Wie mir grade auffällt ist der Plan mit 6MB doch recht wuchtig,
ein Image Optimizer/Image Compressor wie RIOT wirkt da echte Wunder.
Hier eine 1,5MB Große mit RIOT auf 80% optimierte Version des Wochenplanes als Beispiel: http://i.imgur.com/BBULmkS.jpg
Nichtsdestotrotz freue ich mich sehr das wir überhaut einen haben
This isn't the first "better" JPEG encoder. There are numerous others, mozjpeg being one of the more well known and more effective.
I'd pay no attention to this and instead wait until someone gives some actual bit per pixel + SSIM numbers and compares them to the competition. Something like this.
There are standard, hard metrics for evaluating encoder efficiency and claims like theirs need to be backed up.
Some basic tests have shown that JPEGmini is pretty bad compared to the competition, losing a lot of detail. There's also anecdotal evidence of free tools like RIOT performing better.
JPEGmini is just a slightly above average JPEG encoder packaged with a GUI. From a performance perspective it seems nothing special. The special thing is it's taken tech that wasn't accessible to photographers and packaged it for them.
Download http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/ This program can compress images very very good whilst keeping the best image quality.
And I wouldn't shoot in basic jpeg if you want to edit them later in photoshop. Take the pictures in better quality so you have more data to work with whilst editing. When that's done, use riot to resize and reduce file size in the end.
The program works on either one file at the time or in batch mode.
Don't automatically panic. I would do the following:
I think you will find just doing those few things will significantly increase your score.
Also speak to your web company, and ask them to try to increase your score on web.dev. I am sure there are a number of other things they could do to cut out the bloat, but that will involve looking at the plugins etc.
RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool. http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/ It has a batch modus. You open RIOT the normal way for a single file (not batch mode), adjust the settings/options. These settings will be used in the batch mode. Open de batch mode and drag all image files on top of the program. Before you use the batch mode on your precious art work, test the results on some test samples (copies of your art work) as it can't be undone.
baixa um programa chamado RIOT: http://luci.criosweb.ro/riot/
clica, arrasta, salva. 90% menores e mesma resolução.
faz em batch também, e trabalha com JPG, PNG e GIF.
Exemplo: sua imagem https://lootearia.com.br/img/phone.8c477217.png baixou de 62kb para 34kb configurando direitinho.
Se precisar de ajuda me manda PM. Trabalho com webdesing tem 22 anos.
!important is something that people use out of laziness. It will likely cause issues with later development.
Say someone uses it on one style. You need to adjust that style later. After an hour of sweating, swearing, and frustrated emails to other developers, you realize that the reason you can't get anything to work is because of that annoying !important tag.
I believe that it also uses additional resources, but don't quote me on that.
Bottom line is that !important is bad, and if you use it, you should feel bad.
Photoshop can compress things pretty well, when you "save for web and devices".
RIOT is pretty good, especially for free software.
If you google "image compression", a ton of sites will pop up that will compress for you. You upload the images, they compress, and then you download the new files again.
I've been doing web dev for around 2.5 years, and I still am working on improving my structure. But I'm certainly a lot better than I was. You'll improve, and once you start paying attention to it, you will improve rapidly.
I don't know if I'm seeing a cached version, but as now the background image is still this one which is 8.7MB http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0938/0642/t/4/assets/bg-custom.png?513892731150261575
Which is ridiculous for a website.
If you really want to use that image, try to convert it to JPEG, with a lower resolution (maybe around 1920px width - now it's 3264px) and also optimize it. You can do all those three things with one software, Riot, which is pretty good but, beware of the installation (it tries to install Opera and Tune-Up utilities if you don't opt-out).
I tried it for you, with 80% quality, this is the result.
The original background, downloaded on my PC, was actually 13MB. This optimized version is 388 Kb.
You can always tweak the quality to 90-95% but the filesize will be around 500-600 Kb I suppose.
Anyway, congratulations on your first sales!
Resize the pictures outside of Word. After that, you could use a tool like RIOT to make them even smaller. Then put them in the .doc.
Or you could use Fileminimizer (there's a free promotion running). I don't like Fileminimizer, because the quality of the images in the document I tried it on got really bad. But maybe it's something for your case.
RIOT - Radical Image Optimization Tool might be helpful for you. Not only can you resize the dimensions, but you can set a target output size for the resulting image, and it runs in batch mode.
I primarily use it as a GIMP plugin, but it is also a standalone executable (windows only, though). Might be worth a look!
Just a bit of a curve ball to your comment, one of my favourite Image Compressing apps I use it RIOT(Radical Image Optimization Tool). Don't really need to say much, does what it says in the name, has a batch mode which is extremely handy. UI brings you back to early 2000s.
Don't delete the BMPs if you ever want to use them as backgrounds or something, jpgs compression will screw you if you ever want to edit them in any way.
Keep any you want to store as PNGs.
Personally I use ReShade/SweetFX 2.0 which saves the screens as PNGs by default, are you sure GemFX doesn't have an option for that?
Quite nice. Only thing I'd say is that some of the images could use some compression, especially if some of your members don't have brilliant connections. Check out Riot
The site is beautiful.
Two comments:
Random fact: Your site gets an F when using YSlow but that's just rating a very specific set of things.
Random fact 2: You can get your clouds2.png down by 50KB if you use Riot.
I always run my shit through RIOT before I upload to imgur. I appreciate getting great image hosting for free, so I do my part to ensure that it can stay free. I imagine switching a 5mb .png to a significantly smaller .jpg file helps keep imgur running. I'd rather get a big-ass .jpg than no image at all.