I don't have an opinion on the usability of the first two, but KeePass aggravates me a lot. https://buttercup.pw/ is another open-source password manager that has desktop, browser and Android variants.
Non ricordo di preciso ma mi pare di ricordare di un password manager sviluppato da italiani (romagnoli se non sbaglio). Ma proprio non ricordo il nome, se mi torna in mente.
Intanto ho trovato https://buttercup.pw è Made in Finland.
Give a try Buttercup .
Simple and efficient.
And a about 2FA : https://medium.com/@buttercup_pw/ditch-your-2fa-otp-apps-dc08e531ac8d
Using 1Pass atm since there was an iOS sale for 6months. Figured I'd give it a spin. Currently looking at other alternate options as well.
Has anyone heard/used https://buttercup.pw? Thanks!
I can only recommend a password manager that I used previously. Its name is Buttercup. It uses a 256 bit encryption method, and the program doesn't connect to the internet ever. The passwords are stored in an offline file, with a .bcup extension.
Not connecting to the internet is another reason why you cannot sync it across all your devices, but since its available for all platforms, you can always copy your .bcup file and open it in your other device. May be inconvenient, but still is pretty secure.
Here's the link : https://buttercup.pw/
Buttercup : https://buttercup.pw/
Pour la synchronisation grâce a Dropbox, ownCloud ou Nextcloud (ou autres fournisseurs de stockage supportant WebDAV).