In both Ruby and Python, Source code cannot be synthesised from the internal representation. You can make a bytecode parser for YARV that produces Ruby code, but it won't be the source code, and it will probably be a lot of work. For Ruby, you may want to take a look at this.
Sadly, Python doesn't have an internal representation; CPython has one that is accessible to C modules (and in it you can thus unexec), but not for python programs. Other Python implementations will naturally have other internal representations.
I dream I could find a job offer in smalltalk! Is your job offer in Europe? What smalltalk will you use?
You will find it has its own way of doing things, which is for most people who tried, better than any other language.
You need to take a look at some books to understand what it is about, like and
For me it's just magic, you:
never need stackoverflow when developing in smalltalk. You can use the intern tools to find code examples of what you need.
can change your environment (the ide is moldable).
can create your own dsl with message passing.
write pure oop.
flowlessly debug then implement (tdd comes from smalltalk)
have access to everything going one, it is truly reflexive not only introspective (like java).
much more...
I wouldn't hesitate ;)
thanks, I'll check it out.
It's too bad Pharo doesn't come with useful tools in this regard. Do you know if it comes with something simpler?, like a drawing api like Processing?
Well, we are talking about a system that likely has as many lines of code (about a million) as the average entire modern implementation of Smalltalk.
I take that back: 25 times as many lines of code:
Smalltalk is estimated to be 5 times as productive as C, and there are hundreds, if not thousands, of contributors to Chrome, while at best, only 1/50 (maybe 1/500) that number contribute to Squeak or Pharo.
Your dream is a a tad unrealistic.