It might be easier with a "programming-focused" text editor, like one of these. They offer syntax highlighting for most languages (inclusing Fortran) and you can often call the compiler from within the editor.
In fact, the portable version of Geany looks like it might suit you well (it is Fortran-aware and can call your compiler).
I am not sure that kind=-1 has ever been a part of the language. The gnu documentation (link below) for the kind statement does a good job of describing the acceptable values.
You can use Termux on android, it's a linux style CLI. Then you can add the its pointless repository so you can install gfortran
See the Suggested Links on the right side. For a book have a look at Metcalf, Cohen, Reid: Modern Fortran explained. It can serve as a reference but also has examples and tasks. Maybe this Linklist is also helpful:
You can use usually some nested intrinsics and array slicing operations. For example, I'm removing the inner-most loop here:
do iiii=1,a do iii=1,a do ii=1,a C = C - sum(A(1:a,ii,iii,iiii)*B(1:a)*B(ii)*B(iii)*B(iiii)) end do end do end do
I'm having trouble visualizing what exactly this tensor product is, but you can likely reduce A down to something 2D and do away with the loops. You could also create MASKs for each of the B indices and use multiple SUM calls with the masks.
I am using CCTools with the Fortran Addon to run Fortran Code on my LG G3. It seems to function pretty well but I just run a very small and simple program with it. So I don't know if more complex code would perform as it should.
This will work for a string of only ASCII characters. And I think it will fail on spaces. It's generally safer to match a particular character (e.g. 'A'). I actually included my submission in another comment and I find it works well.
You can do this by reading in each line all at once, then parsing that string to see if it needs to have the next line attached to it. To read an entire line at a time check out this function taken from stackoverflow
function ReadLine(aunit, InLine, trimmed) result(OK) integer, intent(IN) :: aunit character(LEN=:), allocatable, optional :: InLine logical, intent(in), optional :: trimmed integer, parameter :: line_buf_len= 1024*4 character(LEN=line_buf_len) :: InS logical :: OK, set integer status, size
OK = .false. set = .true. do read (aunit,'(a)',advance='NO',iostat=status, size=size) InS OK = .not. IS_IOSTAT_END(status) if (.not. OK) return if (present(InLine)) then if (set) then InLine = InS(1:size) set=.false. else InLine = InLine // InS(1:size) end if end if if (IS_IOSTAT_EOR(status)) exit end do if (present(trimmed) .and. present(InLine)) then if (trimmed) InLine = trim(adjustl(InLine)) end if end function ReadLine
Could you talk me through the process, I've downloaded it and MS visual studio but i'm pretty darn lost.
All i'm looking for is an offline version of:
One option is MinGW for Fortran which is a port of GNU Fortran to the Windows platform.
This link show to setup that package on Windows.
For gfortran there are a number of compiler flags that can help track down bugs such as -fcheck=bounds
will tell you if you ever go outside of your array bounds. You can find more here. Another tool that can be useful, although I don't have a lot of experience with it, is Valgrind which can be used to tell you about your programs memory use. For instance, it can be used to tell you if you are using any uninitialized variables in your programs.
Intel give a 30 day free evaluation license which might be sufficient for you. Otherwise 64 bit windows is a bit tricky... you could try mingw-64 binaries from here
Although if it is a standalone binary and doesn't use many GB of RAM, 32 bit gfortran should work fine on 64 bit windows.
Check out Geany. That is the IDE I used to use when I worked on multiple OSes, so that my workflow is the same on all of them.
p.s. Don't mind all the down-votes and hate you're getting for saying that you do not want to know the details of how it works underneath. If it doesn't affect you, it is perfectly fine to not know.
p.p.s. But of course, if in the future you have to perform more complex linking, you should be ready to figure that out.
C++ is very useful for science and engineering projects, especially those that become large and involve a lot of components that do more than just number crunching. But the learning curve can be steep; I personally learned from an early version of Stan Lippman's C++ Primer.
Fortran is made for a narrow domain: math-intensive computation involving lots of arrays. C++ is very general, with fewer convenience features targeted specifically for math. C++ exposes the hardware, whereas Fortran tries to hide the gory details and just do array computations.
this one is a good book to start with.
Indeed! you had only scratched the Fortran surface, there are a lot of history. As other had advised you, don't waste time with versions before f2003. you need to know that ther are 2 kind of versions, the main as 77, 90, 2003, where the improvments are the main goal, and the complementary or advanced as 95, 2008, 2018...
Also the mixed language. You can always produce modules, subroutines, GUI's in fortran, c, c++, Tcl-Tk, etc, and LINK their *.o with Ld, (in this case of GNU C compiler) to produce your program. It's tricky, but you can do it.
Python has a lot of visual parts, but Fortran had a lot of programs to do graphics, as Dislin, Gnuplot,
Dont waste your time Objectiving everything, OO is good for Java, or C++, even Fortran (since 2003) has facilities to work with, but no thanks, it isn't worth it.
as others had advised you, not only study the fortran code, but follow the Frotran main stars, like Schivers, Chapman, Goldberg, Metcalf, Allan, Reid, etc.
Not sure if you already solved this but I got bored and wrote a solution. I kept track of lower-case and upper-case letters separately. If you want to make this case insensitive, I recommend using the "to_lower" function from here. I've used it in other code and it works well. Hope this helps!
MPI_Send: blocking send, it may use one of the modes
MPI_Send usually will pick Ssend or Bsend depending on the datasize to be sent.
These are blocking and only return once the data has been sent off.
MPI_Isend: non-blocking send, returns immediately (hence the I). You get a request handle and need to wait on the communication operation to complete at some point. Again the different modes may be used in combination with the nonblocking (so you get MPI_Ibsend, MPI_Issend and MPI_Irsend).
Have look into the standard, it generally explains it fairly well.
I have a week. I have been in constant communication with the chair of this department regarding the professor. He has over a decade of bad remarks from students. As you can see, this is a reoccuring problem for many students. I was told by the chair of the department that some course of action would be taken, well now its 1 week before finals and nothing has been done and I am stuck between a rock and a hard place. He is the only professor that teaches this class, there are 0 tutors that know this at my university and I do not know anyone who knows Fortran well enough and has the time to devote to be able to help me. ( Stepdad has been a programmer for 35 years but he works from 4am-730pm everyday, and I live over an hour away so I can barely use him as a resource)>
Install Homebrew from After installing the above you should have the brew command available in your Terminal. Use:
brew install gcc
after this you should have latest GCC and gfortran installed on your Mac. Happy coding.
Easiest way is probably to use Homebrew. I just tried this out, and got their example working in a matter of minutes. Here's what I did (I have also installed my gcc using Homebrew, although I doubt it makes a difference):
Installed xquartz (because when I first tried installing pgplot, it told me to) and then pgplot:
brew cask install xquartz brew install pgplot
I copied and pasted the Fortran 77 example from the above page to a new file, which I called test.f, and compiled it with (notice how I link to pgplot with the -l flag)
fortran test.f90 -lpgplot
Ran the code and followed on-screen instructions to produce a PNG file, which looked ok.
> I'm not super tech savy (I just program) so simple steps really help me!
This link has shows the four steps to installing MinGW (which includes the gfortran compiler) on Windows:
Doesn't it make sense to optimize your code with the optimizer turned on? It may also be beneficial to look at a simplified version's assembler output. For C++, Compiler Explorer is very popular for this reason.
> line numbers, smart indents, and syntax highlighting
I've got that in TextWrangler. I think what I really want is just some of the features of BBEdit, which is basically the full (paid) version of TextWrangler. Little things like multiple clipboards and highlighting every instance of a keyword would be handy.
Most projects I've seen use GNU autotools:
More infrequently I see people using CMake:
I briefly used autotools a few years ago to set up the project I've been working on for a while and I remember it being fairly easy to setup.
Maybe the easiest way would be to run Linux in a "virtual machine" (it is actually a chroot), using this:
The tablet has to be rooted tough.