I like Geany because:
That last point deserves elaboration. I configured a hot key in Geany to run pylint3 on my current python file, capture the output in Geany's message window, and step through each line that was flagged with an error/warning. The experience is like stepping through compiler errors in an IDE, but more flexible because I decide what tool does the checking and what checks it performs. I have another hot key to pipe my currently-selected text into the unix sort command, and replace the original text with the sorted output. Similar for tools like xmllint, jq, etc.
I use meld for visual diff and merge.
I usually have one or more terminal windows open for git and ipython3.
In a past life, I used heavier tools like Visual Studio, SlickEdit, and Eclipse, but I eventually realized that their use of my system resources and/or money was pretty wasteful considering that I didn't use their fancier features.
I like Geany. Technically it's a text editor I guess but it has lots of IDE-like components, like auto-completion or whatever else, although I hardly use them. It just organizes code nicely, is light-weight and FOSS.
Try Geany, my go to for gui editors, even when editing plain text, because it's lightweight and feature-full.
Also, Vim is a useful tool to learn, even without extensions it is very capable, for example you can select and replace specific text block in more than one line pretty quickly using visual mode(ctrl+v, select specific text block in multiple lines, press c, write the text you want, it will replace it for all the lines for you)
For the looks my .vimrc is very minimal and looks nice(i use it with solarized light colourset), You might want to try that:
set number set wildmenu syntax enable highlight LineNr cterm=reverse ctermfg=4
You should try Geany. It is a lightweight IDE and it has support for various plugins. I also quite like the UI and it runs super smooth on proot environment.
To install it on debian based distros, just run apt install geany
and to install its plugins run apt install geany-plugins
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux, Mac, and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
Check out Geany. That is the IDE I used to use when I worked on multiple OSes, so that my workflow is the same on all of them.
p.s. Don't mind all the down-votes and hate you're getting for saying that you do not want to know the details of how it works underneath. If it doesn't affect you, it is perfectly fine to not know.
p.p.s. But of course, if in the future you have to perform more complex linking, you should be ready to figure that out.
>E vreun plugin de Notepad++ care să-l facă să afișeze text formatat în varianta "finală", rich text, html, etc.? Adică să-l facă să funcționeze ca un editor uiziuig.
Adica sa-ti arate cum se randeaza pagina ca si cum ar fi un browser?
>A doua întrebare: pot să instalez funcții de dicționar/proofing/autocorrect? Pentru limbi de ființă umană, nu de programator soroșist.
Exista spell checkere.
Geany is a nice free IDE that can work with all the languages you listed. It's a nice, lightweight little IDE that can handle a variety of filetypes, and is quite lean (full list is here). I like Geany 'cause it doesn't inundate me with fancy widgets and starts up practically instantly. Of course ymmv, depending on how you like your IDEs.
Check it out to see if you like it, there's no reason not to since it's free. :D I'm guessing you are on Windows so you'll want to follow these instructions. I'm a Linux user so it was a teensy bit simpler to get it and my compiler set up, thanks apt
. XD
If some package isn't in the official repositories, it's likely because that package simply isn't popular enough to warrant maintaining. Often, that lack of popularity is a result of the relative merits of the available options.
A project can be compiled from the command line and any messages get output there. Just change to the project directory and run:
make NameOfProject
I use geany as an IDE which can be configured to run that command and show the output, I'm guessing QT creator can do the same.
When using the compile button in UE editor, any messages show up in the message log. I find it useful to start the editor from the command line, lots of useful info shows up there including compile messages. example
I use i3. I installed geany and a dark theme for it, it looks quite nice. One question: After changing to the Dark theme, only the text editing area is changed. Where should I look at if I want to change the whole application UI to use dark theme like this? I guess it is something controlled by i3 rather than geany?
In Debian, I like Geany (https://www.geany.org/). On the ChromeOS side, there is a Chrome app called Text that is made by Google and pretty good, although it is not nearly as feature rich as VS code. It’s actually pretty bare bones come to think of it.
Recuerdos de Vietnam
>Todavía dan Pascal en primer año? Hicieron algún sacrificio a Niklaus Wirth o algo?
Es insólito, se puede estar desactualizado pero tampoco para tanto
Además si querés algo simple para empezar para eso enseñá Python que además de fácil para arrancar es útil
You want Geany. I discovered it when it was the default GUI text editor on Puppy Linux 10+ years ago, and it's been my main one ever since. It actually has some IDE-like features, but still starts up super quickly and uses very few resources.
Edited to add that I'm pretty sure there's a Debian package, so installing it should be trivial.
> I never found anything equal that's native. (It's FOSS.)
I missed Notepad++ initially too, but as a casual user I found Geany very pleasant to use after changing the default font and installing a more pleasing theme https://www.geany.org/download/themes/
One feature I really like is being able to select rows with Ctrl + Shift (not a standard feature in text editors, it seems, for reasons I don't know).
I know you're gonna hate it but the wiki and the manual.
You can also try googling your problem but prefix with
Something like "stackoverflow Geany cannot find class in same folder"
You might want to try Geany (https://www.geany.org/) as an alternative for Notepad++. While it lacks some features (e.g. keeping unsaved documents after closing program), but overall is very small and has loads of features. Sublime Text is a great alternative if you can spare some cash for a licence (or just use it with constant nagging to purchase).
Blurry fonts: have you tried changing Hinting and Antialiasing options in GNOME Tweaks? Some programs are using fontconfig, so you might need to configure it too (https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Font_configuration#Fontconfig_configuration). Although I still have problems with fonts in QT programs running on GNOME.
Well, when I was first introduced to Linux (Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi) I installed an IDE called Geany. I liked it because it could do Python and a range of other langauges including C/C++, Java and many more. Here's the supported filetype list:
When I first used Ubuntu I once again used this IDE and it still worked nicely for me. I am uncertain if this is a good or bad recommendation because I am not sure what others think of the IDE, but from a personal standpoint I like it.
You were told to build or to use?
If it’s the de facto tool for a class, I’ll just probably download the installer from their release page (https://www.geany.org/download/releases/).
I’m afraid I can’t help with building it for many reasons, for starter, I don’t use Windows.
Looks like geany doesn't have autocomplete from say a library, but rather just from whatever you've previously typed on that page.
See Documentation: https://www.geany.org/manual/current/#autocompletion
> Geany can offer a list of possible completions for symbols defined in the tags files and for all words in open documents.
> Excellent. How did you get that transcription from Youtube? I know it can be done but it's choppy with no punctuation.
Download subtitles with downsub, convert to text with subtitletools and clean-up with geany using 'join lines' + 'reflow lines'.
Generally speaking I use Geany or IDLE.
Geany was based on Notepad++/Scintilla if im not mistaken. It's similar enough to that as I use it from Windows that's my goto on Linux. Extremely lightweight, customizable to a degree. It isnt as bells-and-whistled out as the heavier Visual Studio or Eclipse as a result.
Just think of it as a beefed up text editor
> write code as in, how is writing code different from windows?
Ideally, in a perfect world, OS wouldn't matter and all code would be perfectly portable. However, in our very imperfect world, there are a lot of differences in tools, supported libraries, bugs, etc.
Imagine setting up a domino track in your back yard, carefully working around all the little hills and plants etc. In your garden it works. And now imagine that your entire domino track is magically teleported to your neighbours yard. Everything breaks. That's how software and OSes sometimes feel.
> do you mean directly coding on the terminal? without an IDE?
Maybe, a bit. I work over ssh sometimes and it's quicker to work from the terminal than with a GUI. But in general, there will be IDE-like tools to use in every environment including Linux. I tend to use Geany.
You can create filetype highlighting in Geany. It will probably easiest to start with an existing filetype that is similar to the language you are using.
Geany is a very lightweight but decent text editor that supports many file types such as HTML and CSS.
It's cross platform and written in C/C++ so it runs blazing fast.
It also supports many plugins should you need them.
> where do I get the C programming language so I can start typing? Free, one too.
What you're looking for is called an IDE (Integrated Developer Environment).
If you're still looking for one, I'm using Geany as my IDE for learning to program in C.
It works well in Linux, but I have no idea how well the Windows version works. It's free and supports a huge number of languages, so it's worth a try.
I also downloaded a couple of C/C++ IDEs onto my phone from the Google Play store just for fun. I don't actually intend to use them, just typing out a couple of simple programs to try them out was a major pain in the butt, but it's nice to know they're there.
> Geany
There's a flag you can set so .
matches newlines:
>If the G_REGEX_DOTALL flag is set, dots match newlines as well.
IDE is the word you're looking for. A compiler is a thing that takes one language and reduces it to some other language (usually byte code of some description).
That said if pycharm and the like are too heavy-weight for you, there are a few options:
Personally, I spend enough time writing python that I have Pycharm exactly how I want it.
I used to use Geany when I started programming PHP at home and loved it, it was simple and got the job done.
When I started work in my first programming job the handed me a mac and that's when I found out that it really didn't work well on OSX, so for a few months I was hopping around editors trying to find one I liked that was cross platform (Windows, OSX, and Linux) and consistently didn't like them for one reason or another.
My coworker used vim so I figured I'd give it a try, I'd heard really good things and it was crossplatform. I stuck with it past the initial bump and was happy enough, but after about 3 months it clicked that editing was way more than just moving the cursor around and putting in text so I started using macros more heavily. Ever since then I can't use another editor that isn't imitating vim!
It's been 7 years now and I have zero desire to change to another editor.
Al your requirements are met by Geany -- GUI-based, syntax highlighting for various computer languages, spell checker, auto-save, open-source, multiple document interface, lightweight, and many more.
I have no association with this project, I just think they've done a terrific job.
It turns out that Geany is installed by default on a lot of distributions.
> ... loading a simple ~70mb text file isn't instantaneous with Pluma. WTF?
Wait, what? A 70 MB text file? Tolstoy's "War and Peace", a famously long novel, over 500,000 words, requires 3.2 MB in plain-text (UTF-8). Calling a 70MB text file "simple" begs the meaning of the word.
Can I diplomatically ask what text file needs to be 70 MB in length, that cannot be broken up into logical subsections?
Addressing the RAM issue as it haven't been really addressed yet: if you go with a very lightweight Linux distro and use a lightweight text editor instead of a full blown IDE like Android Studio and Eclipse, you should be able to get away with it.
I made an app a couple years ago using only Geany and command-line Gradle. If you want to go even smaller you can even use vim for text editing. Just had to edit all of those layout XML files by hand, which I preferred anyway and it worked pretty well. A bunch of shell aliases to upload and run on a device with ADB and good to go.
In the end, it's still just a bunch of text files and assets that a compiler/linker processes and assembles together. The IDE just makes all of those things easier and nicer for you.
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux, Mac, and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux, Mac, and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux mac and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux mac and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for Linux mac and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
I honestly find that most IDE's are bloated with simple options often difficult to dig out of their gui hierarchy
If you're comfortable with Makefiles (and you can make them much simpler than some do!) then look for a text editor with just a little more....
I quite like geany, it gives intelliguess functionality ("predictive text") and also will list functions and variables in the side bar which can be very useful for rapid navigation of code.
while it does have an integrated terminal I prefer to alt-tab to a separate terminal to maximize the size of the code window.
available for linux mac and other more difficult to use OS's https://www.geany.org/
It's nice to learn both ways, for sure. Sometimes I do use Netbeans and IntelliJ, but more often than not, for small programs when I'm learning, I use the Geany "mini IDE." You click one button to compile, another to run your program. It's super lightweight (as opposed to a "heavy" IDE) and super fast. The only problem is that Geany won't format your code for you like a big IDE. But for small programs, this is really not a deal-breaker.
Every once in awhile, I write the program in Vim or some other editor and then use `javac` on the command line, and then `java` to run the program, so it's nice to have that option.
No problem. I truly feel that this is one of the best (if not best) available IDEs out there.
It's an extremly lightweight (12.8 mb on Linux, 14 mb on Windows) yet extremely feature rich text editor and IDE. Has support for plugins to exand it's already massive functionality.
I second /u/GreeneSam. For a short period in my job a few years ago I was forced to develop on a company laptop with 512GB ram. No problems encountered using Geany on Lubuntu.
> Geany is a text editor using the GTK+ toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment. It was developed to provide a small and fast IDE, which has only a few dependencies from other packages. It supports many filetypes and has some nice features. For more details see About.
I've been happy with Geany. Once you understand how you get from source to a built program, you start to understand that you don't need anything other than a text editor and console.
In short, first you write the code into one or more .c files. Then you use a program like gcc
which compiles every .c file into object files. The result of that step are files containing "machine code" corresponding to each source file. But individual files don't necessarily make a program, so after you have all the "machine code" scattered around you have to use a linker to gather them all and precisely fit together to make the final executable. If you're using external libraries, the linker also "links" the executable to those external files which contain additional pre-built "machine code" your program will call.
You need to enable this in options https://www.geany.org/manual/current/index.html#auto-close-quotes-and-brackets
Personally, I prefer using autoclose plugin. It seems more reliable to me and it has some additional nifty features.
I'll offer that you should start learning to code with HTML and CSS. Both of those are very easy to get started with and you'll learn a lot about how code works while getting instant feedback from the changes you make. Once you get a grip on those it's time to move onto Javascript.
When you start working with Javascript your learning a "real" programming language. By that I mean you get user input and do something with it. Click a button and show or hide something, submit some data for your Javascript to process and display it, ect. Javascript runs in a web browser, so you don't need a "web server" to get started working with it. You can put it right in your HTML web page and run it in the browser.
Going that route you'll learn about "variables" and "functions" and processing data. After you have a grip on that it's a lot easier to look at a "server side" scripting languages like Python and Perl and start working with them.
The same can be said for going the opposite route, ie, Python to Javascript, but because Javascript runs in your web browser it's the easiest choice to get started with (in my opinion) and the most appropriate for learning to build "Web Apps".
Oh, and look into getting "Geany" for you Mac. It's a very nice and free "Text Editor" for writing code.
>So, if my version of Geany is using GTK2, does that mean that I can't use geany.css thing?
Not necessarily, you can still use gtk, but you edited the wrong file then. You can try to add widget styles in ~/.gtkrc-2.0
or /gtk-2.0/gtkrc
of your gtk theme instead.
I'm pretty bad with gtk2, but there's this. ~~"GeanyDialog" sounds quite promising?~~
Edit2: I'm quite positive, I found it eventually, go here, starting with line 53!
Visual Studio (if you use Windows) is the gold standard. On Linux, good debugger integration is usually where things fall apart for me, to the point where I've given up and just use vim+make+gdb in a terminal now.
I have not looked too closely at Geany yet, but would like to hear if somebody else has, and what their impressions are.
The 'geany' text editor (open source) is a Programmers Editor. It supports highlighting of program language keywords, and a bunch of other programmer stuff.
geany has provision for plugins for different programming languages. Markdown is one of them.
All you need is a text editor that does plain text... nothing formatted like MS word... and a compiler.
Windows 10 has notepad... maybe even the "edit" command still in CMD...
But I don't believe there is a compiler included by default.
You could probably get what you need if you get the Linux sub system stuff. But if you're installing stuff... that goes against what you're asking.
There are nice FOSS solutions out there. https://www.geany.org but that goes against what you're asking.
You might be able to find a website that emulates basic or something similar that you can run on edge or internet exploder... that would satisfy your desire to program games using only software that comes in a clean install of windows 10... but good luck getting past a simple text based hangman or blackjack game.
> I'm that guy who likes to change for the sake of changing.
> And the reason why I hate Windows is the amount of time wasted that I get with it.
Those two are at odds, don't'cha think?
Anyway, I'd say give the Xfce spin of Fedora a try. And for writing try a full-function text editor like Geany, plus Pandoc. Write early drafts of things in Geany using some flavor of markdown for formatting, then for the final drafts use pandoc
to convert to some heavier file format for polishing the document's styles, e.g., ODT or LaTeX.
I used to use vi, but I found coding without syntax highlighting and without a mouse to be too drab. At the same time, I found Eclipse to be really annoying considering it takes forever to start a new file, edit it, run it ETC. I figured that my best option would be to find a text editor, and voila, my love for Geany was born!