that can be replaced with regular equipment is a waste of $ and space.
(3) is specialized, but it makes the best popcorn in my opinion. The popcorn is lighter and airier and much more pleasant to munch on. The catch is, the popcorn comes out dry, so seasonings don't stick. I like to microwave butter and then mix the butter with the popcorn before adding seasoning. The bonus here is that (real) butter tastes great. Bob's Mill white popcorn kernels are the best tasting kernels for the airpopper (compared to yellow kernels).
The air popper is the fastest and easiest to clean, too. You don't have to clean the oil off a pan, you just dump the unpopped kernels.
Also, I don't like the taste of hot oils like olive or vegetable.
I've used the airpopper happily for the past 3 years.
I've used this app before and I think it's what you're looking for. It is on Android, but I don't know if there's an iOS equivalent.
How do you get the garlic powder and season salt to stick to the popcorn?
Here's my method for microwave popcorn:
Using a microwave popcorn popper dish, like this, add 1/3 cup of kernels. Microwave for 2 minutes. Top with nutritional yeast. I stir in some olive oil to try & get the nutritional yeast to stick to the popcorn, which kind of works, but there has to be a better way.
Here's the one I bought in August 2016. Works great, zero issues. I like the black outside so it always looks clean and has the metal gears instead of the nylon crap. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01DOF8Y78?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf
I bought some of these sprayers and they work great. I put different types of oil in one and the other I use vinegar. Just use it to spray as light and evenly as possible. It helps it stick.
Despite not wanting to use a pan, not wanting to accept that you purchased a $200 machine that does the job of a pan you already own can do, use a pan. It's cheaper, easier to clean, simple to use, doesn't take up space, and fits in your existing cabinet.
Put this in a large sauce pan with lid on the stove on medium:
30g of ghee 5g of popcorn salt / ground kosher salt (mortar / pestle works)
heat it just until the oil starts to sizzle on the edges.
Add 60g of popcorn and crank the heat up to high on your stove. when the first few kernels start popping, gently shake the pan to keep the oil moving and coating all the kernels that pop.
Ghee is clarified butter, butter with the milk solids removed. Milk solids burn at a lower temp than the oil in the butter, which is they are removed for this task. You can buy this in your grocery store or international (Indian) market.
As soon as the popcorn is done popping, get it off the heat and get the lid off. Excess steam exposure will overcook the popped corn and make it tough.
If you feel you must buy some sort of machine, I suggest the WhirleyPop, as it eliminates the need to shake the corn by simply turning a handle.
If that isn't buttery enough for you, movie popcorn fans often like it with Flavacol, the buttery powder placed in coconut or other oils that gives movie theater popcorn its yellow appearance and oddly buttery flavor.
So whats wrong with the stuff you make? Have you tried different oils or anything? I started using https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Medal-Prod-Flavacol-Seasoning/dp/B004W8LT10/ref=sr_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1491135589&sr=8-1&keywords=flavacol&th=1 not too long ago and it makes my popcorn taste just as good or better than movie theater popcorn.
can you be more specific? do you mean like an air popper, or a machine like this one? I've seen these and they don't work very well - a lot of the kernels end up unpopped, it's wasteful, inefficient, cumbersome to fill, and hard to clean. I don't recommend it
I prefer to use my Whirly Pop - very high quality and easy to use. avoid the stainless steel ones as they heat up too slowly, aluminum conducts heat faster so it takes less time to pop.
Dish washer safe, and best tasting popcorn I've ever had at home.
I have one of these guys: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0089XJDIK/ref=twister_B01MQ0LAKG?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
You put popcorn into the bowl, optionally add a little bit of oil, and cook in the microwave like usual.
You can even serve from the bowl itself, and it rinses pretty easily
I grab a jug of Hoosier Hill a while back and have been quite happy with it.