BBEdit, you can continue to use the basic features after the trial period is up. It has been around for decades and is built for the Mac, not one of these bloated Electron apps. It doesn't suck.
BBEdit! I've been using it for about the last fifteen years or so - I can't imagine working in anything else.
Assuming you mean BBEdit for Mac.
It's the second hit on google:
TextWrangler is nice, but BBEdit is awesome when you want to get serious (they're from the same company and somewhat similar products). Here's their comparison chart.
Atom is effectively end-of-lifed. It was created by GitHub, before GH was acquired by Microsoft.
While it’s still working today, and as open source can continue to make progress, the tool that Microsoft is putting resources (as in millions of dollars of engineering time) is VS Code.
You might not want everything VS Code has to offer; it’s far more powerful, and complex, than Atom. But it’s moving forward with real velocity, and all Atom can really look forward to is gracefully coasting to a stop.
If you really just want a basic text editor, use the free mode of BareBone’s BBEdit.
BBEdit is ridiculously lightweight^[1] and has a previous version available that supports older OSs as well. Aside from lacking really modern syntax highlighting, it probably covers most of your bases. It's still my favorite grep syntax and diffing tool.
I'd probably lean more towards Sublime Text, however, for cross-platform use and a more modern editor.
^[1] ... for a graphical interface. Yes, we know. We get it. You use vim.
I tried that, and used it for a while, but something changed about six months to a year ago with that. The free version is still noted as having the same feature set as TextWrangler, but they hobbled it somehow, and it lost some of its abilities, but I'll be damned if I remember what.
Looking at the comparison chart; I'm not seeing anything. Maybe I was drunk.
Oh man...memory lane.
I got my first job writing web pages in 1995. I was an "online communication technician" for IUPUI. My job was to put the IndyUNIX user's manual online. Tables had recently been introduced to HTML, and I harnessed their awesome power to replicate the multi-column format that the print version of the manual employed. Bleeding-edge technology, for sure.
If I recall correctly, I was provided with the manual in Word or similar format. I'm not sure what I was using as a text editor back then...actually, probably BBEdit, which I still use now and then. I started on the first page and wrapped everything in HTML by hand. It took all summer.
One of the coolest aspects of the job is that I was putting a University's UNIX manual online, so I basically read the entire thing a couple of times over by the time I was done. Good knowledge to pick up as a 14 year old.
Web development was not overwhelming back then. In fact, it was a hell of a lot easier. There weren't many HTML tags. JavaScript and CSS didn't exist. You could literally learn all of HTML in a day. The project was very straightforward. Progress was easy to see and measure. Hell, I wish my job was anything like that today.
No. You see, I actually can't code . . . -_-
The best I can do is fix and compile other people's code . . .
Making a hosts file doesn't require any actual coding knowledge.
I only needed some basic scripting to make the deb files work.
I'm a Beta Tester though.
I helped with EventonStart, and now I'm helping with Beep Beep and NotificationsApp:
Also, FYI, I wrote Minimal Hosts entirely in BBEdit, because it doesn't suck . . . :P
> line numbers, smart indents, and syntax highlighting
I've got that in TextWrangler. I think what I really want is just some of the features of BBEdit, which is basically the full (paid) version of TextWrangler. Little things like multiple clipboards and highlighting every instance of a keyword would be handy.
Hmm, a couple of ideas that might work...
Markdown supports inline HTML, and I suppose you could work from a template, or use something like TextExpander to include the header in this way, but then you'd have to look at it among the rest of your markdown text.
I also see BBEdit has a feature called Text Factories that might be able to get the header info into the file, but I'm not too sure as I'm more of a TextMate user myself.
use bbedit if you have a mac
use notepad++ if you have a pc
both programs have powerful search features